The future of Brown Cafe

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Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
It’s not right when some mods start deleting posts and revoking privileges all Willy nilly without any repercussion or oversight
I only delete if it is against the TOS. profanity, personal attacks, and usually only if it is reported. If it doesnt bother others, I usually let it go. Never on my personal beliefs or feelings.


Well-Known Member
Info and history on this site is invaluable. The times we’re in has shaken media communal communities to the core. The psychological and physical toll of this job cannot be stated enough. A fresh interface and increased monetization is in fair play to maintain effectiveness.
only you can say no to mental abuse. Only you can decide who lives in your head.


Well-Known Member
I was getting ready to take him out


Well-Known Member
Wow, that would be a shame if it didn’t continue, but it’s understandable if it doesn’t. We have to make sure someone from UPS doesn’t buy it to see where all the IP’s are from to try to identify employees.
Brother, trust me in that if any clown from management who knows me and knows the way I do things, and has read my past comments on here over the years would know EXACTLY who I am without needing any extra info to decipher my identity.

I have never once spoken to anybody whether they are in management or the union regarding Brown Cafe where I drive out of. Nor do I have clue who might use it that I know. But I can surely assume some do come on here and probably have read what I say and laugh to themselves in the background. And if they saw someone call BS on me the way some have on here they would for certainly say....."man....if they only knew!!"

Guys on here question how I go about my methods, when I take off, "truck upkeep", but they are all legit. And quite frankly I doubt there are not many in the Brown buggy who do things as I do.....which makes it extremely easy to pinpoint me.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
What I remember is certain members ganging up on new posters and running them off. That is what really killed numbers. Before Cheryl asked for help she had a heavier hand moderating. It got to where she couldn't do it by herself.
To me that was what really changed the forum for the worst. And the constant purposeful necroposting that was rampant for a while. And the constant pointless arguing and repetitive “TTKU” and sarcastic “Hope this helps” jabs got old very quickly. It got harder and harder to filter out the BS from relevant content. It still is. But I don’t want to see the site fail. But won’t lose any sleep if it does. For me it already died years ago. I come here mainly out of habit and for the occasional nostalgia.
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