The religion of peace strikes again...


Staff member
this isn't about's Islam, it's Shariah and they think it's OK. Why do they think they are allowed to kill and it's OK? What would Allah think?
If we are Christians (and I am) then it is exactly about Jesus and what our response as Christians is to be. Religion, if truly held permeates life and is not easily displaced by emotionalism.


Well-Known Member
If we are Christians (and I am) then it is exactly about Jesus and what our response as Christians is to be. Religion, if truly held permeates life and is not easily displaced by emotionalism.
brings up a good question bb.... how do you respond as an individual to someone who is threatening your family? Even more is how do you respond if you are persecuted for your faith? Not only as an individual, but with others as a whole?


Well-Known Member
If we are Christians (and I am) then it is exactly about Jesus and what our response as Christians is to be. Religion, if truly held permeates life and is not easily displaced by emotionalism.

As much as I love needling you guys on religion, what you said above was very well said. Regardless of what or how you and I view Jesus, a lot of what he's to have said in the gospels is very good and it's sad so many christians just abandon those wonderful ideals the moment they become too inconvenient. Makes you wonder what these same people do when other moral ideals become inconvenient in the rest of their daily lives!

And we wonder why we have the society we have.


Staff member
brings up a good question bb.... how do you respond as an individual to someone who is threatening your family? Even more is how do you respond if you are persecuted for your faith? Not only as an individual, but with others as a whole?
I don't know. Never been in that circumstance. But that does not mean that the Bible does not give clear direction. Jesus never said, "Follow me until the going gets tough." He never did command his followers to show up and act nice once a week. Didn't give direction on overthrowing the Romans, converting the muslims, or how to dominate the Jews. In fact, I believe he predicted that following him would be painful and challenging. So do I "take up my cross" and follow? I do not know. Maybe that's what faith is. Knowing one's powerlessness and at that point holding on to that slender reed because it is all that is left. Maybe that is Christ's message to us when he rebukes Peter in Gethsemane with the warning and the choice that "He who lives by the sword shall parish by the sword." It is not that we cannot choose the sword, but the passion that is rage which must have torn Peter's heart is poison to the spirit. Again, I do not know the answer to the question but it is one I think about constantly. It is a question that has to be answered honestly: Is the action about to be taken my will or God's will?


Engorged Member
I'm not sure I can agree with the Drudge writer. The mass killer in Norway was not acting (as far as we know) as part of a huge number of people all with the same goal. If it makes people feel better to term Breivik an Anti-Muslim terrorist, go for it.

His organization wants to destroy liberals. He simply took it to the next step, so he's probably a hero to the most extreme of his group.


Engorged Member
Merely speculation on your part.

Fact. The group meeting on the island had a progressive agenda (pro-Muslim) and were the enemy. His mission was to kill as many of them as possible. Norwegian liberals slaughtered by a gun-toting Norwegian conservative. Maybe a rogue nutjob, but a conservative nonetheless.
Fact. The group meeting on the island had a progressive agenda (pro-Muslim) and were the enemy. His mission was to kill as many of them as possible. Norwegian liberals slaughtered by a gun-toting Norwegian conservative. Maybe a rogue nutjob, but a conservative nonetheless.

The "terrorist" said that he was trying to stop the Muslim infiltration of Norway, not the liberals. Do you really think there are no liberal nut jobs?

Remember Howard Dean's infamous rant? All he needed was a gun in his pocket.
Truly the only label that needs to be attached to nut jobs with guns is just that, nut job with a gun or a bomb. Someone like him is going to hurt someone, some where, political or religious delusion may determine the victim/s but not the action.

when I said :Merely speculation on your part. I was referring to your statement that " he's probably a hero to the most extreme of his group". I figure he IS the most extreme of his group.


Staff member
I just went to the FBI website and the only one listed in the top ten is Osama bin Laden with the label "deceased". Not that I didn't believe you, moreluck, but this time you're just full of BS.


Engorged Member
The "terrorist" said that he was trying to stop the Muslim infiltration of Norway, not the liberals. Do you really think there are no liberal nut jobs?

