The religion of peace strikes again...


golden ticket member
November 5, 2011 @ 8:12 pm | Obama Admin Says It Would Be “Satisfied” If Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Wins Elections…

(Reuters/JPost) — The United States would be “satisfied” should free elections in Egypt produce a victory for the Muslim Brotherhood, AFP reported Friday according to the US’s special coordinator for transitions in the Middle East, William Taylor.

Taylor said the US would judge elected parties in the Middle East based “on what they do, and not what they’re called,” AFP quoted him as saying. He added that he did not meet with Brotherhood officials in his latest visit to Cairo, but would have had he been given the chance.

The point man on Middle East transitions said that so-called Arab Spring revolutions and a desire for democratic elections create an environment in which groups like the Muslim Brotherhood are able to shed associations with terror.

Taylor’s comments came the week after Tunisia — widely seen as the birthplace of Arab Spring revolutions — elected its own Islamist Ennahda party to form a


golden ticket member
You cannot poke fun at'll die!!

| Tuesday, November 8, 2011 @ 4:19 pm |
French Satirical Magazine Firebombed For Poking Fun At Mohammed Prints Cover With Muslim Man Kissing Editor…
(Guardian) — Its offices have been firebombed, its website hacked, its Facebook page suspended for 24 hours and its staff targeted with death threats, so you might have thought the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo would have tried — just for a while — to avoid upsetting anyone.

Mais non! After provoking all the above with last week’s special edition “guest edited” by the prophet Muhammad, entitled Charia Hebdo, which took pot-shots at radical Islam, the publication is set to raise a few more hackles with this week’s edition, published on Wednesday.

On the front page of the latest edition is a drawing of a male Charlie Hebdo cartoonist passionately kissing a bearded Muslim man, under the headline: L’Amour plus fort que la haine (love is stronger than hate).

In the background of the cartoon, signed Luz, are the ashes of the magazine’s offices, completely destroyed in the Molotov cocktail attack last week.

Unlike the previous edition, which featured a front page carton of the prophet and a speech bubble reading “100 lashes if you don’t die of laughter”, there is no suggestion that the character on the magazine cover is Muhammad.

After the firebombing, French Muslim groups who had been highly critical of Charlie Hebdo, condemned the destruction of its offices. Dalil Boubakeur head of the Paris Mosque, told journalists: “I am extremely attached to the freedom of the press, even if the press is not always tender with Muslims, Islam or the Paris Mosque”.

The editor of Charlie Hebdo, Stéphane Charbonnier, said at the time: “We thought the lines had moved and maybe there would be more respect for our satirical work, our right to mock. Freedom to have a good laugh is as important as freedom of speech
Not that I am condoning any violence committed nor advocating the squelching of criticism by the press I have this to say. You can only poke a dog with a stick so many times until you get bit.


golden ticket member
November 9, 2011 @ 2:59 pm | Malaysia To Amend Sharia Laws To Prosecute Gays For “Uncanny Sex”…

ALOR GAJAH: Malacca will amend its state Islamic enactment to prosecute gays and lesbians by applying the same type of Syariah legal mechanism used against deviant Muslim sects.
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said homosexuals and lesbians could be tried at the Syariah Court once the enactment was gazetted as Syariah law.
“We will revise the current enactment to specifically deal with homosexuals and lesbians in the state, including groups that promote such uncanny sex,” he said here yesterday.

Mohd Ali, who is also Malacca Islamic Religious Department chairman, said the enactment had to be revised as there was no specific law at present to prosecute such groups.

“We will suggest the enactment to also cover bisexuals and transsexuals,” he said, adding that action could also be taken against any non-governmental organisation promoting and supporting such sexual practices.


golden ticket member
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 @ 10:46 am |
U.S. Government Releases Report Showing Pakistan Teaches Its Students Non-Muslims Are “Enemies of Islam”…

Even worse, we give Pakistan billions of dollars a year in aid, so we fund a portion of this.
ISLAMABAD (AP/CBS) — Text books in Pakistani schools foster prejudice and intolerance of Hindus and other religious minorities, while most teachers view non-Muslims as “enemies of Islam,” according to a study by a U.S. government commission released Wednesday.
The findings indicate how deeply ingrained hardline Islam is in Pakistan and help explain why militancy is often supported, tolerated or excused in the country.

