The religion of peace strikes again...


golden ticket member
Yeah, gradualism you won't even know what we are doing....

Muslim Brotherhood Cleric Calls For “Gradualism” In Applying Sharia Law…
(IPT) — In the November 2011 fatwa section on, radical Muslim Brotherhood cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi recommends gradualism in the implementation of Sharia (Islamic law derived from the Quran or Sunnah).
Responding to a question, “What are the guidelines in an attempt to apply gradualism in Islamic Shari’ah?,” Qaradawi writes:

“Gradualism is one of the laws of nature that Allah Almighty has created. It is also needed in applying the rulings of Shari’ah to make a change in people’s life. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) stayed in Makkah for thirteen years struggling to shake the false beliefs the Makkan people had adopted. Then, for other ten years, Allah Almighty revealed to him (peace and blessings be upon him) the laws that the Muslim would live by. Gradualism played an effective role in that regard.”

He adds:

“Gradualism in applying the Shari’ah is a wise requirement to follow. In doing so, we will be following Allah’s Laws with regard to physical nature and teachings of Islam. Gradualism was observed in enjoining the obligations of Islam such as Prayer, fasting, et cetera, and in forbidding the prohibitions as well.”

Qaradawi’s gradualism in applying Shariah is in conformity with the objectives of the Muslim Brotherhood, an international Sunni Islamist movement that seeks the establishment of a worldwide Caliphate or universal Islamic state through gradual and peaceful means.


golden ticket member
Jeddah – Under strict sharia law a Saudi man could be stoned to death for committing adultery with his ex-wife, who was unaware he had divorced her.
A Saudi woman has demanded that her ex-husband receive the strictest punishment under sharia law, for committing adultery with her. In a bizarre tale the Saudi man divorced his wife without letting her know, yet continued to have sex with her. The woman had no inkling they were no longer man and wife.
Emirates 247 reported that four months after divorcing his wife, the man told her he had just divorced her. However, when she checked the court records she found he had deceived her and they had in fact been divorced for 120 days.

Under the strict Wahhabism that is observed by all Saudis, sex outside marriage is considered adulterous and can merit the death penalty. According to Islam Review “In Islam, once a husband divorces his wife irrevocably, or with three pronouncements of divorce, that woman becomes totally ‘haram’ for him.

He cannot remarry her until she marries another man and the marriage is consummated and that temporary husband divorces her.”

Court sources have said that the man could be stoned to death for his adultery. His crime was not to deceive his wife but to have sex with her after divorcing her, without first ensuring she was married to and then divorced from another man.
Jeddah – Under strict sharia law a Saudi man could be stoned to death for committing adultery with his ex-wife, who was unaware he had divorced her.
A Saudi woman has demanded that her ex-husband receive the strictest punishment under sharia law, for committing adultery with her. In a bizarre tale the Saudi man divorced his wife without letting her know, yet continued to have sex with her. The woman had no inkling they were no longer man and wife.
Emirates 247 reported that four months after divorcing his wife, the man told her he had just divorced her. However, when she checked the court records she found he had deceived her and they had in fact been divorced for 120 days.

Under the strict Wahhabism that is observed by all Saudis, sex outside marriage is considered adulterous and can merit the death penalty. According to Islam Review “In Islam, once a husband divorces his wife irrevocably, or with three pronouncements of divorce, that woman becomes totally ‘haram’ for him.

He cannot remarry her until she marries another man and the marriage is consummated and that temporary husband divorces her.”

Court sources have said that the man could be stoned to death for his adultery. His crime was not to deceive his wife but to have sex with her after divorcing her, without first ensuring she was married to and then divorced from another man.
OH those crazy crazy kids.....never happy with what they have.


golden ticket member
ZIP | Monday, December 12, 2011 @ 1:21 pm |
Egypt’s Victorious Islamists Plan To Make Country’s Vital Tourist Industry Sharia Compliant…

Should do wonders for business.
CAIRO (AP) — Islamists are dominating Egypt’s elections and some of them have a new message for tourists: welcome, but no booze, bikinis or mixed bathing at beaches, please.

That vision of turning Egypt into a sin-free vacation spot could spell doom for a key pillar of the economy that has already been badly battered by this year’s political unrest.

“Tourists don’t need to drink alcohol when they come to Egypt; they have plenty at home,” a veiled Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Azza al-Jarf, told a cheering crowd of supporters on Sunday across the street from the Pyramids.

“They came to see the ancient civilization, not to drink alcohol,” she said, her voice booming through a set of loudspeakers at a campaign event dubbed “Let’s encourage tourism.” The crowd chanted, “Tourism will be at its best under Freedom and Justice,” the Brotherhood’s party and the most influential political group to emerge
ZIP | Monday, December 12, 2011 @ 1:21 pm |
Egypt’s Victorious Islamists Plan To Make Country’s Vital Tourist Industry Sharia Compliant…

Should do wonders for business.
CAIRO (AP) — Islamists are dominating Egypt’s elections and some of them have a new message for tourists: welcome, but no booze, bikinis or mixed bathing at beaches, please.

That vision of turning Egypt into a sin-free vacation spot could spell doom for a key pillar of the economy that has already been badly battered by this year’s political unrest.