Remember Howard Dean's infamous rant? All he needed was a gun in his pocket.
Truly the only label that needs to be attached to nut jobs with guns is just that, nut job with a gun or a bomb. Someone like him is going to hurt someone, some where, political or religious delusion may determine the victim/s but not the action.

when I said :Merely speculation on your part. I was referring to your statement that " he's probably a hero to the most extreme of his group". I figure he IS the most extreme of his group.

The people on the island were Norway's equivalent of a liberal gathering. They weren't specifically pro-Muslim, just tolerant of them, but that was enough for Breivik to feel that they needed to be eliminated. Dean's rant was kind of out there, but he wasn't being violent, just overly excited. The Right successfully portrayed it as a "crazy" moment...end of Dean. I like how you put terrorist is quotation marks, as if Breivik wasn't one. He was. His attack was methodical and meticulously planned. He probably had help setting it up, but that has yet to be proven.

Breivik is a huge hero to many on the far Right. In fact, Breivik's manifesto quoted well-known Muslim basher Robert Spencer many times. Spencer is a big time favorite of the anti-Muslims of the world.

Sure, there are liberal nut jobs. ALF immediately comes to mind, but they usually torch SUV's or buildings, and don't do mass killings. They are wrong too....just not as violent.


golden ticket member
I just went to the FBI website and the only one listed in the top ten is Osama bin Laden with the label "deceased". Not that I didn't believe you, moreluck, but this time you're just full of BS.
This picture is under "political cartoons"........not facts. It's what the artist wants it to be to get his point across. I didn't think I would have someone fact-checking a cartoonist impression.
This is one of the political cartoons constructed with snapshots.
Feel a little foolish now? That's like looking up Dennis the Menace and finding out he's really 75 years old!! Good investigative work, bb.


Staff member
This picture is under "political cartoons"........not facts. It's what the artist wants it to be to get his point across. I didn't think I would have someone fact-checking a cartoonist impression.
This is one of the political cartoons constructed with snapshots.
Feel a little foolish now? That's like looking up Dennis the Menace and finding out he's really 75 years old!! Good investigative work, bb.
As you have attempted to point out before, political cartoons are trying to make a point. In this case, the point is simply false and does nothing but put forth the author's racism (no race card here) and encourage others to do the same. Feeling foolish now, moreluck? You should.


golden ticket member
It's a joke....I laugh
It's a joke you investigate it.

You'd love the Don Rickels live show!!

It was just on the news about a grandma type they strip searched because she was afraid the machine would mess up her pacemaker.........that's just the point the cartooniost was trying to make. Busy screening white, old ladies when middle eastern young men board with ease. But, if you don't get it, then you don't get it.


Staff member
It's a joke....I laugh
It's a joke you investigate it.

You'd love the Don Rickels live show!!

It was just on the news about a grandma type they strip searched because she was afraid the machine would mess up her pacemaker.........that's just the point the cartooniost was trying to make. Busy screening white, old ladies when middle eastern young men board with ease. But, if you don't get it, then you don't get it.
Maybe they should be strip seaching the Bernie Madoff's, Ben Bernanke's, Newt Gingriches and Chuck Schumer's of the world. Why not put them up in a mock FBI most wanted poster? Why is one profiling ok and another not? Where's the joke? Mid Easterner's are to be suspected but not WASPS and granny's?


golden ticket member
Maybe they should be strip seaching the Bernie Madoff's, Ben Bernanke's, Newt Gingriches and Chuck Schumer's of the world. Why not put them up in a mock FBI most wanted poster? Why is one profiling ok and another not? Where's the joke? Mid Easterner's are to be suspected but not WASPS and granny's?
When it comes to TSA at the airport......YES. That's how El Al does it so effectively!! Profile is a method, not a dirty word.
If bombers on planes were all drunk Irishmen, then the drunk Irishmen would be profiled along with random others. It's just good police work. There is no political correctness when it comes to crime!!


golden ticket member
Maybe they should be strip seaching the Bernie Madoff's, Ben Bernanke's, Newt Gingriches and Chuck Schumer's of the world. Why not put them up in a mock FBI most wanted poster? Why is one profiling ok and another not? Where's the joke? Mid Easterner's are to be suspected but not WASPS and granny's?
That sounds like a Klein response............