“Teaching discrimination increases the likelihood that violent religious extremism in Pakistan will continue to grow, weakening religious freedom, national and regional stability, and global security,” said Leonard Leo, the chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Pakistan was created in 1947 as a homeland for the Muslims of South Asia and was initially envisaged as a moderate state where minorities would have full rights. But three wars with mostly Hindu India; state support for militants fighting Soviet-rule in Afghanistan in the 1980s; and the appeasement of hardline clerics by weak governments seeking legitimacy have led to a steady radicalization of society.
Religious minorities and those brave enough to speak out against intolerance have often been killed, seemingly with impunity, by militant sympathizers. The commission warned that any significant efforts to combat religious discrimination, especially in education, would “likely face strong opposition” from hardliners.

The study reviewed more than 100 textbooks from grades 1-10 from Pakistan’s four provinces. Researchers in February this year visited 37 public schools, interviewing 277 students and teachers, and 19 madrases, where they interviewed 226 students


golden ticket member
The Islamist version of assploding irony.
PESHAWAR: Four members of a local peace committee were killed in a shootout with militants from the banned outfit Lashkar-i-Islam in the Akakhel Darra area of Bara sub-division in Khyber Agency on Thursday.
The clash started earlier in the morning when the militants attacked members of the peace committee.

“The militants beheaded one the peace committee’s members and took away the head,” told a resident on condition of anonymity.
“The shootout continued for quite some time, as a result of which four members were killed,” a source from within the Akakhel peace committee told The Express Tribune.

The security forces destroyed the house of a militant commander Sher Wali from the Lashkar-i-Islam.


golden ticket member
November 14, 2011 @ 9:55 am | Hamas: Allah’s Teachings Are The Fire With Which “We Harvest The Skulls of The Jews”…
This is who the left considers “freedom fighters.”
(MEMRI)Following are excerpts from statements made at a rally of the Palestinian Al-Ahrar movement in Gaza, a pro-Hamas group that split from Fatah, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on November 3, 2011:
Rally organizer: Praise be to you, our Lord. You have made our killing of the Jews an act of worship, through which we come closer to you.

Allah’s prayers upon you, our beloved Prophet [Muhammad]. You have made your teachings into constitutions for us – the light with which we dissipate the darkness of the occupation, and the fire with which we harvest the skulls of the Jews.

Yes, our beloved brothers, even though the entire world moves closer to Allah through fasting, through hunger, and through tears, we are a people that moves closer to Allah through blood, through body parts, and through martyrs.
Oh sons of Palestine, oh sons of the Gaza Strip, oh mujahideen – wage Jihad, wreak destruction, blow up and harvest the heads of the Zionists. Words are useless by now. The lie of peace is gone. Only weapons are of any use – the path of [recently killed] Yousuf and Ali, the path of martyrdom and Jihad. Only our wounds talk on our behalf. We speak nothing but the language of struggle, of Jihad, or rockets, of bombs, of cannons and of martyrdom-seekers. This is the language in which we talk and negotiate with the Zionist


golden ticket member
Monday, November 14, 2011 @ 4:55 pm | Hamas Leader: Western Civilization “Will Not Be Able To Withstand The Great And Glorious Islam”…
I think we’ll survive.
(MEMRI)Following are excerpts from a public address delivered by Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar, which aired on Al-Quds TV:
America is leaving Iraq and Afghanistan, and Allah willing, it will leave Palestine, along with its allies. It will leave in humiliation and disgrace. Our people and our enterprise, on the other hand, will move forward. Today, we emphasize that our plan is not confined to the liberation of Palestine. The Islamic nation in its entirety will bring a smile to the faces of all the people in the world, and will wipe the tears from the eyes of all human beings. Our plan is the cure for all the maladies of this Western civilization, which knows only to contain or kill, to control or destroy, to clash with people or to contain them.

This civilization will not be able to withstand the great and glorious Islam, with its great humane platform.
The Arab nation has begun to reap the fruits of the hot Arab spring. Yesterday, the Islamists won in Tunisia, tomorrow, they will win in Egypt, and then in Libya, until Islam, which rules in accordance with the Koran, will prevail throughout


golden ticket member
Great laws they have.....

Saudi Arabia: Sharia Court Sentences Woman To Be Flogged For Driving Car…
(Emirates 24/7) — A Saudi court has ordered the flogging of a local woman 10 times for driving a car in defiance of a long-standing ban in the Kingdom, a newspaper reported on Monday.

Shaima Jastaniya said the court in the western Red Sea port of Jeddah had issued what she described as a “Sharia sentence” ordering her lashing for violating the ban on female driving.

