The religion of peace strikes again...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This is so outrageously ignorant you had to come up with this yourself instead of from your liberal talking point memos. If Rush poisoned so many republican voters against McCain, how did he get nominated.

I hate to call you an idiot, but you do it so well I dont have to say it out loud.

During the primaries, RUSH tore up McCain EVERYDAY. Running spoofs everyday, but as the republicans now know, they tore each other up in the primaries and McCain Limped across the finish line with the nomination. BUT, in the general, OBAMAs 66 million to McCains 58 million showed how many republicans fled the party because of McCain and voted for Obama.

Just like this election cycle, RUSH is tearing Romney up everyday and trying to promote his Tea Party loons and at the end of the day, the most qualified candidate (Romney) will not get the nod and you will have to settle for another ash whupping in the general election.

Im all for it! Congrats GOP, your circus is selling out in every town!



Well-Known Member

Arab springtime in Egypt,
this woman will probably be flogged for not being accompanied by a male family member.

Looks like this could be nyc OWS too

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
OMG, the right wings newest idiot TED NUGENT opened a can of worms when he attacked the OWS people! Is he serious? Are the right wingers desperate for idiots nowadays?

Ted Nugent takes a hard-right jab at OWS protesters | MadMikesAmerica

Lets look at what nugent looks like and acted like before he became a right wing kook on foxed spews.






Ya, he's one to talk about the way the OWS people look and act. The voice of reason for right wingers!




golden ticket member
(The Australian) — At least 675 Pakistani women and girls were murdered during the first nine months of the year for allegedly defaming their family’s honour, a leading human rights group said today.

The statistics highlight the scale of violence suffered by many women in conservative Muslim Pakistan, where they are frequently treated as second-class citizens and there is no law against domestic violence.

Despite some progress on better protecting women’s rights, activists say the government needs to do far more to prosecute murderers in cases largely dismissed by police as private, family affairs.

“A total of 675 women and girls were killed in the name of honour across Pakistan from January to September,” a senior official in the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said.

They included at least 71 victims under the age of 18.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is unauthorised to speak to the media, said figures were still being compiled for the period covering October to December, and that a full report would be released in February


golden ticket member
It’s Come To This: British Court Orders Baby Born Out of Wedlock To Muslim Mother Adopted To Save Her From Being Victim of “Honor Killing”…

More of that famed British-style multiculturalism.
(Daily Mail) — A baby girl born out of wedlock must be adopted to save her from the risk of being slaughtered in an ‘honour killing’, a court ruled yesterday.

If the unmarried Muslim woman’s father found out about the child, he would feel such ‘unimaginable shame’ he could unleash a vengeful bloodbath by killing the baby and his whole family, three senior judges agreed.

So they made the extraordinary order to have the one-year-old girl – known as Baby Q – adopted for her own safety.
She will now grow up with adoptive parents and, when she is older, they will explain to her why she could not have been brought up by her biological parents.

It is believed to be the first time an English court has ordered an adoption to prevent a murder.
The baby’s maternal grandmother told police that if her husband ever found out about the little girl, ‘he would consider himself honour-bound to kill the child, the mother, the grandmother herself and the grandmother’s other children’, the court heard.

The identities of all those involved have been kept anonymous to ensure the girl can grow up safe from her apparently murderous grandfather – who still has no idea his daughter was ever pregnant


golden ticket member
I thought this government didn't operate on appeasement....that's what Buck said. He was wrong!

December 23, 2011 @ 11:30 pm | CAIR Gloats After Department of Defense Bows To Their Demands…
Nice job, Leon.
Via Daily Caller:
The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has announced that the Department of Defense will now allow Muslim and Sikh students participating in Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) to wear headscarves and turbans while in uniform.

The decision, announced Thursday, followed an October incident in which Muslim teen Demin Zawity quit JROTC when her commanding officer at a Brentwood, Tenn. high school would not allow her to wear her hijab in the homecoming parade.
CAIR later wrote to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta requesting “constitutionally-protected religious accommodations for the girl and for future Muslim JROTC participants.”

In a letter to the Muslim organization sent on Panetta’s behalf, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army Larry Stubblefield explained that based on the incident that led Zawity to quit JROTC, the Army will now be making more accommodations for religious headwear in the training program.

“Based on your concerns, the Army has reviewed its JROTC uniform policy and will develop appropriate procedures to provide Cadets the opportunity to request the wear of religious head dress, such as the turban and hijab,” Stubblefield wrote in the letter, made public by CAIR. “This change will allow Miss Zawity and other students the chance to fully participate in the JROTC program.”
Keep reading…

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I thought this government didn't operate on appeasement....that's what Buck said. He was wrong!

This is a completely ridiculous comparision to the use of the term. The girl is an AMERICAN you wierdo. Why do you and "some" of the other C9ers believe that the constitution only applies to certain people?

Did you mis this part of the conversation? “constitutionally-protected religious accommodations for the girl and for future Muslim JROTC participants.”

CUT and PASTE, use anothers ridiculous thoughts as your own.



golden ticket member
Maybe you are also in favor of allowing veil covered faces on drivers licenses ?? It's about bending over backwards to accomodate.........