The religion of peace strikes again...

Ya know, tham Moslems are coming to Texas reel soon to teach y'all how to bow-down to Shariah law. Won't be but a second before thay're covering your womin head to toe and burning down yur churches. That's all them camel-lovers want ya' know, to take your ladies and get rid of the baby Jeesuz.

Get your guns ready, cuz they are coming for you cuzzin.
Just when I start to think you have an independent brain you prove that TOS shares the one between the two of y'all. I bet you two look adorable together on the dance floor...twist baby twist.


golden ticket member
I hated the choice because of the title of the award....."PERSON"of the year!! Besides, the Seal Team Six is a much more impressive group than OWS.

If you want to honor a group than call it what it is. . . . . Time's Group of the Year.

Person of the year could've been Steve Jobs, Tim Tebow, or someone similiar with some values and work ethic..


golden ticket member
Thursday, December 15, 2011 @ 10:50 am | Wahhabi-Run Kuwait Strips Mom of Her Kids After She’s Declared a “Witch…

My calendar shows it’s 2011, apparently their’s is somewhere in the 1600s.
KUWAIT CITY, Dec 14: The Personal Status Section of the Appeals Court nullified a woman’s right to the custody of her two children and ordered the ex-husband must take over custody.

Counselor of the ex-husband Attorney Mahdi Al-Rashidi urged the court to transfer the children’s custody to their father because their mother practices sorcery, and the man is not at ease with the children being in her care.

Evidence against the woman became strong when sorcery related materials were found in her possession, and she confessed those materials rescued her from problems. Also, the woman is said to be spending most part of the day outside and usually comes home late at night. For this reason, she was deemed unfit to take care of the children. The lawyer reiterated that a lower court had previously granted his client the right to divorce, and the children’s paternal grandmother would take care of them

Lue C Fur

Evil member



golden ticket member
So, they should bow to them or what ???? UK: Cambridge University Warns Staff Not To Shake Hands With Muslims For Fear of Offending Them…

The UK continuously sets the bar high when it comes to liberal PC madness.
(Huff Po) — Cambridge University has warned its dons not to shake hands with Muslims or students with disabilities for fear of offending them.

The top university has cautioned its academics not to proffer their hand automatically in case the gesture causes an upset. A directive has also gone to admissions tutors which explains that some people are “culturally sensitive” to the traditional British style of greeting.

“Suitable body language conveys welcome just as well,” Cambridge advises. But some dons are infuriated by the “advice”, with one telling the Daily Telegraph they are being treated as “social misfits”.

“It seems to be totally bonkers,” one said. “We know when to shake someone’s hand and when not to.”
The academic, who asked not to be named, added that it all seemed “a bit stupid and pointless” and would make interviews “even more awkward”.

The advice, published on Cambridge University’s website, states “Apparently insignificant details of behaviour and language can offend disabled people.”


Engorged Member
Just when I start to think you have an independent brain you prove that TOS shares the one between the two of y'all. I bet you two look adorable together on the dance floor...twist baby twist.

They're coming for you too. Texas is their number 1 target.


Strength through joy
[h=2]Taliban cut nursing woman’s breast, asked others to eat pieces: UN-backed report[/h]

Pakistani Taliban fighters cut the
breasts of a woman who was breastfeeding her child and asked other women to eat the pieces, in a gory incident highlighted in a report on the abuse of women in the militancy-hit tribal belt bordering Afghanistan.
The incident occurred when five militants walked into a house and saw the woman breastfeeding her child, The Express Tribune quoted the report titled ‘Impact of crisis on women and girls in FATA’ as saying.
The report, released by the human rights organisation “Khwendo Kor” (Sisters’ Home in Pashto) with financial support from the UN, is based on case studies of women from the tribal belt living in camps set up in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa for people displaced by militancy.
Women in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas are more susceptible to abuse in a post-conflict scenario, whether or not they are part of the conflict, the report says.
Nope. The whole point is that nobody is coming. The Righties love to crank-up the Fear Machine and watch the lemmings panic.

Texan nor I said a word about anyone coming here, fearing the muslims or you.

So keep on dancing and twisting, one day you may be as worthless as TOS.


Engorged Member
Texan nor I said a word about anyone coming here, fearing the muslims or you.

So keep on dancing and twisting, one day you may be as worthless as TOS.

No need to fear me or the Muslims. FOX and the Right love to play-up the "Muslim Problem" as if they are just awaiting their chance to spring into action and take over the USA. That would never happen, but they want you to think that it could. Plus. I'm a lousy dancer.
No need to fear me or the Muslims. FOX and the Right love to play-up the "Muslim Problem" as if they are just awaiting their chance to spring into action and take over the USA. That would never happen, but they want you to think that it could. Plus. I'm a lousy dancer.
You're sure not too good at twisting, that is obvious. Oh you try, but it just doesn't work for you.
I'm more afraid of zer0bama than I am muslims


golden ticket member
No need to fear me or the Muslims. FOX and the Right love to play-up the "Muslim Problem" as if they are just awaiting their chance to spring into action and take over the USA. That would never happen, but they want you to think that it could. Plus. I'm a lousy dancer.
Maybe you ought to talk to someone from Dearborn, MI. about takeovers.


Engorged Member
You're sure not too good at twisting, that is obvious. Oh you try, but it just doesn't work for you.
I'm more afraid of zer0bama than I am muslims

But according to you (collectively) on the Right, he's already a Muslim, so they've established a stronghold. It's just a matter of time until we're all bowing to Meccah 15 times a day. Got your prayer rug picked out?


Well-Known Member
On Hitchins, Ive loved him and hated him. He wrote prose and pissed off a lot of people. He will be missed.

On the name of this thread, I would rather the "religion" of peace than a piece of religion.
But according to you (collectively) on the Right, he's already a Muslim, so they've established a stronghold. It's just a matter of time until we're all bowing to Meccah 15 times a day. Got your prayer rug picked out?

But I think you are either over exaggerating the numbers of the "collective" that say he is muslim, or you are just making stuff up. Sure there are some that do, but on the other hand there are some dems that believe all "righties" are racists. In short your "collective" assumptions are nothing short of ridiculous.