The Express employee massacre continues.


Well-Known Member
I think a big part of this is also to take advantage of having a taxpayer-subsidized workforce. Ground drivers usually have zero benefits and by eliminating most Express employees, Raj can save himself some additional money besides wages. WalMart has been doing this forever by paying employees low wages and not offering benefits .After a year of employment Walmart employees can apply for some pretty crappy benefits, meaning the rest of us who DO pay taxes then subsidize the healthcare costs of their workers. Given the revolving door of retail, that's a pretty good deal....for the Walton family.
WalMart is the largest US employer BTW. So, Raj &Friends are going to do them one better, because as far as I know only actual FDX Ground employees are offered benefits, not contracted drivers.
NAILED IT!. Publicly funded social program benefits will be used to assist and support contractor employed individuals not only during the time of their employment but all through their lives from a standpoint of old age public benefits available to low income seniors.
Fat Freddy and Raj's vision of restructuring their company could be better described as "Walmartizing" their company.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Another personal attack. Post as many as you want because I will not apologize for posting an accurate picture of the compensation package that would be available to an Express courier should he consider going to work for a contractor.
And the fact that you do not dispute or deny the pay package I've described serves to reaffirm it's accuracy.
Earlier you described Express couriers and "privileged" and "whiny". So why would you want them anyway?
The more important question....why would any of them want to come work for you?
And given the compensation package and the quality of the daily work experience.....they won't have to look far or wait long to find something better than what you have.
Yes it’s obvious to everyone that you know the compensation offered by all 6000 contractors across the country. You know what they offer now and what they will offer in the future as the volume moves over. We are all better informed by your long winded ramblings that have been repeated an amazing amount of times.

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
Yes it’s obvious to everyone that you know the compensation offered by all 6000 contractors across the country. You know what they offer now and what they will offer in the future as the volume moves over. We are all better informed by your long winded ramblings that have been repeated an amazing amount of times.
Fedex might not even survive the merge. Loss of business and a recession could be the end


Well-Known Member
Yes it’s obvious to everyone that you know the compensation offered by all 6000 contractors across the country. You know what they offer now and what they will offer in the future as the volume moves over. We are all better informed by your long winded ramblings that have been repeated an amazing amount of times.
Once again you did not deny the accuracy of the compensation range I set forth earlier. So instead of drowning in your own embarrassment and self pity work to improve settlements nationwide thereby providing space for better pay and benefits.
Then again Spencer Patton tried to do something along those lines and we saw what happened to him.
Fat Freddy using him to frighten and intimidate contractors....oh, that's right those "independent businessman" (lol) so that they'll never forget just who the REAL independent businessman is who controls the fate of every contractor who works for him.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
It would seem that a lot of Express employees aren't bothering to do just a little research and see that the corporation has boldly made it clear what they're going to do, and that is slash Express jobs in order to shift freight to lower cost Ground. They are combining opcos and slashing jobs, but only a smattering of Express employees seem to believe that. I guess they'll figure it out when their head is lying in the guillotine basket after Raj drops the blade.
Do a search for key phrases from @bacha29 and see how many time ad infinitum ad nauseum that he has posted over and over, then inform him we heard him the first couple of hundred times he posted it.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Fedex might not even survive the merge. Loss of business and a recession could be the end
That doesn’t seem like a likely outcome. I don’t think the largest air cargo company in the world is going out of business anytime soon. It’s not like there are many options for shippers that are comparable even if service drops.

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
That doesn’t seem like a likely outcome. I don’t think the largest air cargo company in the world is going out of business anytime soon. It’s not like there are many options for shippers that are comparable even if service drops.
I’m saying the stock could drop low enough and a company could buy it and run it efficiently. That could happen


Engorged Member
Walmart is delivering their product , our product is our service. We better be on point or people can use another service
I did a bit more research and Walmart offers extremely limited benefits after a year. It isn’t really a true medical/dental plan. My point is that FedEx will be saving a huge amount by eliminating employees who receive benefits now.
I would expect Ground-level poor service across the entire product line.


Well-Known Member
District manager said today we (I) am in a market that this is not going to effect for several more years. And that it’s business as usual. So when I’m closer to 20 yrs in and it’s even harder for me to find a good, that’s when my district will make the cuts and I’ll be screwed. So it’s good news !

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Was he right though? Please fill us in on the wonderful benefits package that ground provides!
What part of “there are 6000 different companies that contract with Ground” do you guys not understand? You’d have to be a stone cold maroon to claim to know what each of them offer in terms of compensation and benefits.


Well-Known Member
What part of “there are 6000 different companies that contract with Ground” do you guys not understand? You’d have to be a stone cold maroon to claim to know what each of them offer in terms of compensation and benefits.
Let’s keep it simple then, what’s your benefits package? Tell the truth now.😂


Well-Known Member
What part of “there are 6000 different companies that contract with Ground” do you guys not understand? You’d have to be a stone cold maroon to claim to know what each of them offer in terms of compensation and benefits.
OK. so put the matter to rest. Simply tell us how much you pay, what it's based on and what you offer in terms of employer funded benefits.
Is it based on the number of bales of cotton they gin in a day, or how many bushels of peanuts they can shell or how many bundles of sugar cane they can cut and tie?


Well-Known Member
District manager said today we (I) am in a market that this is not going to effect for several more years. And that it’s business as usual. So when I’m closer to 20 yrs in and it’s even harder for me to find a good, that’s when my district will make the cuts and I’ll be screwed. So it’s good news !
That would be my thought, you almost have to assume our days are numbered as Express Couriers unless we hear definitively otherwise. They need to flat out say something soon, or everyone should really assume the worse. Hearing, well we should be good for a couple years isnt encouraging to anyone, and that's all I've heard as well.


Well-Known Member
That would be my thought, you almost have to assume our days are numbered as Express Couriers unless we hear definitively otherwise. They need to flat out say something soon, or everyone should really assume the worse. Hearing, well we should be good for a couple years isnt encouraging to anyone, and that's all I've heard as well.
100% agree. Express Couriers days are numbered.