The Hoffa era is over, and the Teamsters are ready to fight

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Some of them, i’m sure most of the other guys thought I was a bonehead when I started too but I grew up. I can assure you when I started here at 19 going to college I didn’t give a rip about pension or insurance.
And the unions top priority is wage increases since that is how they get their percentage based increases.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Actually I would say the unions top priority is more members hence the 22.4. So what, both sides have their own interests.
Meaning they’re more inclined to increase your wage then worry about your benefits when contract talks come up. They kind of need to be held in check with that.


Well-Known Member
Meaning they’re more inclined to increase your wage then worry about your benefits when contract talks come up. They kind of need to be held in check with that.
When both sides get together they’ll come to an agreement on where the checkpoints at. Then we’ll vote on it.