The Express employee massacre continues.


Inordinately Right
NAILED IT!. Publicly funded social program benefits will be used to assist and support contractor employed individuals not only during the time of their employment but all through their lives from a standpoint of old age public benefits available to low income seniors.
Fat Freddy and Raj's vision of restructuring their company could be better described as "Walmartizing" their company.
That's literally the entire Democrat party platform.


Engorged Member
The purge at my station has officially begun. It was announced today that PM pup routes are going to be dissolved and the pups will be done by the AM drivers. Seems somewhat counter productive as one would assume that the AM couriers will be getting more OT having to get more pickups, but we are supposed to get more details on Friday.
The first thing they'd do is eliminate many of the redundancies that exist between Ground and Express.

You may not have noticed, but that's already being done
Yes. Employees are redundancies.


Well-Known Member
Reading the posts here something comes to mind.
Now if you were to survive the Walmartization of FDX what remnants of a company will remain and what form will it take?
Pretty likely to be something completely unfamiliar to those who remain.
Going to work for a contractor?....It's just transitional employment. Something to sustain you until you can find the type of job that's worth committing you life to. Even then I wouldn't recommend it.
By the looks of things quality employment in this part of the economy will become even more scarce.
So where does it leave a person? The signals all seem to be pointing toward leaving it altogether.


Just telling it like it is
Cry about it.


The purge at my station has officially begun. It was announced today that PM pup routes are going to be dissolved and the pups will be done by the AM drivers. Seems somewhat counter productive as one would assume that the AM couriers will be getting more OT having to get more pickups, but we are supposed to get more details on Friday.

What station?


Well-Known Member
So do you think a bunch of elves will apply for ground knowing what the pay and benefits are ? How about I hire you for 6 bucks an hour and a candy bar and work 12 hours a day.
I can write anything on paper , why would anyone stay.
Did we hire Raj for 35,000 a year. That Save money. 2023 Express employees aren’t exactly wealthy , fedex has to actually pay a living wage with meaningful benefits. I don’t think that’s a lot to ask for.
Quit thinking cheap labor , to make everyone rich but the workers
Hate to break it to you but express really hasn’t paid a living wage for a number of years. As far as compensation goes it’s not a lot different than ground. Express does provide some crappy benefits that’s really the only difference these days.

In the market level near me (lowest) express drivers start at something like 16.95 an hour. Almost identical to McDonald’s and other fast food jobs in the area. That’s the type of job it is sadly. Going to ground won’t be a huge change other than having to lug around much bigger packages on average.

It’s a race to the bottom for most companies in the US today. Through years of legislation, union busting (spearheaded by the federal govt in a lot of situations) and outright propaganda on news networks getting stupid people to vote against their best interests year after year, companies have never been in a better position to screw over their labor and the govt will even have their backs while they do it.


Well-Known Member
Hate to break it to you but express really hasn’t paid a living wage for a number of years. As far as compensation goes it’s not a lot different than ground. Express does provide some crappy benefits that’s really the only difference these days.

In the market level near me (lowest) express drivers start at something like 16.95 an hour. Almost identical to McDonald’s and other fast food jobs in the area. That’s the type of job it is sadly. Going to ground won’t be a huge change other than having to lug around much bigger packages on average.

It’s a race to the bottom for most companies in the US today. Through years of legislation, union busting (spearheaded by the federal govt in a lot of situations) and outright propaganda on news networks getting stupid people to vote against their best interests year after year, companies have never been in a better position to screw over their labor and the govt will even have their backs while they do it.
Read post #226. A comparison between Express employment and Ground contractor employment is clearly spelled out.

Union busting began with Reagan in 1981 followed by the nomination of a steady stream of very conservative federal judges to the bench and were confirmed by a Congress loaded with equally conservative members. Many of whom were elected to their seats by blue collar workers. A situation made even worse as a result of state legislation creating right to enslavement legislation.

You are one hundred percent correct when you stated that blue collar America has consistently voted against it's own self interests for the past number of decades. Reestablishing it's rightful position in American domestic policy will be daunting.


Inordinately Right
Union busting began with Reagan in 1981 followed by the nomination of a steady stream of very conservative federal judges to the bench and were confirmed by a Congress loaded with equally conservative members. Many of whom were elected to their seats by blue collar workers. A situation made even worse as a result of state legislation creating right to enslavement legislation.
You're so funny.


Well-Known Member
here's another comment about "the purge has started at our station" and yet provides no proof, no location, no nothing. Classic browncafe
You don't need a giant press release to know Express is being eliminated. The writing has been on the wall since LMO started.
Years ago, I knew this gentleman who worked at a nearby textile plant. I asked him if he was getting ready to move on since textile plants across the country were all shutting their doors and moving to Mexico. It was inevitable that this nearby plant would soon follow, but he refused to believe me. Less than a year later, it was announced the plant was closing. Don't be completely caught off guard like he was.
Also, from a pure financial point of view, it makes sense. Why pay insurance, vacation, sick days...etc to employee drivers when you don't have to?
We haven't gotten a new vehicle at my station in probably 3 years now. There is a reason for that!
What station?
BHMA, Birmingham, AL
Management said they would let us know on Friday what they decide to do. It's still up in the air, but changes will be made.


Well-Known Member
That’s impossible at our station
You are just refusing to accept what is happening. And you keep saying proof what more proof do you need than the CEO saying it? Ask around your area see if any buildings are being built by fedex they are building them in large metro areas as well you just may not know about it yet. In fact our new building was all over the local news for a year saying what a great thing it would for more jobs in the area. But yet express managers knew nothing of the building even they said it was obvious we would be moving but the senior and director wouldn’t even acknowledge the building.

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
You are just refusing to accept what is happening. And you keep saying proof what more proof do you need than the CEO saying it? Ask around your area see if any buildings are being built by fedex they are building them in large metro areas as well you just may not know about it yet. In fact our new building was all over the local news for a year saying what a great thing it would for more jobs in the area. But yet express managers knew nothing of the building even they said it was obvious we would be moving but the senior and director wouldn’t even acknowledge the building.
We do have an outdated , not big enough ground hub that employs not enough workers if that’s what you’re asking. I’m not in denial at all , I know changes are coming , I just think each market will be different.