The religion of peace strikes again...


Staff member
You may be missing the whole point of the objections. This version isn't just a different translation. This goes far beyond what name anyone uses for God. Most Christian based faiths adhere to the Trinity as taught in the Bible, to remove that is considered blasphemy.

More is correct. The followers of Islam can put anything they want into the Koran but removing(or adding) text from the Bible because certain words don't set with with some one is wrong.

Actually your responses on this topic surprise me.

The Trinity is actually a concept from the middle ages that tries to square an aspect of divinity into human concepts. Along with transsubstantiation they are rather tortured attempts for the human mind to grasp something that defies human comprehension.

If you ever find yourself so inclined, search out the vastly different Christologies that exist. Even within Christian theology, there are dozens of angles at which the life of Christ is viewed. That should not be surprising. Did the shepherds and the wisemen view the same child in the manger? Indeed they did. And over eons popes and kings, slaves and freemen hav called the same Lord and yet seen Him very differently.

Why now should we limit His revelation to millions more?


golden ticket member
I did. And post 1007 does not negate the fact that the Bible has been translated hundreds if not thousands of times. In fact, it is most likely that Jesus never referred to himself as the "Son of God" as that would not have been a phrase in aramaic which would have meant anything to his followers. It is a term dating later and of distinctly Roman influence. But where would Christianity be today
without riding the Roman wave?

Regardless the violence shown by some of another religion, please explain the justification Jesus would give for such disdain. Can you say that this translation will not bring muslims to Christ? How many names does God recognize for himself? Does he answer to God? Yaweh? Christ? Jesus? Lord? Master? Allah? How do you know? How many rooms are there in the Kingdom of Heaven and can God not call his followers by whatever vesse

l he chooses?

Maybe in the past there were "holy people" who translated the words.......not the heathens and pagans. They used to have paintings of monks, with ink dipped quills, spending their entire lives translating.

I like to think that when Jesus was dying on the cross and He looked to the heavens and said....."Father, forgive them for they.....". I would like to take from that He was calling God in heaven, Father ,which would make him the Son of God.
I believe we are all children of God. It's faith and there's no 'splainin' to someone who may not have faith.
Good luck with your quest.


Well-Known Member
The Trinity is actually a concept from the middle ages that tries to square an aspect of divinity into human concepts. Along with transsubstantiation they are rather tortured attempts for the human mind to grasp something that defies human comprehension.

If you ever find yourself so inclined, search out the vastly different Christologies that exist. Even within Christian theology, there are dozens of angles at which the life of Christ is viewed. That should not be surprising. Did the shepherds and the wisemen view the same child in the manger? Indeed they did. And over eons popes and kings, slaves and freemen hav called the same Lord and yet seen Him very differently.

Why now should we limit His revelation to millions more?

Nicely said!


golden ticket member
............."Did the shepherds and the wisemen view the same child in the manger? Indeed they did....." (804)

Yes, and they didn't slit Mary's throat for having a baby while just bethrothed.


golden ticket member
Herod did, however, kill the children and he was a Jew. What to make offset that?

"Deliverance and Freedom
Moreover, they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses in which they eat it. (Ex 12:7)
God has established House as an object of shelter and its door as its way in. God commands that the blood of the lamb be applied on the door posts and the lintel of every house so that the angel of death may pass over. And Israel obeyed God and did as He said, so the angel of death passed over the houses of Israel and did not harm them because of the blood on the door. But the first born of Egypt were killed. This brought about a great deliverance for Israel from bondage of 430years. In the new covenant the bible says in Romans 5:9 that we are justified by His blood and are now saved from the wrath of God through Christ Jesus. Thus the deliverance of Israel from Egypt symbolises our redemption from sin through the blood and hence from the wrath of God by the sacrifice of Jesus."

Covering by the Blood of the Lamb | Prayer Warrior - End Time
The Trinity is actually a concept from the middle ages that tries to square an aspect of divinity into human concepts. Along with transsubstantiation they are rather tortured attempts for the human mind to grasp something that defies human comprehension.

If you ever find yourself so inclined, search out the vastly different Christologies that exist. Even within Christian theology, there are dozens of angles at which the life of Christ is viewed. That should not be surprising. Did the shepherds and the wisemen view the same child in the manger? Indeed they did. And over eons popes and kings, slaves and freemen hav called the same Lord and yet seen Him very differently.

Why now should we limit His revelation to millions more?
I agree with Wkmac, nicely said. However all that is not what I was talking about. Most Christ base faiths(not ALL) here in the US, teach some form of the "Holy Trinity", do they not? Removing the words Father, Son, etc. from the Bible because they offend the muslim people is wrong. period. What do you think they would say if publisher chose to Remove the word Mohamed from the Koran because it was offensive to Christians? Holy Hell comes to mind.


golden ticket member
I think someone should market a Mohammed coloring book.............that would be one dead entrepeneur!! Yet, I can buy a kid a Jesus coloring book and I like that fact that I can.


