The religion of peace strikes again...


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Threat of war over a beard.
The bitter rift between Iran and Morocco deepened Wednesday, threatening to plunge the region into full-scale war, after
Ayatollah Khamenei issued a fatwa against Morrocan King Mohammed VI’s beard, declaring it “un-Islamic.”
Khamenei declares fatwa... JPost - Features - Insights & Features



golden ticket member
Obama apologized for soldiers burning a few books........what's he going to do with this??

All hell's going to break loose over there. This is more important than campaigning & pond scum. He'd better get Americans out of there!

This morning they were saying it was a single soldier!?


Well-Known Member
Real terrorists = Western forces

Now wait a minute, that's our oil they ignorantly choose to live on top of!

Ever noticed how similar the storyline of today's Middle East ventures mirror the war on the plains indians on behalf of the railroads and land speculators? Our leaders ain't so smart, they just read history books and so the same thing over and over and over again and because we don't read those same books...........


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Suicide car bomber detonates explosives outside Catholic church in central Nigeria; 10 killed

JOS, Nigeria — A suicide car bomber attacked a Catholic church Sunday in the middle of Mass, killing at least 10 people in
the blast and the retaliatory violence that followed after the latest assault targeting a church in a central Nigerian city plagued
by unrest, officials said.

Suicide car bomber detonates explosives outside Catholic church in central Nigeria; 10 killed - The Washington Post


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Forcible conversion of Hindu girls on rise in Sindh: HRCP

On an average around 20 to 25 Hindu girls are being forcibly converted to Islam every month in the southern Sindh
province, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has said. Urging the authorities to take note of these forced
conversions, HRCP officials told reporters on Saturday that culprits were taking advantage of loopholes in the law.
Amarnath Motumel of the HRCP said that within a month 20 forced conversions had taken place.
“Apart from minor school girls, married women with children are not spared either,” he said.

The Hindu : News / International : Forcible conversion of Hindu girls on rise in Sindh: HRCP


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Nigeria: Over 5,000 Children out of School

Over 5,000 school children in northern Nigeria are now at home after Boko Haram Islamic militants destroyed their schools
in their campaign to impose Islamic Sharia law in the country. The Nation newspaper of Nigeria citing a Human Rights
Watch, HRW, report released earlier this week, said since the beginning of 2012, at least 12 schools have been destroyed
in the city of Maiduguri, capital of the north eastern Borno State, the heartland of the insurgency. Nigeria: Over 5,000 Children out of School


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My mother wants me dead: Catholic convert speaks out after fleeing her Muslim
family following 'honour killing' threat.
A women's rights campaigner has revealed how she fears for her life after her strict Muslim parents
threatened to kill her when she dared to refuse an arranged marriage.
Sabatina James said the threat made her flee the family home at 18, change her name, convert
to Catholicism and move abroad to set up a foundation for women in similar danger.

Read more: Sabatina James: My mother wants me dead but I avoided honour killing | Mail Online


golden ticket member
[h=2]Egyptian Clerics Call Jews “Apes And Pigs,” Say “Making Our Children Loathe The Jews Is a Form of Worship of Allah”…[/h]

And this is what plays on Arab TV night and day.
Egyptian cleric Gharib Ramadhan: There are very many traits that characterize the Jews, and the Koran focused on a few of them, such as the violation of commitments, from which we suffer to this day. Not just us in Egypt — the entire world suffers from this.

Another trait is their hard-heartedness, God forbid. If you want to know what true hard-heartedness means, go to the Jews. You will find a lot of it there.

Allah punished them by transforming them into apes and pigs, and by prohibiting them from eating several edible things. He forbade them to eat anything with claws — animals and birds that do not have cloven hooves, like camels, geese, ducks. . . They are prohibited from eating ducks. If Sheik Amin were here, he could have told us how greatly they were punished.

Egyptian cleric ‘Alaa Said: The [Jews] are treacherous. Allah, who created them, told us so. We must be resolute and fill hearts with hatred and loathing. By Allah, the hatred and loathing of Jews is a form of worship. When we make our children loathe the Jews, it is a form of worship of Allah. These are people hated and loathed by Allah.

Abd Al-Rahman Al-Sawi: I want our children to be raised on this notion. When I give a child a toy, I give him a gun, not a football. Enough with the football. I give him a gun and tell him: Shoot, but don’t shoot your brother. Shoot the Jews.



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Pakistani Woman Charged with ‘Blasphemy’ for Refusing Islam.

Relatives who became Muslims try to force her to renounce Christian faith.

FORT ABBAS, Pakistan, March 12 (CDN) — A young mother has been falsely accused of “blaspheming” Muhammad, the
prophet of Islam, because she rebuffed attempts by relatives who had converted to Islam to force her to renounce
her Christian faith, family members said.


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Egyptian Court Sentences Priest from Attacked Church Building.

Assailants uncharged, but clergyman gets six months in jail for building violation.

CAIRO, Egypt, March 7 (CDN) — A priest in Egypt was sentenced this week to six months in jail for a minor
construction violation at his church building, while no one in a mob that burned the same structure down has been arrested.

Egyptian Court Sentences Priest from Attacked Church Building