The religion of peace strikes again...

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
Religious differences promulgate at your quaint' level' of interpretation have been responsible for the death upon millions and millions over course of human history.Everything is a best guess o just because you've never heard of something doesn't mean it does't exist!


Well-Known Member
Codex Sinaiticus (Greek: Σιναϊτικός Κώδικας, Hebrew: קודקס סינאיטיקוס‎; Shelfmarks and references: London, Brit. Libr., Additional Manuscripts 43725; Gregory-Alandא [Aleph] or 01, [Soden δ 2]) or "Sinai Bible" is one of the four great uncial codices, an ancient, handwritten copy of the Greek Bible.[1] The codex is a celebrated historical treasure.[2]
The codex is an Alexandrian text-type manuscript written in the 4th century in uncial letters on parchment. Current scholarship considers the Codex Sinaiticus to be one of the best Greek texts of the New Testament,[3] along with that of the Codex Vaticanus. Until the discovery by Constantin von Tischendorf of the Sinaiticus text, the Codex Vaticanus was unrivaled.[4]

The Codex Sinaiticus came to the attention of scholars in the 19th century at the Saint Catherine's Monastery, with further material discovered in the 20th and 21st centuries. Although parts of the Codex are scattered across four libraries around the world, most of the manuscript today resides within the British Library.[3][5] Since its discovery, study of the Codex Sinaiticus has proven to be extremely useful to scholars for critical studies of biblical text.

Codex Sinaiticus

Here is an interesting exercise and a teaching moment as it relates to your bible using the very Codex mentioned above as it is now online in complete form. Go and open your bible and read Gospel of Mark Chapter 16 and the Gospel of John Chapter 8 and make note of the story told, the details and even the number of verses.

Now go to Codex Sinaiticus and look up Mark Chapter 16 Notice anything odd in the verse drop down list in the upper left? Notice something missing? Now compare to your modern bible and think of how the original text changes the story.

Now go and do the same with John Chapter 8. Again, anything missing? How does it change things to know that one of the most beautiful and hopeful stories in the NT is not even there in one of the most prized and authoritative manuscripts for the bible itself? And no it's not in Vaticanus either. And neither is Mark 16: 9-20.

Now the question is, where, when and more importantly how did those other verses finally come to get in our modern bibles? And are there more chapters and verses like these 2 just laying in wait to be discovered?

This is your mission if you are brave and open minded enough to accept it! ;)

10 point

Well-Known Member
That may be true but it's not on a literalist level IMO. In other words, it ain't history. More of an esoteric, wait I have an even better word, it's more of an "OCCULTED" thing going on!

Before you wale and gnash teeth, use "etymology" to discover the meaning here. ;)
Your analogy reminds me of the kid that came home muddy and his mom complained about the mud on the carpet and he replied "that's not mud, it's wet dirt!"
I'm glad you added the IMO but you forgot to add one at the end of the post too.
And it's also the opinion of multitudes that have been murdered for a "fake story"?
"Ever learning but never arriving at the truth" and "professing themselves wise they became fools" are written opinions as well.
We'll figure it out when we quit breathing. That, of course, may be poor timing.


Well-Known Member
Your analogy reminds me of the kid that came home muddy and his mom complained about the mud on the carpet and he replied "that's not mud, it's wet dirt!"
I'm glad you added the IMO but you forgot to add one at the end of the post too.
And it's also the opinion of multitudes that have been murdered for a "fake story"?
"Ever learning but never arriving at the truth" and "professing themselves wise they became fools" are written opinions as well.
We'll figure it out when we quit breathing. That, of course, may be poor timing.

Click on the link embedded in the word occulted and then you may at least understand the last sentence. Then again maybe you won't.


Staff member


Staff member
Me too. But were we taught that Israel was a polytheistic culture, shown the improper translations to understand it or were we taught the idea they believed in one god and therefore we were to accept the idea of just one god too?

Seems to me when one learns the dripping polytheism of the Old Testament, the dogmatic literalism flies out the window and things like the creation story, the Flood story and even the fall of man among other things become myth and nothing more. There may well be a lesson in allegory or metaphor but that's not history, it's just a story.
Weird thing is is that I can agree with all of that and still consider myself 100% Christian. Something spiritual transcends the gap between myth and history and anyway, haven't the two always meandered the halls of time anyway locked arm in arm?


Staff member
Codex Sinaiticus

Here is an interesting exercise and a teaching moment as it relates to your bible using the very Codex mentioned above as it is now online in complete form. Go and open your bible and read Gospel of Mark Chapter 16 and the Gospel of John Chapter 8 and make note of the story told, the details and even the number of verses.

Now go to Codex Sinaiticus and look up Mark Chapter 16 Notice anything odd in the verse drop down list in the upper left? Notice something missing? Now compare to your modern bible and think of how the original text changes the story.

