The religion of peace strikes again...


Engorged Member
The only time I really listened to Rush was when he had that gig at ESPN. I was watching the show ( I think it was Monday Night Countdown) when got up on his hind legs and said that the only reason Donovan McNabb had a job was because he was black. The other announcers were so stunned they didn't even really respond, they were just looking at him. It was a serious "WTF??" moment. He was fired the next day.

Rush subscribes to the "Jimmy The Greek" theory, and isn't smart enough to know when to shut that big mouth of his. His racism was the main reason the NFL wouldn't let him buy a team. Smart move on their part. I can see it now, an all-white team called the "Tampa Aryans". They'd be 0 and 16 every year.


Engorged Member
if he is such a racist then why are the guys who work with him on his radio show black ?

Probably blackface. One would assume he added them after the accusations to "prove" he's not a racist. If there are black guys working on his show, they are undoubtedly Uncles named Tom.


Squeaky Wheel
re: Rush & racism:

Responding to a news report that a majority of young Blacks feel alienated from the government, Limbaugh said on Feb. 1, 2007: “Why would that be? The government’s been taking care of them their whole lives."

On Jan. 19, 2007 the talk show host said: “Let me put it to you this way. The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There I said it.”

On June 4, Limbaugh said of President Obama, "He’s angry; he’s going to cut the country down to size. He’s going to make it pay for all the multicultural mistakes that it has made—its mistreatment of minorities. I know exactly what’s going on here.”

Limbaugh admitted to Richard Gehr of Newsday [Oct. 8, 1990] that as a DJ in Pittsburgh during the 1970s, he told a Black caller, “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”

On his defunct TV show, he reacted to Spike Lee urging Black schoolchildren to take off from school to see his film “Malcolm X.” Limbaugh said on Oct. 29, 1992: “Spike, if you’re going to do that, let’s complete the education experience. You should tell them that they should loot the theater, and then blow it up on their way out.”

Reacting to a report of Black students assaulting a White student on a bus, Limbaugh said on Sept. 15: “In Obama’s America, the White kids now get beat up with the Black kids cheering, ‘Right on, right on, right on.’”

Newsday reported on Oct. 8, 1990 that Limbaugh said, “Have you noticed how all newspaper composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”

Limbaugh praised Sen. Strom Thurmond, who ran for president in 1948 on a segregationist platform. On his TV show aired Sept. 1, 1993, Limbaugh said of Thurmond, “He’s not encumbered by being politically correct…If you want to know what America used to be—and a lot of people wish it still were—then you’d listen to Strom Thurmond.”

As is often the case, Limbaugh even sees “reverse racism” where none exists. During the 2006 Democratic primaries in Ohio, he commented on Paul Hackett’s decision to withdraw from the contest for state Senate against state Rep. Sherrod Brown. Limbaugh said, “And don’t forget, Sherrod Brown is Black. There’s a racial component here, too.” What Limbaugh forgot—or did not know—was that Sherrod Brown is White. If there was a racial component, he made it up.
Sherrod Brown:


Engorged Member
re: Rush & racism:

Responding to a news report that a majority of young Blacks feel alienated from the government, Limbaugh said on Feb. 1, 2007: “Why would that be? The government’s been taking care of them their whole lives."

On Jan. 19, 2007 the talk show host said: “Let me put it to you this way. The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There I said it.”

On June 4, Limbaugh said of President Obama, "He’s angry; he’s going to cut the country down to size. He’s going to make it pay for all the multicultural mistakes that it has made—its mistreatment of minorities. I know exactly what’s going on here.”

Limbaugh admitted to Richard Gehr of Newsday [Oct. 8, 1990] that as a DJ in Pittsburgh during the 1970s, he told a Black caller, “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”

On his defunct TV show, he reacted to Spike Lee urging Black schoolchildren to take off from school to see his film “Malcolm X.” Limbaugh said on Oct. 29, 1992: “Spike, if you’re going to do that, let’s complete the education experience. You should tell them that they should loot the theater, and then blow it up on their way out.”

Reacting to a report of Black students assaulting a White student on a bus, Limbaugh said on Sept. 15: “In Obama’s America, the White kids now get beat up with the Black kids cheering, ‘Right on, right on, right on.’”

