The religion of peace strikes again...


Engorged Member
But I think you are either over exaggerating the numbers of the "collective" that say he is muslim, or you are just making stuff up. Sure there are some that do, but on the other hand there are some dems that believe all "righties" are racists. In short your "collective" assumptions are nothing short of ridiculous.

Wrong. There are many on the Right who openly hint that Obama is either a closeted Muslim or pro-Muslim at the very least. I get crap all the time from my Right Wing friends "proving" he's Muslim, usually some altered picture showing him holding a Muslim book or mis-quoting him. Whatever.
And, no, I don't think all Righties are racist, but there are a bunch of them, led by El Rushbo, whose racist rants and termimology are all there for anyone who wants to Google it. Rush is the defacto head of the GOP after all, and what he says is the gospel to most GOP faithful. So of you agree with Rush, your racial opinions are probably similar too.


golden ticket member
Never in my life heard a "Rush" program. Used to listen to radio a lot....Imus & Stern would always be feuding. That was awhile ago.

If Rush is the leader of the right, I've never heard the leader speak.........'cept maybe on excerpts chosen to be broadcast on news shows.


Engorged Member
Never in my life heard a "Rush" program. Used to listen to radio a lot....Imus & Stern would always be feuding. That was awhile ago.

If Rush is the leader of the right, I've never heard the leader speak.........'cept maybe on excerpts chosen to be broadcast on news shows.

Rush is the leader of the GOP. If any of them say or do something Rush doesn't like, they either have to recant or come to Rush and kiss his ring. They all fear the power of the EIB microphone, because they know the mongrel herd out there will crucify them (the politician)if Rush chooses to attack. It's happened many times.

I'll give Rush credit for being a highly successful radio host. But he isn't very truthful, gets a lot of "facts" just plain wrong, and leads those who aren't smart enough to do their own thinking, which seems to be most Republicans. Most of my Rightie friends are always quoting Rush or whatever trickles down from his show to his local emulators, which are many. It's a great way to make a lot of money, as long as you don't have a conscience.

He makes $45 million per year fleecing the mentally-challenged, and that's a pretty good gig. Not very ethical, but very lucrative. My local Rush clone also does very well, and about 75% of his daily topics come straight from what Rush says every morning.


golden ticket member
Rush is the leader of the GOP. If any of them say or do something Rush doesn't like, they either have to recant or come to Rush and kiss his ring. They all fear the power of the EIB microphone, because they know the mongrel herd out there will crucify them (the politician)if Rush chooses to attack. It's happened many times.

I'll give Rush credit for being a highly successful radio host. But he isn't very truthful, gets a lot of "facts" just plain wrong, and leads those who aren't smart enough to do their own thinking, which seems to be most Republicans. Most of my Rightie friends are always quoting Rush or whatever trickles down from his show to his local emulators, which are many. It's a great way to make a lot of money, as long as you don't have a conscience.

He makes $45 million per year fleecing the mentally-challenged, and that's a pretty good gig. Not very ethical, but very lucrative. My local Rush clone also does very well, and about 75% of his daily topics come straight from what Rush says every morning.
Stern probably makes more especially with the new AGT gig........but his serious topic is anal rig toss.

"Even top talker Howard Stern hasn't been immune, as analysts figure he re-upped at Sirius XM for about $80 million a year, down from a previous deal that had him earning $100 million annually." Wow, he took a pay cut !! Hahaha


golden ticket member
Do we still send these nuts money????

The never ending Islamic rage machine rolls on.
ISLAMABAD (AP) — More than 30,000 Islamists rallied against the U.S. in the Pakistani city of Lahore on Sunday, demanding Islamabad cut off ties with Washington following NATO airstrikes last month that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.

The protest highlighted the ability of hard-liners to bring their supporters into the streets, as well as the lasting anger over the Nov. 26 attack, which has complicated U.S. efforts to enlist Pakistan’s cooperation on the Afghan war.

The U.S. has expressed its condolences for the NATO airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers at two army posts along the Afghan border and has promised to carry out a full investigation. The response has done little to calm anger in Pakistan’s military, which has claimed the attack was deliberate.

“All agreements (with the U.S.) should be terminated,” Hafiz Saeed, the head of the group that organized the protest, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, told the crowd. “We say all agreements terminated the day the attack happened.”

Jamaat-ud-Dawa is widely considered to be the front group for Lashkar-e-Taiba, a militant organization that was started with help from the Pakistani government to fight archenemy India, but has been officially banned under international pressure.

Lashkar-e-Taiba is blamed for the 2008 attacks in Mumbai that killed 166 people. India has demanded Pakistan crack down on the group, but Islamabad has shown little willingness to go after Lashkar-e-Taiba or Jamaat-ud-Dawa


golden ticket member
Could be coming to a courtroom near you.......................

| Saturday, December 17, 2011 @ 9:50 pm |
Saudi Arabia: Sharia Court Sentences Six Men To Cross Amputation, Right Hand And Left Foot Both Cut Off…
(Emirates 24/7) — Human rights watchdog Amnesty International has urged Saudi King Abdullah to commute amputation sentences handed down against six men convicted of highway robbery in the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom.