Staff member
I agree with Wkmac, nicely said. However all that is not what I was talking about. Most Christ base faiths(not ALL) here in the US, teach some form of the "Holy Trinity", do they not? Removing the words Father, Son, etc. from the Bible because they offend the muslim people is wrong. period. What do you think they would say if publisher chose to Remove the word Mohamed from the Koran because it was offensive to Christians? Holy Hell comes to mind.
What you imply here is that if a Christ based faith in, say Saudi Arabia, does not reflect what is done in the U.S., it is somehow an abomination? Consider this. If the idea of the Trinity did not arrive in Christian thought until 350 A.D. and has over the centuries been mulled over, disputed, re-explained, and generally confused those it sought to enlighten, is it not possible that removing such a doctrine is actually closer to early Christian teaching? If so, how is that suddenly "not Christian"? Or consider the case of Mormons in America. Their doctrine of the Trinity is quite different than "main stream" Christianity and yet they are Christian. In short, how humans come to understand God does not define God. That we see Him as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are human constructs and not the God-being itself. So, shall the importance be in the words or in the heart touched by the Word?

You mentioned you were surprised at my responses. Honestly, so am I. I am passionate on the subject because I am certain that God had to "lower the bar" for me. I literally learned about God from people who "drank coffee, smoked cigarettes, and told dirty jokes". He spoke to me on my level, and it was at a level far below a theological discussion on Christian terminology. It is for that reason that I view such matters as trivial and obstructive. I may not be a good Christian, but I am one who has been saved by God and remembers fully the darkness of meaningless existence. If my God can spare that agony for others by speaking to them on their level and in their vernacular, then I am all for it.


Well-Known Member
What you imply here is that if a Christ based faith in, say Saudi Arabia, does not reflect what is done in the U.S., it is somehow an abomination? Consider this. If the idea of the Trinity did not arrive in Christian thought until 350 A.D. and has over the centuries been mulled over, disputed, re-explained, and generally confused those it sought to enlighten, is it not possible that removing such a doctrine is actually closer to early Christian teaching? If so, how is that suddenly "not Christian"? Or consider the case of Mormons in America. Their doctrine of the Trinity is quite different than "main stream" Christianity and yet they are Christian. In short, how humans come to understand God does not define God. That we see Him as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are human constructs and not the God-being itself. So, shall the importance be in the words or in the heart touched by the Word?

You mentioned you were surprised at my responses. Honestly, so am I. I am passionate on the subject because I am certain that God had to "lower the bar" for me. I literally learned about God from people who "drank coffee, smoked cigarettes, and told dirty jokes". He spoke to me on my level, and it was at a level far below a theological discussion on Christian terminology. It is for that reason that I view such matters as trivial and obstructive. I may not be a good Christian, but I am one who has been saved by God and remembers fully the darkness of meaningless existence. If my God can spare that agony for others by speaking to them on their level and in their vernacular, then I am all for it.

This is becoming deep in theology and there is no problem with that sir. I wish not to debate, but share. Is that ok?
How often I have heard do not talk religion and politics at work or with others than immediate family.
Politics is very much discussed here. I do not often (only 90 days here, so no real track record) engage in politics.

I have studied / searched the Torah (first five books of the Bible) and Tanakh, then the original Greek New Testament
letters, Gospels, the Latin versions etc.

I am not an expert at all. But you are correct that the word Trinity can not be found in all as far as I can find.

Yet the recorded Gospel shares on the day of Yeshua's (Jesus I love to remind people that Jesus was 100
per cent Jewish and His name was Jewish) Emmersion / Mikvah / Baptism in the Jordan, Father God was there
with His presence and Eternal voice proclaiming This is my Son....
Also present was the Ruhach Ha Kodesh / Holy Spirit. All three in one place. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit of God.

I can not explain it.

When a US soldier who does not have a strong daily relationship with God, is perhaps hit with a bullet in battle, he or she might
resort to the most learned prayer from their past for help. Our Father who art in Heaven....
They might have heard this over and over in their childhood and this is all they can muster during shock and pain.

When an IDF soldier is hit that is also at a lost for prayer, will say Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad
(Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One). As this prayer is prayed during his or her childhood
in Jewish upbringing.

Gospel of Mark 12:28 And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and
perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?
12:29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments [is], Hear, O Israel;
The Lord our God is one Lord:
Mark 12:30: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this [is] the first

Jesus even put this first. Yet above, I shared that all three were recorded to be present at His Mikvah / Baptism by my understanding.