Newsday reported on Oct. 8, 1990 that Limbaugh said, “Have you noticed how all newspaper composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”

Limbaugh praised Sen. Strom Thurmond, who ran for president in 1948 on a segregationist platform. On his TV show aired Sept. 1, 1993, Limbaugh said of Thurmond, “He’s not encumbered by being politically correct…If you want to know what America used to be—and a lot of people wish it still were—then you’d listen to Strom Thurmond.”

As is often the case, Limbaugh even sees “reverse racism” where none exists. During the 2006 Democratic primaries in Ohio, he commented on Paul Hackett’s decision to withdraw from the contest for state Senate against state Rep. Sherrod Brown. Limbaugh said, “And don’t forget, Sherrod Brown is Black. There’s a racial component here, too.” What Limbaugh forgot—or did not know—was that Sherrod Brown is White. If there was a racial component, he made it up.
Sherrod Brown:


Limbaugh hails from Cape Girardeau, Missouri, a small Mid-South town where he was seemingly raised with Klan values and a distaste for Black people. His hatred of Obama really sounds deeper than just political differences. His "Mmmmm,Mmmmm, Mmmmm" line is probably from the old Aunt Jemimah commercials, but that would be hard to prove. My opinion is that it is a racial dig and that he's an obvious racist.

No wonder the NFL Players Association (70% Black) pitched a fit when they heard he was a potential owner of the Rams.


Strength through joy
my, my what a fine little glee club the two of you make.
according to both of you, Rush is a bigot scum because of his rural upbringing.
I find it shameless that MrFedx has quoted himself as calling many here as stupid dumb bricks because of their views, while in fact it is he who should be looking into a mirror.


Engorged Member
my, my what a fine little glee club the two of you make.
according to both of you, Rush is a bigot scum because of his rural upbringing.
I find it shameless that MrFedx has quoted himself as calling many here as stupid dumb bricks because of their views, while in fact it is he who should be looking into a mirror.

The South isn't exactly known for producing egalitarians. Numerous remarks by Limbaugh indicate that he is a racist. Recently, he mocked the visiting leader of China replete with a "Chinese" accent. Tasteful, and very mature. At least he's an equal opportunity racist. Bricks believe what Limbaugh says...I just listen to him and marvel at how many suckers buy it.


golden ticket member
"...The South isn't exactly known for producing egalitarians. ..."

Clinton is from Arkansas.......last time I looked, that was 'The South'.


Engorged Member
it's good to know that you are a loyal listener to Rush, diddos to you.

It's "dittoes", and I can only listen for about 15 minutes at a time. His inflated ego and endless rants are usually predictable and aimed at Obama when there are lots of other issues out there to discuss. Most of his callers just suck-up to him. He's afraid to let someone on from the other side that could pick him apart with ease.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
So lets review what MrFedex and Hubrat and most Liberals believe:

If your againt Obama your a Racist.

If your Black and your against Obama your a Uncle Tom.

If your from the south your a racist and in a Klan...unless your a Liberal then its OK to be from the south and your not a racist.

If you speak out against Obama your stupid and a racist.

If your a part of the Tea Party then your a racist and stupid.

If you watch FOX news or listen to anyone who is against Obama then your a racist and stupid.

Their is no one that can speak out against the Messiah because they dont know what they are talking about and are all liars.

You can only have an opinion if its a Liberal one.

If a Liberal should happen to watch FOX news or listen to Rush (Which seems like more then Repubs) then its about understanding where all the racist Obama haters get their news.

The only news that is good is Liberal news because they only say good things about the Messiah...and thats a good thing.

To sum it all up, if you are against anything that has to do with Obama then your a stupid, racist, tea party, Republican that watches FOX news.


Engorged Member
So lets review what MrFedex and Hubrat and most Liberals believe:

If your againt Obama your a Racist.

If your Black and your against Obama your a Uncle Tom.

If your from the south your a racist and in a Klan...unless your a Liberal then its OK to be from the south and your not a racist.

If you speak out against Obama your stupid and a racist.

