The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member
Slow down there cowboy, he never ranted, he expressed an opinion that is held by people all across the country about how to interact with police.

“We’ve had to literally train him, as families have all over this city for decades, in how to take special care in any encounter he has with the police officers who are there to protect him.”
He clarified:
"And with Dante, very early on with my son, we said, look, if a police officer stops you, do everything he tells you to do, don't move suddenly, don't reach for your cell phone, because we knew, sadly, there's a greater chance it might be misinterpreted if it was a young man of color."

Are you upset that he taught his son to do everything the police told him? Or maybe your upset that it's human nature to profile people?
I just don't get it. Teaching your kids to do what the police tell them, not make sudden moves.... this sounds like common sense to me.
He was implying that it was only necessary for a person of color to be that cautious because all cops are racist and looking for any opportunity to use deadly force against them specifically. Fact is, very few cops really have racist views. And the last thing they want to do is live with having hurt or killed someone no matter how much they might have deserved it.
Out here we don't have a high black population. Ours is a Native American population. Just recently had a cop respond to a residence where he was called to remove an unwanted individual. The man had been terrorizing a family with a knife. Children were present. He apparently was related to them, but toxology later showed him intoxicated and high. When the officer arrived, the man declared it a good day to die and charged him with the knife. At five feet, the officer finally opened fire killing him. All this was verified by the family present, but no matter. Would be civil rights activists are already screaming racism.
Sadly, on rare occasion, it really is about racism, but so many have cried wolf it's harder to believe when it should be. And none of it makes it any easier for law enforcement to keep things non violent. And having political figures, hiding inside their safe offices, inferring in any way that cops are inherently racism is criminally unacceptable.


Well-Known Member
Well I thought it was funny! ;)



Well-Known Member
Ironic that in "history" we are told that god would pull the trigger of judgement on such horrible acts yet today god seems to sit silent. And you would think the action of god's voice on earth would stir something from the heavenly abode.

I'll wait for the many apologists to render excuse.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Ironic that in "history" we are told that god would pull the trigger of judgement on such horrible acts yet today god seems to sit silent. And you would think the action of god's voice on earth would stir something from the heavenly abode.

I'll wait for the many apologists to render excuse.
God does't answer to trolls.


Well-Known Member
Does Islam originate from mythological moon worship?

Pre-islamic worship of the goddess seems to be primarily associated with Al'Lat, which simply means 'goddess'. She is a triple goddess or part of a "trinity".

Each aspect of this trinity corresponds to a phase of the moon. In the same way Al'Lat has three names known to the initiate: Al'Uzza, literally 'the strong one' who is the full moon and the mother aspect; then Al'Menat, the waning but wise goddess of fate, prophecy and divination.

Islamic tradition continue to recognize these three but labels them the "daughters of Allah"

From my own historical study, I'm pretty much satisfied much of this has a basis in truth. One might argue this is not true today as one might argue that Christians don't worship the Sun and Jews don't worship Saturn but there is a historical basis that all 3 at some point in their early evolution did in fact worship various celestial bodies as a form of god. And there are still arguments on an esoteric level, as opposed the the generally believed exoteric ideal, that all 3 still do.


Strength through joy
3 Stages of Jihad

Stage 1: Stealth jihad, for when Muslims are vastly outnumbered. That’s when Muslims are for the most part peaceful and pretend to be victims.

Stage 2: Defensive jihad, for when they have the numbers and resources to fight their opposition without resorting to deception and sniveling. Here’s where the trademark terrorism starts. At this stage, critics of Islam are killed.

Stage 3: Offensive jihad, for when Muslims have established a majority. Now all non-Muslims are fair game for violence.

• “The majority of radical individuals began as ‘unremarkable’ — they had ‘unremarkable’ jobs, had lived ‘unremarkable’ lives and had little, if any criminal history.”

• Most terrorist wannabes are reasonably well-educated male Muslims between ages 18 and 35, local residents, second- or third-generation with roots in the Middle East or South Asia, and from middle-class families.

