The National Debt, Do You Worry About It?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
in 1984 the real median household income was 160k (adj 2023 dollars)
in 2016 the real median household income was 86k
in 2022 the real median household income is 75k

do you get it yet?
The gains flow up to the richest. But if you look closely at least the gap has narrowed recently.
The gains flow up to the richest. But if you look closely at least the gap has narrowed recently.
>the economy is great!
>the economy is better than expected!
>the economy is doing well despite the challenges!

>the economy is hurting, but that's your fault for living so well!
you are here
>the economy is bad because of white nationalism!
>the economy is terrible, here's why that's a good thing!
>the economy? that sounds like reactionary talk to me, up against the wall kulak!


Well-Known Member
We wouldn’t want that. That would be WAY outside the historic norm for wage growth and would imply a wildly out of control inflationary environment.
Um, this isn't a wildly out of control inflationary environment? I know, I know, inflation has fallen. Meanwhile everything is 20% or more than three years ago and raises haven't kept up.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Not everyone gets a nice union bump up. Those of us on fixed incomes got hammered. Way to go Joe!
Not everyone, but dude, the data is the data. There was pretty strong real wage growth for last year. Your social security checks are also stronger.

Thank god republicans didn’t get their hands on social security on behalf of the ownership class, right? You’d be screwed.

That’s a good thing about Trump, he shut them all down on that.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone, but dude, the data is the data. There was pretty strong real wage growth for last year. Your social security checks are also stronger.

Thank god republicans didn’t get their hands on social security on behalf of the ownership class, right? You’d be screwed.

That’s a good thing about Trump, he shut them all down on that.
You're saying that raises kept up with inflation but then said raises that high wouldn't be good. People are hurting out here.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
You're saying that raises kept up with inflation but then said raises that high wouldn't be good. People are hurting out here.
They haven’t kept up over all three years but they kept up last year on average. That’s what the data is telling us.

I know people are hurting. We should tax the mega wealthy so it’s more in line with sanity and help the poorest.


Just a dog