If your a part of the Tea Party then your a racist and stupid.

If you watch FOX news or listen to anyone who is against Obama then your a racist and stupid.

Their is no one that can speak out against the Messiah because they dont know what they are talking about and are all liars.

You can only have an opinion if its a Liberal one.

If a Liberal should happen to watch FOX news or listen to Rush (Which seems like more then Repubs) then its about understanding where all the racist Obama haters get their news.

The only news that is good is Liberal news because they only say good things about the Messiah...and thats a good thing.

To sum it all up, if you are against anything that has to do with Obama then your a stupid, racist, tea party, Republican that watches FOX news.

You got me. He's a Kenyan-born Muslim who was raised by Marxist parents to be the Anti-Christ/Messiah. He was smuggled here at night by a KGB submarine in a plot personally approved by JFK and negotiated by Ted Kennedy. When The USSR failed, the "Messiah Candidate" was shopped-out to the highest bidder, which happened to be a syndicate of Islamic terrorists. They knew that if they could get their man into the White House, that Israel was doomed, and Islam would rule the world. Once capitalism and the Free Market are destroyed, we'll become a Muslim Nation, fulfilling the nefarious destiny of the Man-Child leader of the most powerful nation in the world!! If only they hadn't botched the birth certificate, we'd have never found-out in time to save America.

THANK GOD for Orly Taitz!!!


Squeaky Wheel
So lets review what MrFedex and Hubrat and most Liberals believe:

If your againt Obama your a Racist.

If your Black and your against Obama your a Uncle Tom.

If your from the south your a racist and in a Klan...unless your a Liberal then its OK to be from the south and your not a racist.

If you speak out against Obama your stupid and a racist.

If your a part of the Tea Party then your a racist and stupid.

If you watch FOX news or listen to anyone who is against Obama then your a racist and stupid.

Their is no one that can speak out against the Messiah because they dont know what they are talking about and are all liars.

You can only have an opinion if its a Liberal one.

If a Liberal should happen to watch FOX news or listen to Rush (Which seems like more then Repubs) then its about understanding where all the racist Obama haters get their news.

The only news that is good is Liberal news because they only say good things about the Messiah...and thats a good thing.

To sum it all up, if you are against anything that has to do with Obama then your a stupid, racist, tea party, Republican that watches FOX news.

my, my what a fine little glee club the two of you make.
according to both of you, Rush is a bigot scum because of his rural upbringing.
I find it shameless that MrFedx has quoted himself as calling many here as stupid dumb bricks because of their views, while in fact it is he who should be looking into a mirror.

You didn't get any of that from me. All I did was display Rush's own words b/c yall were kicking around the possiblity that he is racist. You had no idea that he's said all of those things and it p'd you off that it came from me. I didn't even comment on it, just provided it. As a matter of fact I have never commented on that nasty pig in the BC until now.

I can't blame you. It is shocking.

Btw he doesn't get to blame any of that on his rural southern upbringing, which btw I said nothing about.

He chooses to believe what he believes, as do you. When confronted with the ugly truth that he is indeed just a big ole creep, instead of reacting intelligently you come up with all of that ridiculous crap to try and throw the light off of your wrongness onto us.

It's too ridiculous to even get irritated about. Carry on!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
You didn't get any of that from me. All I did was display Rush's own words b/c yall were kicking around the possiblity that he is racist. You had no idea that he's said all of those things and it p'd you off that it came from me. I didn't even comment on it, just provided it. As a matter of fact I have never commented on that nasty pig in the BC until now.

I can't blame you. It is shocking.

Btw he doesn't get to blame any of that on his rural southern upbringing, which btw I said nothing about.

He chooses to believe what he believes, as do you. When confronted with the ugly truth that he is indeed just a big ole creep, instead of reacting intelligently you come up with all of that ridiculous crap to try and throw the light off of your wrongness onto us.

It's too ridiculous to even get irritated about. Carry on!

Your words:

Wow. I've been away from Alabama way too long. I forget people are still this bigoted.

I would feel safer in a mosque than a southern baptist church full of foot-washing bible-thumping holy-rolling lipnikies.