Now go and do the same with John Chapter 8. Again, anything missing? How does it change things to know that one of the most beautiful and hopeful stories in the NT is not even there in one of the most prized and authoritative manuscripts for the bible itself? And no it's not in Vaticanus either. And neither is Mark 16: 9-20.

Now the question is, where, when and more importantly how did those other verses finally come to get in our modern bibles? And are there more chapters and verses like these 2 just laying in wait to be discovered?

This is your mission if you are brave and open minded enough to accept it! ;)
I see nothing challenging here. Perhaps one day the Church will accept other writings into it's canon. God has never been restricted by time or place let alone by decisions of men long dead and most certainly not by the bindings of a book.


Staff member
I see nothing challenging here. Perhaps one day the Church will accept other writings into it's canon. God has never been restricted by time or place let alone by decisions of men long dead and most certainly not by the bindings of a book.
He's as limitless as your imagination!


Well-Known Member
Weird thing is is that I can agree with all of that and still consider myself 100% Christian. Something spiritual transcends the gap between myth and history and anyway, haven't the two always meandered the halls of time anyway locked arm in arm?

Weird thing is, I can agree with what you just said also. I even understand how a major theologian like Paul Tillich or New Testament theologian Robert M. Price can call themselves Christian Atheists. On a certain level I consider myself one. Read the Gospel of Thomas from the Nag Hammadi Library and see if it doesn't leave you in many places going WOW! Who were the gnostics? Who were the Essenes? Who were the Marcionites?

Here's the real biggee. Who was Chrestus and who were the Chrestians? Who were the losers as orthodox christianity won in the 4th century CE? Ponder this question, does having won make your position morally and philosophically right? Hmmmmmm!

I can understand how the Buddhists can on the one hand be a religion while on the other be called an atheist. I can also see why the legends are that Jesus in his missing years among other places went to India to study and that Thomas after the death of Jesus went to live and even died in India. I don't have to accept the legends as true or untrue in order to understand the appeal and how the 2 philosophies would be compatible. Krishna and Jesus in many areas are mirror images of one another.

I even understand how one can be an atheist, an agnostic, a spiritialist, a humanist and a mythicist all at the same time. Even at times ponder the idea of deism, pantheism or even panentheism.

I think you of all people here understand that no one is a dictionary perfect "ist" or "ism" of any kind. We as humans are vastly too complex for such boxes. We may fight to the death to stay in a box we think we belong in or we may fight to stay out of a box we think we don't belong in but no single box is ever big enough. And let's make note and remember, I've already said in this thread just a page or so back that I'm not interested in throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Here's a fun one for you to consider sometime. Atheism is nothing more than a default position, an unintended consequence of rigid and absolute monotheism when the believer comes to the reality that his/her lone god is really like all the rest. Once that discovery is made, there is little conclusion left to reach. But here's the kicker, what if our definition of the word god is all wrong in the first place?

Now the rabbit hole is really getting deep! ;)


Well-Known Member
Let's learn a little about CCD (Christian Domestic Discipline) shall we.

There are two primary methods to discipline in the home towards wives, and one necessary means of grace. Following are the methods of discipline:

  1. Rebuke and Lash. This is the harshest discipline a husband should administer, and it should always be done privately and with Godly, Biblical love. Usually, exhortation will have already taken place before this method is used, but there may come situations where this is the first step. The rebuke and lashing should be administered with a calm heart. Talk to your wife, let her know you are serious, and tell her why she is to be disciplined physically.
When administering physical discipline, take caution not to deliver the lashes anywhere but the buttocks. The first attempt at this punishment should only be delivered by hand so you can get an idea of how many lashings are needed. The best position will be for you to sit at the end of a bed or on a chair (with no arms) and have her lay across your lap. She can also bend over a bed with arms tucked under her chest and your left hand on the small of her back. If a strap (belt) is to be implemented watch that each stoke falls directly on the buttocks and not higher. EDITOR'S NOTE: When using the hand, or a small, short implement, such as a switch or small "hairbrush"-type paddle, over-the-knee positioning can work quite well.

A fearful wife may begin crying or pleading and find it difficult to remain still. Reassure her. of your intent and love (yes this will hurt, that is why it is a punishment) then instruct her to be still. Remind her that she is not in control of this discipline. You should continue the lashing through her tears and pleas for you to stop, until you are certain the message was received. This will insure her remorse and therefore stop the undesirable behavior.

A sound lashing is five to ten strokes with your hand, or three to five strokes with a strap; some wives need more. To avoid brusing do not strike the same area in repetition. Gauge your decision to proceed based on your wife's readiness to repent.

How to Discipline your Wife