The religion of peace strikes again...


golden ticket member
They could pray to god but then the question begs, if god and/or Jesus is all powerful and all love, then why are these christians suffering at the hands of these muslims in the first place?
You need to converse with a always have the same question.


Staff member
You need to converse with a always have the same question.

Why? So he can hear the classic answer?

"God works in mysterious ways!"

That's what they tell all the [-]sheep[/-] believers so they'll keep putting money in that collection box! Keep believing, and keep those church elders rolling in dough!


golden ticket member
Why? So he can hear the classic answer?

"God works in mysterious ways!"

That's what they tell all the [-]sheep[/-] believers so they'll keep putting money in that collection box! Keep believing, and keep those church elders rolling in dough!
Substitute "church" with "teamsters"...........and collection with dues.........and God with!

Anyway, the reason for my answer is that I've been asked that question and don't claim to be an the expert.


golden ticket member
I'm sick of the rule bending and the bending over backwards for these people. Get with the program, follow the rules or get out OR get a different religion!!

Obama Justice Department Orders Illinois School District To Pay Muslim Teacher $75K Over Denying Her Special Leave Of Absence For Hajj Trip To Mecca…
Would they have given another teacher of a different faith the time off? No. Case closed.

(Chicago Sun-Times) — A Muslim woman has won her fight against a west suburban school district after being denied unpaid leave to go on a religious pilgrimage to Mecca.

The U.S. Department of Justice on Thursday announced it settled Safoorah Khan’s religious discrimination lawsuit against the Berkeley School District, forcing the district to pay $75,000 in lost back pay, compensatory damages and attorneys’ fees.
The district also will have to develop a policy accommodating religions consistent with the Civil Rights Acts to ensure something similar will not happen again.

Khan, a teacher at MacArthur Middle School, requested an unpaid leave of absence in December 2008 to perform hajj — a pilgrimage required by Islam — but was told she had to choose between her job and her religious beliefs. She resigned.
“I’m glad that we settled and I hope this does set a precedent,” Khan said. “I hope they realize that hajj means a lot to Muslims and there will be more and more people taking the trip. I hope this helps people and their employers to accommodate Muslims and their requests.”

According to the settlement, the district must also provide mandatory training on religious accommodations to all board of education members and school supervisors.

Khan, now 30, says she went to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the year she resigned.
“It’s required once in our lifetime at the earliest opportunity you can get,” she said.

Saw this on a bumper sticker on the car of a Muslim terrorist:

"My passion is to go to Heaven. My purpose is to take as many with me as I can."


golden ticket member
Seems like we were just talking about this yesterday in another thread.....

Florida Judge Green Lights Use of Sharia Law In Civil Cases…

(Tampa Tribune) — A state appeals court has ruled that a Hillsborough County Circuit judge can consider Islamic law to decide a civil case between a mosque and its former trustees.

The decision by the 2nd District Court of Appeal in Lakeland to decline the appeal of the Islamic Education Center of Tampa sends the case back to Hillsborough County Circuit Judge Richard A. Nielsen. Nielsen’s decision in March to allow the case to proceed under “ecclesiastical Islamic law” drew national attention when the ruling was criticized by conservative bloggers.

The case has its roots in 2002, when the mosque ousted four of its founding members; those founding members later sued the mosque. One of the main issues of dispute was who would be responsible for how to spend $2.5 million Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise had paid the mosque for 3.4 acres needed to widen Veterans Expressway.

When he made his March ruling, Nielsen said courts have ruled “that ecclesiastical law controls certain relations between members of a religious organization, whether a church, synagogue, temple or mosque.”


golden ticket member
I'm pretty sure that according to Sharia Law, they can kill homosexuals.

Malaysia: Elton John Leaves Islamists All Hot And Bothered, Claim Singer Promotes “Hedonism”…
(AFP) — Members of an opposition Islamic party call on Muslim-majority Malaysia to ban next month’s concert by Elton John, saying Tuesday that the gay singer promotes “hedonism.”

Shahril Azman Abdul Halim Al-Hafiz, an official with the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), said the concert by singer Elton John at the Genting Highlands resort on Nov. 22 would corrupt young Muslims because of John’s homosexuality.
“It’s not good. In Islam homosexuality is forbidden,” he told AFP. “What he is doing is hedonism. Hedonism is not good in Islam.”

The British singer is openly gay, marrying his partner in 2005 after same-sex unions were legalised in Britain.
Shahril is the chairman of the PAS youth wing of eastern Pahang state. The casino resort lies on the border of the state, about an hour’s drive from the capital Kuala Lumpur.

An official from concert promoter Tune Live declined to comment.
But the show, part of John’s “Greatest Hits Tour,” is expected to go ahead in the resort. John will be singing in Singapore before he comes to Malaysia and then go on to Jakarta.


golden ticket member
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 @ 4:26 pm |
Top Saudi Cleric Offers $100,000 To Anyone Who Kidnaps An Israeli Soldier…
(Ynet) — Saudi cleric Dr. Awad al-Qarni is offering a $100,000 reward to anyone who kidnaps Israeli soldiers. He is responding to an ad published by the Libman family offering a similar reward for anyone who catches the person who murdered their relative Shlomo Libman.

Libman was killed by terrorists near the settlement of Yitzhar in 1998.

“The press reported that the Zionist settlers will pay huge amounts of money to whoever kills the freed Palestinian prisoners,” al-Qarni said. “In response to these criminals I declare to the world that any Palestinian who will jail an Israeli soldier and exchange him for prisoners will be rewarded with a $100,000 prize,” he wrote on his Facebook page.

Al-Qarni’s post has already received more than 1,000 likes and extensive coverage in Hamas-affiliated newspapers in Gaza.
Al-Qarni is a famous Muslim cleric who often guests on TV shows and operates his own website where he discusses various religious law issues. The Palestine-Islam issue is particularly close to his heart


Well-Known Member
Did Muhammad Even Exist?

Jesus Christ, the figure at the center of the Christian bible, may well have never existed. Thanks to countless books, films, articles, and other elements, more and more people have started to realize that there is little to no historical evidence in support of this man who supposedly made such a huge impact in his day. Muslims often claim, or seem to believe, that their prophet Muhammad is on more solid historical grounding than Jesus, yet most of the time, the conversation seems to progress no further. Muhammad's existence is simply accepted as a fact that has been so well established that clarification is assumed to be unnecessary. Indeed, many Muslim scholars and academics today will allege that Muhammad's life is better documented than the life of Christ, but when we push it beyond their simple assurance, will we find that this is correct?

Authorship and Alteration of the Quran

After several centuries of unquestioning endorsement of the bible, historical and literary scholarship finally began to take a less cautious and more unbiased approach to biblical studies. Since then we have seen a flood of books and material informing us about the bible's very man-made past and its gradual evolution into the form we find it in today. Muslims will gladly jump on the bandwagon of biblical criticism, because their religion teaches them that the Hebrew and Christian bibles were corrupted by the hands of men, which made it necessary for God (Allah) to reveal a new inerrant word. This new word, according to them, is the Qur'an - a book supposedly dictated by their prophet Muhammad, inspired by visions and revelations.
The Islamic community often gleefully proclaims why Jesus was not God and how the Christian bible has been corrupted, but what serious skepticism and criticism have they applied to their own religious text? They may frequently state that the Qur'an has remained unchanged since Muhammad first recited it, yet such statements are more articles of faith than they are fact. The fact is that there are numerous ways in which we can ascertain that the Qur'an has possibly gone through the same editing process as any book in human history.

Come on Moreluck, if you are going to do this right, you've got to be willing to go the distance!