The entire conversation about the man's religion is ridiculous because he's said he is Christian, so shut up about it it's nunya business anyway!

He can worship Satan or Beetlejuice and there's not a g.d. thing moreluck or you or anyone else can do about it but be prejudicial and racist and come up with even more ludicracy in hopes that more than 1/5 people will subscribe to their ignorance and fear.

Hopefully you're just exercising your own right to ignorance.

...Which is exactly why you should do a little homework before regurgitating statistics you've heard on Fox.

So your statement "Bush....unemployment 4.9%
bho......unemployment 16% and climbing" is skewed and demonstrates your own lack of education on the matter.

Yep, you see both sides alright...right up to the end of your elitist nose.

You haven't written anything that isn't typical tea bag rhetoric.

Good people of the Teamsters unite and help our president and his administration Organize America! The rest of you just stay on that backward-spinning merry-go-round. I am extremely proud to be a "progressive liberal." Y'all just keep your pride as regressive conservatives.

Forget about the Tea Party, they are a lost cause with their single-mindedness.

Nice link:

And then you say this:

All polarized thought, political or otherwise, is closed-minded, hence ignorant and destined to remain so.



Squeaky Wheel
So lets review what MrFedex and Hubrat and most Liberals believe:

If your againt Obama your a Racist.

If your Black and your against Obama your a Uncle Tom.

If your from the south your a racist and in a Klan...unless your a Liberal then its OK to be from the south and your not a racist.

If you speak out against Obama your stupid and a racist.

If your a part of the Tea Party then your a racist and stupid.

If you watch FOX news or listen to anyone who is against Obama then your a racist and stupid.

Their is no one that can speak out against the Messiah because they dont know what they are talking about and are all liars.

You can only have an opinion if its a Liberal one.

If a Liberal should happen to watch FOX news or listen to Rush (Which seems like more then Repubs) then its about understanding where all the racist Obama haters get their news.

The only news that is good is Liberal news because they only say good things about the Messiah...and thats a good thing.

To sum it all up, if you are against anything that has to do with Obama then your a stupid, racist, tea party, Republican that watches FOX news.

my, my what a fine little glee club the two of you make.
according to both of you, Rush is a bigot scum because of his rural upbringing.
I find it shameless that MrFedx has quoted himself as calling many here as stupid dumb bricks because of their views, while in fact it is he who should be looking into a mirror.

Your words:

Wow. I've been away from Alabama way too long. I forget people are still this bigoted.

I would feel safer in a mosque than a southern baptist church full of foot-washing bible-thumping holy-rolling lipnikies.

The entire conversation about the man's religion is ridiculous because he's said he is Christian, so shut up about it it's nunya business anyway!

He can worship Satan or Beetlejuice and there's not a g.d. thing moreluck or you or anyone else can do about it but be prejudicial and racist and come up with even more ludicracy in hopes that more than 1/5 people will subscribe to their ignorance and fear.

Hopefully you're just exercising your own right to ignorance.

...Which is exactly why you should do a little homework before regurgitating statistics you've heard on Fox.

So your statement "Bush....unemployment 4.9%
bho......unemployment 16% and climbing" is skewed and demonstrates your own lack of education on the matter.

Yep, you see both sides alright...right up to the end of your elitist nose.

You haven't written anything that isn't typical tea bag rhetoric.

Good people of the Teamsters unite and help our president and his administration Organize America! The rest of you just stay on that backward-spinning merry-go-round. I am extremely proud to be a "progressive liberal." Y'all just keep your pride as regressive conservatives.

Forget about the Tea Party, they are a lost cause with their single-mindedness.

Nice link:

And then you say this:

All polarized thought, political or otherwise, is closed-minded, hence ignorant and destined to remain so.

All polarized thinking is unhealthy. Polarized = extreme. It's true. I don't care what side ur on if you can't hear the other side you're screwed up.

You went a really really really long way to get the rest of what you wrote from me. Like so far away it ain't happening.

Better luck next time!


Squeaky Wheel
Man never mind you're scary. That's obsessive keeping up with all I said like that. Sounds like you thought I was talking right to you. Between that and your avatar and name, scary.


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