The Four CoarseWomen of the Apocalypse


Well-Known Member
Big difference between senators disagreeing over policy decision that had huge security implications and members of Congress refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of a president. Joe Wilson was factually correct, but he shouldn't have yelled that at State of the Union.
And you people have the gall to cry out that we on the left are not respecting your president. LMAO. So you tell me. How can anyone have respect for a man holding the highest office in the land behaving in the manner in which Dear Leader behaves? It goes with out saying that we Americans must respect the office of the president......but does he?


Been around the block a few times
And you people have the gall to cry out that we on the left are not respecting your president. LMAO. So you tell me. How can anyone have respect for a man holding the highest office in the land behaving in the manner in which Dear Leader behaves? It goes with out saying that we Americans must respect the office of the president......but does he?

You may not be respect for the man but there must be respect for the office the man holds. No one is perfect and there is not a one politician that is uncorrupted by the political system and yet there must be respect for the offices that they hold. Otherwise chaos ensues and we are nearly there......


Well-Known Member
You may not be respect for the man but there must be respect for the office the man holds. No one is perfect and there is not a one politician that is uncorrupted by the political system and yet there must be respect for the offices that they hold. Otherwise chaos ensues and we are nearly there......
And those who HOLD the office must show RESPECT for the office. I believe that at one time there were some people on the center-left who believed that they could work with, negotiate with and compromise with Trump and he had some good ideas worthy of serious consideration and floor debate. Unfortunately, his unprovoked personal attacks and outrageous behavior cancelled out that belief. If he loses next year it will not be due to policy failures but rather his behavior which will lead centrists independents and mainstream Republicans to believe that he has become too unstable to be holding the nuclear codes .


Well-Known Member
And you people have the gall to cry out that we on the left are not respecting your president. LMAO. So you tell me. How can anyone have respect for a man holding the highest office in the land behaving in the manner in which Dear Leader behaves? It goes with out saying that we Americans must respect the office of the president......but does he?

i'm pretty sure Trumps not losing any sleep over your support or lack thereof.


Well-Known Member
And those who HOLD the office must show RESPECT for the office. I believe that at one time there were some people on the center-left who believed that they could work with, negotiate with and compromise with Trump and he had some good ideas worthy of serious consideration and floor debate. Unfortunately, his unprovoked personal attacks and outrageous behavior cancelled out that belief. If he loses next year it will not be due to policy failures but rather his behavior which will lead centrists independents and mainstream Republicans to believe that he has become too unstable to be holding the nuclear codes .

wishful liberal fantasy

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
some people did something " that is all I need to know. Please explain that to the 911 families. She is a POS.

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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
If he loses next year it will not be due to policy failures but rather his behavior which will lead centrists independents and mainstream Republicans to believe that he has become too unstable to be holding the nuclear codes .

Like this isn’t a huge problem for the Democrats too. And they’re making bad hard left policy proposals to boot.

Democrats need to calm down with their screaming about Trump and start doing things like acknowledging that we do have an illegal immigration problem at the border, doing away with the idea of slavery reparations and saying they don’t support Antifa or late term abortions. Moderates won’t go for it.

El Correcto

god is dead
Like this isn’t a huge problem for the Democrats too. And they’re making bad hard left policy proposals to boot.

Democrats need to calm down with their screaming about Trump and start doing things like acknowledging that we do have an illegal immigration problem at the border, doing away with the idea of slavery reparations and saying they don’t support Antifa or late term abortions. Moderates won’t go for it.
“Democrats would win if they weren’t democrats”

C’mon dude this is getting silly, just vote Trump in 2020z


Well-Known Member
And you people have the gall to cry out that we on the left are not respecting your president. LMAO. So you tell me. How can anyone have respect for a man holding the highest office in the land behaving in the manner in which Dear Leader behaves? It goes with out saying that we Americans must respect the office of the president......but does he?
How's he behaving beyond making comments on Twitter? Your side made up the collusion story. If it had come out that Republicans in the DOJ and FBI had worked behind the scenes to pin treason on Obama you would be screaming bloody murder.