So it is very hard to explain and understand for me. Yet I believe it. Can not explain it, but believe it. Father God of the Bible is One,
yet He has an eternal Son, and His Spirit.

Genesis 1:26 And Elohim [God] said, Let Us make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness…
Makes one wonder / ponder. At least me....

Then Jesus said in John 14: 10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak
unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

Then John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; [SUP]17[/SUP]Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him;
for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

Ok enough sharing.

This is where in doctrine the early 350 AD church came up with the word Trinity to explain this, even though I can not find it in the Bible.
Did I go on too much? Sorry.


Well-Known Member
What you imply here is that if a Christ based faith in, say Saudi Arabia, does not reflect what is done in the U.S., it is somehow an abomination? Consider this. If the idea of the Trinity did not arrive in Christian thought until 350 A.D. and has over the centuries been mulled over, disputed, re-explained, and generally confused those it sought to enlighten, is it not possible that removing such a doctrine is actually closer to early Christian teaching? If so, how is that suddenly "not Christian"? Or consider the case of Mormons in America. Their doctrine of the Trinity is quite different than "main stream" Christianity and yet they are Christian. In short, how humans come to understand God does not define God. That we see Him as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are human constructs and not the God-being itself. So, shall the importance be in the words or in the heart touched by the Word?

You mentioned you were surprised at my responses. Honestly, so am I. I am passionate on the subject because I am certain that God had to "lower the bar" for me. I literally learned about God from people who "drank coffee, smoked cigarettes, and told dirty jokes". He spoke to me on my level, and it was at a level far below a theological discussion on Christian terminology. It is for that reason that I view such matters as trivial and obstructive. I may not be a good Christian, but I am one who has been saved by God and remembers fully the darkness of meaningless existence. If my God can spare that agony for others by speaking to them on their level and in their vernacular, then I am all for it.

Every culture puts it's own personal stamp on it's religions. Much of the traditions of the Christmas season don't origin to the time of Christ or the region of Judea but rather vary from old Roman traditions to various northern European traditions. Instead of crushing these well embedded pagan ways, they were just christianized on the chance that over time the older pagan reasons would be displaced with a christian interpretation and in fact they were so it's proven to work. Some would argue the idea of the trinity came out of the Persian Zoroastrianism or that the Jesus figure of Paul was more from Persian/Roman Mithraism than the real Jesus of Galilee and Judea.

I think someone should market a Mohammed coloring book.............that would be one dead entrepeneur!! Yet, I can buy a kid a Jesus coloring book and I like that fact that I can.

Poor Moreluck, still unable to firmly grasp reality!


Now this one I found to be a real knee slapper!


Staff member
And here is the Good News of the Gospel: That the Law is fulfilled in the Spirit. It is as simple as the parable of the Good Samaritan. Who speaks for God? Is it the Pharisee, today's Bible quoting, churh going Christian? The Levite, a scholarly methodical follower of theology and doctrine? Or the man concerned with his fellow man's well-being?

Luckily for us, the answer is maybe all three. God is not wrapped up in dogma and ritual, but evident in our actions no matter our name for Him or the depth of our knowledge.


Strength through joy
Following are excerpts from a statement by Egyptian MP Mustafa Bakri, which aired on Sawt Al-Sha’b TV on February 2, 2012:
Our country is entering a state of anarchy. This anarchy is caused by America, Israel and the former regime. Look at the New Middle East scheme. Don’t talk about all the minute details. What happened in Port Said is a continuation of what happened in Muhammad Mahmoud Street, in Al-Qasr Al-Ayni Street, across from the government, across from Maspero, and in the soccer match against Tunisia. They are all connected. It is an attempt to bring this country down.

[h=2]Egyptian MP Says America And Israel Are Responsible For Deadly Soccer Riots…[/h]



Engorged Member
Following are excerpts from a statement by Egyptian MP Mustafa Bakri, which aired on Sawt Al-Sha’b TV on February 2, 2012:
Our country is entering a state of anarchy. This anarchy is caused by America, Israel and the former regime. Look at the New Middle East scheme. Don’t talk about all the minute details. What happened in Port Said is a continuation of what happened in Muhammad Mahmoud Street, in Al-Qasr Al-Ayni Street, across from the government, across from Maspero, and in the soccer match against Tunisia. They are all connected. It is an attempt to bring this country down.

Egyptian MP Says America And Israel Are Responsible For Deadly Soccer Riots…

Irresponsible political rhetoric. This is like cherry-picking some of the insane crap that Gingrich and Romney spew, and then saying it represents an entire country or religion. Bakri is scoring points with the conservative nuts in Egypt, just like The GOP does with the conservative crazies in this country.