One of the recurring themes on the Right is that Obama is a secret Muslim.
Hey, thats just like the "recurring theme of the Left" that if you against Obama then your a racist., or in the tea party your a racist. 
I get all sorts of crap from my Right-Wing friends that say it consistently.
I bet you get lots of crap from all your "Right-Wing friends"...The Muslim angle is also a cornerstone of the Birther movement, because many of them think that he is also a Muslim. I'm sure you're familiar with the claims about his father, his upbringing, and the rest of it.
Im not...please fill us in.
I know Muslims who won't even touch a package if they know it has alcohol in it, and I also know some "Jack Muslims" who drink beer and wine.
What is a "Jack Muslim"?They run the gamut, just like Christians. There are all sorts of degrees of Islam, and some follow it to the letter, and others do not.