The religion of peace strikes again...


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Apparently the Swedish people had had enough of the Muslim immigrants that have flocked to Sweden. 3 mosques have burnt to the ground in the last 2 weeks.
It's starting. This will escalate. This will spread.
I mean if the peaceful Swedes are sick of the rapes, the robberies, the massive welfare abuse that the Muslims are causing, how long before other countries follow suit.


Nine Lives
Apparently the Swedish people had had enough of the Muslim immigrants that have flocked to Sweden. 3 mosques have burnt to the ground in the last 2 weeks.
It's starting. This will escalate. This will spread.
I mean if the peaceful Swedes are sick of the rapes, the robberies, the massive welfare abuse that the Muslims are causing, how long before other countries follow suit.
Worked with the Jews!


Nine Lives
That was done by the Germans. This is Europe wide. If that isn't scary, I don't know what is.
Look up "pogrom" and you will find that almost all of Eastern and Western Europe has had violent reactions against Jewish people to try expel them from their countries in the last 125 years
Before that, Europe is replete with extreme violence against people of the Jewish sect or race.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Apparently the Swedish people had had enough of the Muslim immigrants that have flocked to Sweden. 3 mosques have burnt to the ground in the last 2 weeks.
It's starting. This will escalate. This will spread.
I mean if the peaceful Swedes are sick of the rapes, the robberies, the massive welfare abuse that the Muslims are causing, how long before other countries follow suit.

Dont be an idiot.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Look up "pogrom" and you will find that almost all of Eastern and Western Europe has had violent reactions against Jewish people to try expel them from their countries in the last 125 years
Before that, Europe is replete with extreme violence against people of the Jewish sect or race.
Is that why Europe still a a million or so Jews?
I think they have been persecuted in almost every country the have settled in. The difference between the Islamic snd the Jews is that the JEWS never raped, robbed or committed welfare abuse like the muslims do. The Jews also didn't demand that the host countries SUBMIT and convert to Islam or Judyism and make Sharia the law of the land.
The Jews typically eventually became successful Doctors, lawyers and businessmen. Jealousy typically followed them. And jealousy usually leads to persecution.


Well-Known Member
I think they have been persecuted in almost every country the have settled in.

This seems to be a fairly common claim and there may well be some truth there but it raises a thought with me.

Let's put it this way, a work group at UPS is generally speaking getting along pretty well, getting the job done and then a new employee enters the scene. Like every work group in a general sense, this new employee is welcomed in and efforts made to include them as part of the team. Yet, a few in the group start having conflicts with this new employee, just a few at first but for the larger majority no problem. Many of those majority just write it off as a personality thing which happens in life and holds no blame of said new employee. But time moves on and more in the work group start having problems and the divide grows even more. Eventually all the employees and management are at serious odds with the new employee.

Would we at this point blindly blame all the employees and management as being the root of the problem or would we consider looking at the new employee as root cause?

I'll just leave that here and walk away now! ;)


Well-Known Member
All Praise To the Mighty Judy! ;)



Well-Known Member
Back when I lived on the farm and raised hogs, oxytocin was an antibiotic we gave sows after they had a litter of pigs to stave off any infection.

10 point

Well-Known Member
I understand you have the right to free speech but offending people who believe in God, the ability for a personal relationship with God, and they go to church to collectively worship together is redundant and rude.

Are we worth respecting as human beings or is it just your mission in life to degrade Christians and others who have beliefs different than yours?

Ultimately, it's your call but it is offensive to others and I'd hope that it would matter to a "well known member". Maybe?


Well-Known Troll
I understand you have the right to free speech but offending people who believe in God, the ability for a personal relationship with God, and they go to church to collectively worship together is redundant and rude.

Are we worth respecting as human beings or is it just your mission in life to degrade Christians and others who have beliefs different than yours?

Ultimately, it's your call but it is offensive to others and I'd hope that it would matter to a "well known member". Maybe?

That's exactly why I blocked him. I don't make fun of him for not believing, so why should we sit back and take his making fun of us for our beliefs?


Staff member
I understand you have the right to free speech but offending people who believe in God, the ability for a personal relationship with God, and they go to church to collectively worship together is redundant and rude.

Are we worth respecting as human beings or is it just your mission in life to degrade Christians and others who have beliefs different than yours?

Ultimately, it's your call but it is offensive to others and I'd hope that it would matter to a "well known member". Maybe?
I'm a believer but am not the least bit offended by wk. In fact, he's got it fairly right on this. God isn't a "feel good" although being in the company of other believers can feel good. Being a believer in deed as well as by proclamation often does not "feel good". It can be terrifying on any of a multitude of levels. Wk may be mistaken in what he is pointing out--that the feeling is God. It is just as likely that many believers make that same mistake and for them having their faith challenged, even offended, may not be a bad thing at all.