The religion of peace strikes again...


golden ticket member
Thursday, October 27, 2011 @ 2:54 pm | U.S. Muslims Say Crosses At Catholic University Violate Their “Human Rights”…

(Fox News) — The Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights confirmed that it is investigating allegations that Catholic University violated the human rights of Muslim students by not allowing them to form a Muslim student group and by not providing them rooms without Christian symbols for their daily prayers.

The investigation alleges that Muslim students “must perform their prayers surrounded by symbols of Catholicism — e.g., a wooden crucifix, paintings of Jesus, pictures of priests and theologians which many Muslim students find inappropriate.”
A spokesperson for the Office of Human Rights told Fox News they had received a 60-page complaint against the private university. The investigation, they said, could take as long a six months.

The complaint was filed by John Banzhaf, an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School. Banzhaf has been involved in previous litigation against the school involving the same-sex residence halls. He also alleged in his complaint involving Muslim students that women at the university were being discriminated against. You can read more on those allegations by clicking here.

Banzhaf said some Muslim students were particularly offended because they had to meditate in the school’s chapels “and at the cathedral that looms over the entire campus — the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.”
“It shouldn’t be too difficult somewhere on the campus for the university to set aside a small room where Muslims can pray without having to stare up and be looked down upon by a cross


Staff member
None of the muslim students have complained nor are they party to the law suit, it's the work of law professor who's not even affiliated with Catholic University.

Professor John Banzhaf said he filed the complaint with the city based on the article and had not received any complaints from Muslim students.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
None of the muslim students have complained nor are they party to the law suit, it's the work of law professor who's not even affiliated with Catholic University.


When the professor was asked if he was getting support from the Muslim Brotherhood or CAIR...he dodged the question with "what does that matter"...That is all i need to know.


golden ticket member
When the professor was asked if he was getting support from the Muslim Brotherhood or CAIR...he dodged the question with "what does that matter"...That is all i need to know.

He's a typical trouble-maker and most definitely in league with those groups!! IMO


Strength through joy
Now let's turn the table slightly........If a catholic applies to a Muslim University would they even be allowed in ?
Case in point....there is a mosque in Rome, but no Catholic Churches in Mecca.


golden ticket member
( — When asked by whether Afghanistan should repeal its laws that make it a crime for a Muslim to convert to Christianity, Afghan Ambassador to the United States Eklil Hakimi did not answer directly but said that while his country’s constitution provides for “freedom of religion” it also says that “nothing will be contradictory to Sharia law.”

The State Department report on religious freedom in Afghanistan released last month said: “Conversion from Islam is considered apostasy and is punishable by death under some interpretations of Islamic law in the country.” asked Hakimi: “Regarding religious freedom, according to the State Department, at least two individuals had been detained in Afghanistan for converting from Islam to Christianity. Should Afghanistan repeal all laws that make it illegal to convert?”

Hakimi said: “Well, according to our Constitution, there is a freedom of religion. Meanwhile, it says that nothing will be contradictory to the Sharia law. So, while we step into those principles, we have to be careful because we are in a very conservative society, a society that they live based on their faith. So, those cases that you have mentioned, our government, based on these principles, they have handled those cases in a very timely manner and also in a way that should not deter from those principles.”


Well-Known Member
Any discussion of Peace will have to include a hard look at Morality since true Peace will first require people upholding moral ideals. Does any religion who calls itself "A Religion of Peace" or led by a "Prince of Peace" have a god who bounds himself to the very moral ideals and standards he doles out for man himself to be bound by?


Staff member
That, Wk, is probably the weakest response I have read by you...on anything. I have little in common with the Christian right-wing in this country, but one thing I can absolutely say is that attacks on Christianity by athiests and agnostics almost always ground themselves in at best a sophomoric understanding of the faith. To even begin a discussion on such a ground as morality we would could go deep into philosophy, history, and religion from a multitude of angles. But most are content to attack the faith with their own watered down version of war, peace, right and wrong. The Church and religion in general have their glaring defects by even the most unconcerned observer, but that dismissive view completely misses the true message and mission. That being said, however, many within the church ignorantly proclaim God's will so long as it serves the self-will. One day, I think I would like to sit for hours with you discussing C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity. It would be intriguing at least.


golden ticket member
(Daily Mail) — An extreme Muslim group which caused outrage by burning a poppy last Remembrance Sunday is planning further disruption on November 11, with a twisted ‘Hell for Heroes’ campaign.

