The ( OFFICIAL ) angry Contract results thread!


Marty Peters kid
I honestly believe we would be in a different position right now if Sean O’Brien was able to stay in the head negotiation seat and see this thing through....Hoffa dropped the :censored2: ball...again!!


Resident Suit
Your best friend doesn’t deal with customers shipping 2000 packages per day
You’re right, he’s the Amazon rep. More like 25,000.

And 2,000 packages a day? Was that supposed to make me tremble? My rinky dink local sort did that in Minnesota and that BD rep covered half the friggin state and North Dakota


Just a turd
Recognize you all as second class swine

Well-Known Member
The inflation rate for the last 3 years were 2.6 2.3 and 2.4 percent. The raises were 2.0. Now I know we make a good money but we freaking kill ourself s for it and they make sure we are dispatched perfectly with little or no down time they know the pace we move at and how long it takes us to leave truck seat walk a driveway and back to truck through the genius computer program . Ups has made thier record 6billion dollar profits basically from working us harder and increasing our sporh. Shouldn’t we get more then a 2% raise or at least better 9.5 language

only 1.5 billion of UPS profit is from Small Package division..

Yet Tyler wanted to give PT a raise that would only eat up....775 million of that.

I get the no position. I really do. But nobody who does our job gets paid close to what we do. Do we do more than them? Of course. But the raise was the last thing I was worried about. Now if we get more, I'll thank you no voters. But I don't think much will change.


UPS Defender
Yeah it’s really hard walking into work at 10, forwarding all the customer complaints to the operations excellence manager, and then being on the tee box by 1:15

Operations excellence is only good at print screening tracking results. Ha.

I drove over 1100 miles this week to help grow our business. Away from my family for three nights. And yeah I can be replaced by a phone center. That’s hilarious.

Don’t forget this company took away my pension too. It’s happening you all. Should have started negotiations way sooner.