The religion of peace strikes again...


Strength through joy

the point of terrorizing Charlie Hedbo was to impose sharia law. Muslims can silence one publication, and they can easily silence their liberal media enablers, but they can’t silence the whole Internet.
Do your part to defend Western Civilization by disseminating pictures Muslims don’t like far and wide, by blog, social media, email, pony express, or whatever means you have.

But where to get the pictures? Easy.




Well-Known Troll
So you wouldn't restrict guns because of constitutional concerns...would you restrict religion?

No. I blame these a-holes. Not their religion (there are millions of peaceful Muslims). Guns should not be restricted. Certain PEOPLE should be prevented from owning guns (convicted felons, mentally challenged people, gang members.....which are covered under group 1 or 2 in my response)


nowhere special
I doubt that those were even "assault rifles" They just look scary.
Those probably really were assault rifles (full auto AK-47 variants) and not the scary things usually wrongly called assault rifles by the media. News reports said and the pictures look like they used AK-47's but I haven't heard any confirmation that they were full auto yet.


golden ticket member
How come we never hear anything from those millions of peaceful muslims ? IMO they are all complicit . Their silence makes them guilty to me. The koran says kill the infidel and so they are happy.


Bad Moon Risen'
How come we never hear anything from those millions of peaceful muslims ? IMO they are all complicit . Their silence makes them guilty to me. The koran says kill the infidel and so they are happy.
A priest molests a young boy. Here nothing from the millions of Catholics. IMO they are all complicit.


nowhere special
I have never heard any Catholic defending a priest child molester. Compare that to the response of Muslims to a terrorist attack and it isn't just silence but even some outright approval.


golden ticket member
A priest molests a young boy. Here nothing from the millions of Catholics. IMO they are all complicit.
The priests are punished....they need no uprising from me. When it's found out they are punished. These terrorists are only punished if we catch them. No one speaks out about their horrible actions....a bunch of cowering things .


nowhere special
Is the pope Catholic? They've defended the indefensible.

The Catholic church has tried to cover up and hide its problems but didn't defend them. I was referring to worshiping Catholics not defending the priests but the Catholic church has a somewhat rotten core, I agree. Even so I never heard the pope praising the actions of pedophile priests.


nowhere special
The head of the Danish branch of ‘Called to Islam, Abu Ubaydillah show its support on Facebook. But not for the victims.
Shortly after the devastating terrorist attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, was the controversial leader of the Islamic organization ‘Called to Islam, Abu Ubaydillah, at the keys.

First he hit a news article up on its profile, which showed that there were several dead during the shooting in France. He supplemented this notice with a happy smiley.

Shortly after he wrote the following on his profile:

“I want to use this posting to denounce all the drawings that Charlie Hebdo has taken out of our beloved prophet, and I feel with all the Muslims around the world who have felt offended by the cartoons,” he writes.

Abu Ubaydillah has been in the media spotlight when he threatened the President of the Danish Syrian Association, Mohammad mahfoud, that he be beheaded because he claimed he was disbelief.


Well-Known Member
Just because you (the BC Besserwisser) never hear about devout Muslims condemning radical Muslims doesn't mean that it isn't happening daily, and loudly.

On the other hand, I have been to Catholic Mass regularly, and have yet to hear a sermon condemning the abuse. The Pope (love the new Pope), yes, in the trenches, not so much.

Radical people do radical things. At least it got the NAACP bomber off the front page, and strengthened the resolve against the radicals.


Well-Known Member
The Catholic church has tried to cover up and hide its problems but didn't defend them. I was referring to worshiping Catholics not defending the priests but the Catholic church has a somewhat rotten core, I agree. Even so I never heard the pope praising the actions of pedophile priests.
Nor have I ever heard a mainstream Muslim defending the radicals actions.

Comparing the radicals to mainstream is like saying every Mormon is a follower of Warren Jeffs.


Well-Known Troll
A priest molests a young boy. Here nothing from the millions of Catholics. IMO they are all complicit.

.....hear. I'm catholic and was an alter server, I was never molested. The priests who did it and those who covered it up were wrong.

It kind of has nothing to do with Muslims killing each other, though


Well-Known Troll
I doubt that those were even "assault rifles" They just look scary.

.....Yeah, all right. Had the cops been armed their family's might not be greiving, and there might be a few dead muslim murders.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda I suppose.

It's "funny" how this and the act in Australia are happening in countries where procuring guns is difficult. How are the criminals getting guns?? I thought tougher gun laws meant less crime......hmm, guess not.

Guns, knives, hatchets, these schmucks use whatever they can get their filthy paws on


Well-Known Member
.....hear. I'm catholic and was an alter server, I was never molested. The priests who did it and those who covered it up were wrong.

It kind of has nothing to do with Muslims killing each other, though
Speak English, so I know your intent.

If you went to Catholic school. you'd know the difference between alter and altar. The rest of your post is gibberish.