• “The Internet is a driver and enabler for the process of radicalization” — providing information on extremist beliefs to practical advice on constructing weapons

• Recent converts to Islam can be the most radical. “Their need to prove their religious convictions to their companions often makes them the most aggressive.”

• Potential jihadists flock to mosques as their religious beliefs deepen, then withdraw from them when “the individual’s level of extremism surpasses that of the mosque.”

• Once a person is radicalized, an attack can happen very quickly. “While the other phases of radicalization may take place gradually, over two to three years, this jihadization component can be a very rapid process, taking only a few months, or even weeks.”


Staff member
From my own historical study, I'm pretty much satisfied much of this has a basis in truth. One might argue this is not true today as one might argue that Christians don't worship the Sun and Jews don't worship Saturn but there is a historical basis that all 3 at some point in their early evolution did in fact worship various celestial bodies as a form of god. And there are still arguments on an esoteric level, as opposed the the generally believed exoteric ideal, that all 3 still do.
Follow any religion back to the very beginning and you'll find some guy in a cave telling his kids a story about where the sun goes at night.


Staff member
Is this part of your belief system or is there scientific evidence? :devil2:
I'll fix it for ya :wink2::
Follow any religion back to the very beginning and you'll probably find some guy in a cave telling his kids a story about where the sun goes at night.

The major religions are arguably more rooted in philosophy now but back in the day a lot of their power and attraction came from being able to offer explanations for stuff that people wanted answers to like Why does it rain? Why does it get hot/cold?
Having an explanation for the big ball of fire in the sky was a big one.


Well-Known Member
And why does that big ball die at night, traverse the underworld and resurrect the next day?

Or in the case of Dec. 21st thru 24st, why does that big ball die, stay dead for 3 days and then resurrect or be reborn on the 25th?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I have a solution to our MUSLIM problem.
Choose about 10 countries around the world that are majority islamic.
All other countries deport all their muslims to these countries.
Do not allow any muslims to leave those countries or non-muslims to enter those countries.
If any muslim is caught outside those islamic countries, immediate death by decapitation.
If any non-muslim is caught inside a muslim country, immediate death by decapitation.
Sounds fair to me. And maybe, just maybe, the world will avoid WW3.


Well-Known Member
OK but lets not stop there. We can also send all jews and christians back from where they started from too.

When you set a precedence, the unintended consequences can be a bitch!


Well-Known Member
The Crescent Symbol in Mesopotamia
by Jeremy Black & Anthony Green

The recumbent crescent moon occurs as a motif in Mesopotamian art from prehistoric times down to the Neo-Babylonian Period, and at least from the Old Babylonian Period is known from inscriptions to have been a symbol of the moon god Sin (Nanna-Suen). Its Akkadian name was uskaru.

In all periods a common variant placed the emblem on a post, sometimes with elaborate trimmings, when it appears as an independent motif or is held by gods, goddesses, or animal or hybrid figures. Probably it was then considered to have a magically protective power.

From the Old Babylonian Period onwards, and especially from Kassite times, Sin's crescent was often depicted within a disc; sometimes this appears to be a fusion of the crescent and solar disc, as if symbolic of an eclipse.

In Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian art, the upper body of a god, presumably Sin, may appear emerging from the crescent. On at least one Neo-Assyrian cylinder seal we find a winged crescent with centrally placed god, who wears a crescent-headed cap, and smaller inward-facing deities on the ends of the wings, in apparent imitation of the common symbol of the gods on the winged disc.

Gods Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia


Bad Moon Risen'
I have a solution to our MUSLIM problem.
Choose about 10 countries around the world that are majority islamic.
All other countries deport all their muslims to these countries.
Do not allow any muslims to leave those countries or non-muslims to enter those countries.
If any muslim is caught outside those islamic countries, immediate death by decapitation.
If any non-muslim is caught inside a muslim country, immediate death by decapitation.
Sounds fair to me. And maybe, just maybe, the world will avoid WW3.
I have a better solution.
Ban all religion worldwide.
Burn all synagogs, mosques and churches to the ground along with all their holy books.
Decapitate anyone who mentions religion.
In a hundred years or so there would be less to fight over.