The sentences to chop off the right hands and left feet of the six Saudis is currently before the Supreme Court for approval and could be carried out within days if ratified by the king, the London-based group said on Friday.
It said they were forced to confess.

”Cross amputation’ is a strikingly cruel form of punishment that amounts to torture and should have no place in a criminal justice system,’ said the watchdog’s Middle East and North Africa interim director, Philip Luther.



Engorged Member
Stern probably makes more especially with the new AGT gig........but his serious topic is anal rig toss.

"Even top talker Howard Stern hasn't been immune, as analysts figure he re-upped at Sirius XM for about $80 million a year, down from a previous deal that had him earning $100 million annually." Wow, he took a pay cut !! Hahaha

Stern is worth it. Rush is not.


Well-Known Member
On Hitchins, Ive loved him and hated him. He wrote prose and pissed off a lot of people. He will be missed.

On the name of this thread, I would rather the "religion" of peace than a piece of religion.

Hitchens was a lightening rod for sure and had a darkside. Glenn Greenwald like Cockburn and even Chris Hedges has addressed that darkside.


Engorged Member
And where do you get yours from...Bill Mahr, MSNBC loons, Huffington post,

I listen and watch both sides, unlike most of you. Rush has spawned legions of local imitators who use the same schtick. Rush did it first, but there are enough dummies out there for them to get an audeince too. My local guy is a Libertarian who spends every day attacking public employees, race-baiting, and glorifying corporations. Oh, and denying Global Warming. More "Rush", just re-heated and served on different plates. Pure crap.


Strength through joy
A majority of successful talk radio shows are non liberal based.
While most cable "news" show successful or not are liberal based.
I hear of more & more talk radio shows appearing every week , yet all the cable programing fails to grow.
I'm sure Rush wishes he had the power you give him. Most republicans I know....and there are quite a few of them....detest Rush, me included. If Rush had the power you claim he does zer0bama would not be president today.


Strength through joy

Arab springtime in Egypt,
this woman will probably be flogged for not being accompanied by a male family member.


Well-Known Member

Arab springtime in Egypt,
this woman will probably be flogged for not being accompanied by a male family member.

Something to make note of from the picture. Notice the one person looking as if they are about to stomp on the girl. This person has riot headgear on and appears to be working with the police but notice the rest of this person's dress. There have been more and more charges that agent provocateurs are entering protester ranks and either causing havoc or in some cases planting evidence. This picture would give some support to those allegations. It's also been alleged that the infamous Black Block if not agent provocateurs are overloaded with them and there have been many cases for example with the G-8 and G-20 protests where the property destruction taking place by the Black Block may have been provocateurs. This video is just one of many shot on the street and shows how govt's via police operatives go into protester groups hoping to provoke law breaking so police will have the excuse to enter and end the protest.

This is a union protest and the 2 attempting to provoke violence are in fact cops. Watch the union leader try to make them put down the rock and then stand between the provocateur and the police line to prevent violence and the rest explains itself. Funny how this stuff never makes the news or gets wide exposure.

And if you think this is something new or rare, think again.

It's not ended, it's just been re-crafted into other forms.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I'm sure Rush wishes he had the power you give him. Most republicans I know....and there are quite a few of them....detest Rush, me included. If Rush had the power you claim he does zer0bama would not be president today.

What you misunderstand about the power of RUSH, isnt his ability to sway liberals or independents, its how he controls the right wing BASE and screws up the right wings chances of seating qualified candidates.

Look what he did to John McCain. He tried to kill McCains campaign early in the cycle, running spoofs on him and calling him every name in the book, only to have McCain end up the nominee but the damage was done.

A large percentage of right wing americans didnt vote or voted for OBAMA because of the damage done to McCain from Rush.

He hurts his own party and he is doing it again this time. His anti Romney positions in favor of tea party candidates is clear daily. Losing CAIN screwed up his program and hes stuck with santorum or Bachman to promote on a daily basis.

He bags on romney in subtle tones, but its clear HE doesnt want him as a candidate.

RUSH will hurt the party again and I applaud him for it.

What you misunderstand about the power of RUSH, isnt his ability to sway liberals or independents, its how he controls the right wing BASE and screws up the right wings chances of seating qualified candidates.

Look what he did to John McCain. He tried to kill McCains campaign early in the cycle, running spoofs on him and calling him every name in the book, only to have McCain end up the nominee but the damage was done.

A large percentage of right wing americans didnt vote or voted for OBAMA because of the damage done to McCain from Rush.

He hurts his own party and he is doing it again this time. His anti Romney positions in favor of tea party candidates is clear daily. Losing CAIN screwed up his program and hes stuck with santorum or Bachman to promote on a daily basis.

He bags on romney in subtle tones, but its clear HE doesnt want him as a candidate.

RUSH will hurt the party again and I applaud him for it.

This is so outrageously ignorant you had to come up with this yourself instead of from your liberal talking point memos. If Rush poisoned so many republican voters against McCain, how did he get nominated.


Strength through joy
"A large percentage of right wing americans didnt vote or voted for OBAMA because of the damage done to McCain from Rush."
So now you admit that bhos won unfairly. That his base really wasn't that strong to win on it's own.