The religion of peace strikes again...


golden ticket member
(Daily Mail) — Nearly 3,000 so-called honour attacks were recorded by police in Britain last year, new research has revealed.
According to figures obtained by the Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (Ikwro), at least 2,823 incidents of ‘honour-based’ violence took place, with the highest number recorded in London.

The charity said the statistics fail to provide the full picture of the levels of ‘honour’ violence in the UK , but are the best national estimate so far.
‘Honour’ attacks are punishments usually carried out against Muslim women who have been accused of bringing shame on their family and in the past have included abductions, mutilations, beatings and murder.

Ikwro director Diana Nammi told the BBC that families often deny the existence of the attacks.

She said: ‘The perpetrators will be even considered as a hero within the community because he is the one defending the family and community’s honour and reputation.’
The people on the island were Norway's equivalent of a liberal gathering. They weren't specifically pro-Muslim, just tolerant of them, but that was enough for Breivik to feel that they needed to be eliminated. Dean's rant was kind of out there, but he wasn't being violent, just overly excited. The Right successfully portrayed it as a "crazy" moment...end of Dean. I like how you put terrorist is quotation marks, as if Breivik wasn't one. He was. His attack was methodical and meticulously planned. He probably had help setting it up, but that has yet to be proven.

Breivik is a huge hero to many on the far Right. In fact, Breivik's manifesto quoted well-known Muslim basher Robert Spencer many times. Spencer is a big time favorite of the anti-Muslims of the world.

Sure, there are liberal nut jobs. ALF immediately comes to mind, but they usually torch SUV's or buildings, and don't do mass killings. They are wrong too....just not as violent.

With someone like Breivik there doesn't need to be a lot of motivation to eliminate anyone they disagree with, he was crazy.
There is a fine line between overly excited and crazy and another fine line between crazy and violent. So it was the right that portrayed Dean as "crazy"? What about the liberal media? They did a pretty good job of it themselves. End of Dean? Wasn't he re-elected after that incident?
You can take the quotation marks however you please, doesn't make it correct though. I used the " " to quote you and used the term you wanted to see applied o Breivik. Thought it might make you happy.

Maybe the TLF just hasn't had an over the top nutjob join their group. When liberal nutjob is mentioned the Weather Underground comes to mind. Nation of Islam and Black Panthers deserve a bit of notice as well. There are others.
So, we should be able to agree that neither the left nor the right can afford to place all nut jobs in one group.


Well-Known Member
Good thing her name wasn't something like Denise Smith or Susie Jones as we'd have never learned of this incident in this forum to begin with!
Good thing her name wasn't something like Denise Smith or Susie Jones as we'd have never learned of this incident in this forum to begin with!
We may not have heard about it on this forum but it would have been in the news. An acting Miss America with a DUI would get the media's attention.


golden ticket member
December 6, 2011 @ 9:35 pm | Egypt: Salafi Cleric Issues Fatwa Forbidding Women From Wearing High Heels Unless They’re Seducing Their Husbands…
And these people just won close to 30% of the vote in the Egyptian elections.
(Al Arabiya) — The recent emergence of the hardline Salafi trend in Egypt after the January 25 revolution has given way to a series of controversial fatwas that mainly focused on women, Copts, culture and democracy.
Preacher Mustafa al-Adawi issued a fatwa prohibiting Muslim women from wearing high heels because they are a source of seduction for men.

“A woman can only wear high heels for her husband but she is not to do so outside her house,” he said.
Another cleric, Sheikh Mahmoud Amer, had issued a fatwa prohibiting Muslims from voting for Coptic candidates or their Muslim counterparts who do not pray on regular basis.

“It is forbidden by Islam to vote for them and whoever does that will be committing a grave sin,” he said


Engorged Member
Oh, get ready....cuz it's a comin'

When ya lob a slow hangin' curve over the plate, somebody's gonna take it downtown.

DWA. No comment, just an acronym. If you are a professional driver with more than a few years in, you know this one is true. Home run?


Well-Known Member
Australian man sentenced to 500 lashes, year in Saudi Arabian jail for blasphemy conviction.
By Associated Press, Updated: Wednesday, December 7, 12:50 AM
SYDNEY — An Australian man has been sentenced to 500 lashes and a year in a Saudi Arabian jail after being convicted of blasphemy, officials said Wednesday. The 45-year-old man, identified by family members as Mansor Almaribe of southern Victoria state, was detained in the holy city of Medina last month while making the Muslim pilgrimage of hajj. Family members told Australian media that Saudi officials accused him of insulting the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, a violation of Saudi Arabia’s strict blasphemy laws.



golden ticket member
(MEMRI)Following are excerpts from a Gaza Friday sermon, which aired on Hamas Al-Aqsa TV on December 2, 2011:
Preacher: Our banner is “There is no god but Allah,” our slogan is “Allah Akbar,” our mantle is “Death to the Jews and to America.”

The Prophet said: “Judgment Day will not come until you fight the Jews — you to the east of the river, and they to its west. Then the stones and the trees will say: Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”

They won’t say: “oh Westernized Muslim. . .” They won’t say: “oh Muslim who does not know his religion. . .” They will say: “oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”
Soon you will hear the stones and trees crying “Allah Akbar,” saying: “oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”
DWA. No comment, just an acronym. If you are a professional driver with more than a few years in, you know this one is true. Home run?

Don't know how I missed this post, sorr.
DWA? Drove for ups 23 years and can not think of what that might mean.

Yes. taken it downtown = homerun.