The National Debt, Do You Worry About It?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Take solace in Tubby's 91 criminal indictments, his incitement of an insurrection sufficient to trigger Section 3 of the 14th amendment and the more than a dozen former top administration officials who say he is unfit for office.
Suddenly the entire judicial system is so corrupted that an ex-president is being railroaded unfairly. It couldn’t be because he broke the law over and over to the extent that prosecutors felt they could convince jurors and that judges felt was justified enough to allow search warrants.

Trump is unfit for office. The criminality along with his confusing Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi and his insane rants on things like wet magnets… Republicans should really pick someone else if they want a chance to win this year. Oh well. You can lead a horse to water….


Inordinately Right
Trump 2024

“Magnets are ineffective when wet”



Well-Known Member
I definitely hear you. My effective tax rate is about 22%. We make America run. Plumbers and electricians and factory workers and nurses, etc probably pay the same or even more as a percentage. My problem is that the people with the generational wealth and high incomes from investment as a combination don’t pay 22%. It’s out of whack. We can do better. We just choose to ignore it or throw up our hands.
But they don't just take a little from the pile as needed. They put their money to work. That's investment that results in jobs. I'd like to have the ease of living life without financial worries. We all would. But trying to take as much as possible from those with wealth to make things more fair won't make my life any better. And is likely to hinder it.

Mario Cuomo pointed out that in New York they kept ratcheting up taxes on the rich. Now so many of the wealthy have left New York that it's hurting their tax base. Their state budget is more than twice what Florida's is yet Florida is where many of these wealthy New Yorkers are moving to.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
America’s national debt is currently $34 trillion and rising. Soon, the US will need to spend more each year paying interest than what it spends on national defense.

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Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Still current. High prices are killing us.

But they don't just take a little from the pile as needed. They put their money to work. That's investment that results in jobs. I'd like to have the ease of living life without financial worries. We all would. But trying to take as much as possible from those with wealth to make things more fair won't make my life any better. And is likely to hinder it.

Mario Cuomo pointed out that in New York they kept ratcheting up taxes on the rich. Now so many of the wealthy have left New York that it's hurting their tax base. Their state budget is more than twice what Florida's is yet Florida is where many of these wealthy New Yorkers are moving to.
The money in banks in the Cayman’s puts Americans to work?


Well-Known Member
The money in banks in the Cayman’s puts Americans to work?
You're assuming that all the wealthy hide their money overseas. If that's true then it wouldn't be taxed anyways.

When a startup takes its company public they do an IPO, an initial public offering, to raise capital. Just one of many ways that capital is invested back into the economy that results in job creation. Tax people too much and they stop investing because what's the point? And that gets you a slow economy with few opportunities.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
You're assuming that all the wealthy hide their money overseas. If that's true then it wouldn't be taxed anyways.

When a startup takes its company public they do an IPO, an initial public offering, to raise capital. Just one of many ways that capital is invested back into the economy that results in job creation. Tax people too much and they stop investing because what's the point? And that gets you a slow economy with few opportunities.
I don’t disagree with your broad points. My point is that there is a middle path that we’re not on. The wealthy have gamed the system in their favor and we’re seeing the results of that in our society.


Well-Known Member
I don’t disagree with your broad points. My point is that there is a middle path that we’re not on. The wealthy have gamed the system in their favor and we’re seeing the results of that in our society.
The wealthy ARE the system. Spreading their money around creates jobs that allows others to buy things UPS delivers. What you're talking about is envy.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
they are all tied to the US dollar monetary policy, so yes anything he does affects them
Biden appointing Pete Buttigieg as transportation secretary helped fuel inflation. The clown take a leave of absence during a major supply chain issue. Biden does nothing.


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