“Tourists don’t need to drink alcohol when they come to Egypt; they have plenty at home,” a veiled Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Azza al-Jarf, told a cheering crowd of supporters on Sunday across the street from the Pyramids.

“They came to see the ancient civilization, not to drink alcohol,” she said, her voice booming through a set of loudspeakers at a campaign event dubbed “Let’s encourage tourism.” The crowd chanted, “Tourism will be at its best under Freedom and Justice,” the Brotherhood’s party and the most influential political group to emerge
Well there goes the camel rides kids. Maybe we'll just go to Disneyland.


golden ticket member
12-12-11 @ 10:19 am Saudi Arabia Beheads Woman For “Practicing Witchcraft And Sorcery”…
7th-century sharia justice is served.
Riyadh (AFP) — A Saudi woman was beheaded on Monday after being convicted of practising sorcery, which is banned in the ultra-conservative kingdom, the interior ministry said.

Amina bin Abdulhalim Nassar was executed in the northern province of Jawf for “practising witchcraft and sorcery,” the ministry said in a statement carried by SPA state news agency.

It is not clear how many women have been executed in the desert-kingdom, but another woman was beheaded in October for killing her husband by setting his house on fire.

The beheading took to 73 the number of executions in Saudi Arabia this year.

In September, Amnesty International called on the Muslim kingdom where 140 people were on death row to establish an “immediate moratorium on executions.”

The rights group said Saudi Arabia was one of a minority of states which voted against a UN General Assembly resolution last December calling for a worldwide moratorium on executions.

Rape, murder, apostasy, armed robbery and drug trafficking are all punishable by death under Saudi Arabia’s strict interpretation of Islamic sharia law.


golden ticket member
Al Qaeda wants to rebrand and are going to use "Sharia" in their new name, 'Ansar al Sharia'. 'Sharia ' rings of negativity too !!!

(Fox News)
— Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is rebranding itself to try to lose the negative “baggage” associated with the larger terror organization’s identity, according to a senior Arab diplomat who says the Yemeni-based group is trying to attract more foreign fighters to its cause.
AQAP is increasingly going by the name “Ansar al Sharia,” which means Army of Islamic Law, the diplomat told Fox News.
“After (Usama) bin Laden’s death and the Arab Spring, the name (al Qaeda) seems to have negative connotations and baggage,” said the diplomat, who would discuss the changes only on condition of anonymity.
The name swap was likened to a similar evolution experienced by al Qaeda in Iraq’s military and political wings. The rebranding of AQAP is seen as an effort to create “a big tent” to attract foreign jihadists and give it a greater air of legitimacy as a political movement.
Since al Qaeda leader bin Laden’s death in May at the hand of U.S. Navy SEALs, the number of foreign fighters traveling to Pakistan has dropped, but the number heading to Yemen is on an upswing.
A senior Yemeni official with access to the intelligence said the number of foreign fighters in Yemen now exceeds 1,000. If accurate, that is more than four times the number of al Qaeda members believed to be in the tribal areas of Pakistan


golden ticket member
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 @ 5:53 pm | CAIR Outraged At Attempts To Ban Recognition Of Sharia Law In Pennsylvania

When isn’t CAIR outraged? Answer: Never.
Via NewsWorks:
A bill in Harrisburg that opponents say is targeted against Muslims has followers of that faith upset.

House Bill 2029 would ban Pennsylvania courts from considering any foreign legal code or system that isn’t identical with the Constitution. Muslim activists say that it is specifically targeted against the practice of Sharia Law — a religious code for Muslims that has the power of law in some countries. Council on American-Islamic Relations Attorney Amara Chaudhry says this would block freedom of religious expression.

“This is not a new faith we are not a foreign faith and yes this dangerous, clearly stated discriminatory purpose on a publicly circulated document, you just don’t get any more troubling than that,” said Chaudhry


Well-Known Member
ZIP | Monday, December 12, 2011 @ 1:21 pm |
Egypt’s Victorious Islamists Plan To Make Country’s Vital Tourist Industry Sharia Compliant…

Should do wonders for business.
CAIRO (AP) — Islamists are dominating Egypt’s elections and some of them have a new message for tourists: welcome, but no booze, bikinis or mixed bathing at beaches, please.

That vision of turning Egypt into a sin-free vacation spot could spell doom for a key pillar of the economy that has already been badly battered by this year’s political unrest.

“Tourists don’t need to drink alcohol when they come to Egypt; they have plenty at home,” a veiled Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Azza al-Jarf, told a cheering crowd of supporters on Sunday across the street from the Pyramids.

“They came to see the ancient civilization, not to drink alcohol,” she said, her voice booming through a set of loudspeakers at a campaign event dubbed “Let’s encourage tourism.” The crowd chanted, “Tourism will be at its best under Freedom and Justice,” the Brotherhood’s party and the most influential political group to emerge

I am seeking airline tickets already to go. This is where I want to be. GREAT. ..... grrrrrrr


Engorged Member
I am seeking airline tickets already to go. This is where I want to be. GREAT. ..... grrrrrrr

Ya know, tham Moslems are coming to Texas reel soon to teach y'all how to bow-down to Shariah law. Won't be but a second before thay're covering your womin head to toe and burning down yur churches. That's all them camel-lovers want ya' know, to take your ladies and get rid of the baby Jeesuz.

Get your guns ready, cuz they are coming for you cuzzin.