The ( OFFICIAL ) angry Contract results thread!


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Updated: UPS Contracts Rejected, Union and Company to Return to the Table | Labor Notes

"Taylor’s threat hinged on language in the Teamsters constitution (Article XII, Section 2(d)(2)) that allows negotiators to accept a contract if fewer than half the members vote, unless at least two-thirds vote no.

According to UPS Teamsters United, Taylor claimed in a meeting of local UPS leaders that the union would be required to accept the deal. In reality, the language says the negotiating committee would be required to accept the company’s final offer “or such additional provisions as can be negotiated by it.”

Though awkwardly written, the provision clearly says that bargainers have the option to negotiate better terms.

Federal law does not guarantee members the right to vote on their own union contracts. However, the Teamsters like many other unions have enshrined that right in their constitution, along with rules governing such votes."
You understand now?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
There won’t be a round two is they shove the contract down our throats since the turn out was only 42%...
Not likely.

You understand the ramifications of that for Hoffa and the teamsters union?

Would be the end of the teamsters essentially.

Well-Known Member
Ok I have to know why you were a yes voter. Let me guess you only been here 1yr or less
been here more than 10 years

I voted yes because I didnt feel like anything was lost.

9.5, while still bad, got better than it was previous - this was my main concern at the proposal meeting
insurance and benefeits were increased - my second concern

pt got a decent pay raise but it appears it needs to be greater

22.4 I wasnt sure on, but being that COMBO was in the name, they would not be allowed to be used as normal drivers. Arbitration would settle that quickly


Resident Suit
Not likely.

You understand the ramifications of that for Hoffa and the teamsters union?

Would be the end of the teamsters essentially.


Well-Known Member
It’s not getting pushed through,they have to renegotiate, do a google search, major news outlets are reporting this, there’s no pushing it through at this point.