The demo, which mocks charity for injured soldiers Help for Heroes, is due to take place outside the Royal Albert Hall, the same location where a poppy was burned last year.

The Muslims Against Crusades protestors, who have sought permission from police to hold the rally, aim to chant and disrupt the minute’s silence held in honour of the war dead.

Firebrand cleric Anjem Choudary, who has links to the Muslims Against Crusades group, said: ‘It’s going to be called Hell for Heroes and it will be around the Royal Albert Hall.

‘It will involve a protest and not observing the minute’s silence. We had a significant amount of support from Muslims around the world last year.

‘It’s one thing to remember the dead from the First World War and subsequent wars but it’s quite another when they say we need to remember the dead from Afghanistan and Iraq.

‘It’s become a political football and if they are going to use Remembrance Day for that purpose it’s only right that we have a counter protest, which we say is for Muslims.


Strength through joy
[h=3]Controversial radio ad targets Muslims and Obama supporters[/h]
The radio ad for a concealed handgun class at Keller's Riverside store in Mason, TX was intended to bring in some extra business.
The advertisement began on a folksy note:

"Hello friends and a neighbors in Mason and surrounding counties," said weapons instructor, Crocket Keller."Be a vic-tor, not a vic-tim."

But about 45 seconds into the advertisement, Keller began adding disclaimers.
"If you are a socialist, liberal and/or voted for the current 'campaigner-in-chief' please do not take this class," Keller said. "You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as required under law."
Keller did not stop there.
"Also, if you are a non-Christian, Arab or Muslim I will not teach you the class," Keller said. "Once again, with no shame, I am Crockett Keller, thank you and God bless."
Behind Keller's store, he teaches concealed carry courses to earn a few extra dollars. He defends the advertisement.
"I call it exercising my right to choose who I instruct in how to use dangerous weapons," Keller said.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
"If you are a socialist, liberal and/or voted for the current 'campaigner-in-chief' please do not take this class," Keller said. "You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as required under law."

Now thats funny right there.:happy-very:


golden ticket member
So much for that whole Indonesia is “moderate” line the media tries to push.
Jakarta (AsiaNews) — The Islamic Defender Front (FPI) launched an appeal on its website on 29 September 2011 with an order to destroy all “un-Islamic” statues in the country, above all those in public places. FPI members were asked to take a stance against the making of statues that Islam does not approve. The request to reject un-Islamic statues was extended to other Indonesian Muslim groups.

The appeal follows a controversy in Purwakarta (West Java) where hundreds of hard-line Muslims destroyed puppet statues representing mythological figures used in traditional theatre in the city’s downtown.

Purwakarta mayor had offered the puppets used in traditional theatre to represent a more “native” Indonesian identity. However, for Muslim fundamentalists, the puppet statues were “religiously wrong”. On 18 September, hundreds of Muslims destroyed a number of them (see Mathias Hariyadi, “Islamic fundamentalists in Java target puppet statues,” in AsiaNews, 20 September 2011).

The FPI also denounced the existence of several “profane” statues, like a big dragon in Singkawang, in West Borneo Province, and a statue of Buddha in Tanjung Balai, North Sumatra, which are still standing despite the hostility of Muslim radicals.


Strength through joy
CAIR Outraged Christians Holding Prayer Event At Detroit’s Ford Field…
I think CAIR is confused, this is America, not Saudi Arabia where Christians are forbidden from praying.
Dearborn (Detroit News) — The local head of a national Muslim civil rights group says a Christian prayer summit to be held at Ford Field next week promotes anti-Muslim sentiment and is warning local mosques to step up their security.
Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations — Michigan, met Wednesday with Muslim activists to voice his concern over the rhetoric he fears could be at the center of the event Nov. 11.
“There’s a bigger force or movement behind this prayer summit and how they’re literally demonizing Muslims,” he said.
But Metro Detroit pastors involved in the event say the gathering is merely meant to help Detroit, not target Muslims.