“I received a copy of this sentence on Saturday. I now need to consult my lawyer after what happened to me,” she said, quoted by the London-based Saudi Arabic language daily Alhayat.

The paper said the sentence could be carried out within a month, adding that Shaima, who was caught driving in Jeddah in Summer, can appeal. It did not mention Shaima’s


Engorged Member
November 9, 2011 @ 2:59 pm | Malaysia To Amend Sharia Laws To Prosecute Gays For “Uncanny Sex”…

ALOR GAJAH: Malacca will amend its state Islamic enactment to prosecute gays and lesbians by applying the same type of Syariah legal mechanism used against deviant Muslim sects.
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said homosexuals and lesbians could be tried at the Syariah Court once the enactment was gazetted as Syariah law.
“We will revise the current enactment to specifically deal with homosexuals and lesbians in the state, including groups that promote such uncanny sex,” he said here yesterday.

Mohd Ali, who is also Malacca Islamic Religious Department chairman, said the enactment had to be revised as there was no specific law at present to prosecute such groups.

“We will suggest the enactment to also cover bisexuals and transsexuals,” he said, adding that action could also be taken against any non-governmental organisation promoting and supporting such sexual practices.

Does any of this mean that Sharia law is on it's way to the US, as the GOP would have you fear? The correct answer would be "no", but that won't stop the GOP from exploiting it to the fullest extent possible.


golden ticket member
It grabs me as not being an imminent threat. We are not going to become an Islamic nation, despite what FOX tells you.
Then why would the politicians there feel it important to produce a bill to protect our courts?

Oh, and did you also notice the newest show on TLC ? It's a muslim show from out of Dearborn MI. which has the largest population of Muslims outside the middle east. I like lots of shows on TLC, but not that one and I've written the station.


Engorged Member
Then why would the politicians there feel it important to produce a bill to protect our courts?

Oh, and did you also notice the newest show on TLC ? It's a muslim show from out of Dearborn MI. which has the largest population of Muslims outside the middle east. I like lots of shows on TLC, but not that one and I've written the station.

I have not seen the show, but the ads look like it's meant to show what most American Muslims are really like. Peaceful and not interested in converting you.
I have not seen the show, but the ads look like it's meant to show what most American Muslims are really like. Peaceful and not interested in converting you.

To me. it looks like what they WANT everyone to think most American Muslims are really like. Taking what is in a TV show as factual information is a slippery slope at best. Do you really believe that most American blacks lived like the Huxtable family?
I don't anymore know what the average, let along most, Muslim families are really like and neither do you. We know that some US mosques are pretty subversive in their teachings, some are not and the research to prove out any theory, good or bad, is sketchy at best. What is a fact is our lack of knowledge of what the Muslim growth will bring and how that will ultimately effect non Muslims. We do know that in other countries (syria for one) most of the muslins there were moderate in actions for many years. That seems to have changed, no?

Would you want our country to become an Islamic nation ruled by sharia law? Personally, I don't want to be ruled by any religion, however laws of the land that reflect christian ideology seem to be much kinder than the muslim ideology of sharia law. Both have guidelines of appropriate behavior, one teaches forgiveness and the other teaches torture, mutilation and or death. Anyone that is "fine" with sharia law worries me a little.

You are correct in one aspect, the sharia islamic people are not interested in converting anyone (although they do accept converts) they want to eliminate non islamics.


golden ticket member
Come near me with that book and I'll kick your ass................

MADINA – Two scholars specializing in Dawah and Qur’an studies have agreed that it is permissible to use the Qur’an to cure non-Muslims. However, they differed about whether to recite it in a non-Arabic language.

Dr. Ali Bin Ghazi Al-Twaijri, professor of Qur’an studies at the Islamic University here, said that it was allowed. “It’s permissible for non-Muslims to use the Qur’an as a cure. The reciter of the Qur’an may receive an amount of money for reciting it.”

Al-Twaijri listed the virtues of the Qur’an in curing illnesses and urged Muslims to recite it on daily basis. The majority of scholars agree that it is a Sunnah to use the Qur’an as a source of healing and cure for physical and non-physical diseases.

Al-Twaijri added that it is permissible to recite the Qur’an in a non-Arabic language when using it to cure illnesses.

Sheikh Abdul Mohsin Al-Obeikan, adviser at the Royal Court, told Al-Hayat Arabic daily that Islamic laws allow for the Holy Qur’an to be used in this manner. “The Shariah doesn’t ban a Muslim from reciting the Qur’an to a non-Muslim for the purpose of healing.