The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member
Hamas-linked CAIR holding rally for accused jihad synagogue bomb plotter.

Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh were arrestedd last May for plotting to bomb synagogues and attack Jews.
The arrests marked the end of a seven-month sting led by New York police officers. In one of their
conversations, Ferhani raised the idea of blowing up synagogues. Mamdouh responded to Ferhani's
idea, saying "Hell yeah, I would love to blow that [expletive] up." In a subsequent conversation, Ferhani
suggested targeting "the biggest synagogue in Manhattan." He suggested disguising himself as a
Jewish worshipper and leaving a bomb in the synagogue while pretending to pray there. In their conversations
both men said they hated Jews. According to an affidavit, both men purchased weapons from
undercover officers, including a hand grenade, semi-automatic handguns and bullets, to help them
carry out their attacks.

Hamas-linked CAIR holding rally for accused jihad synagogue bomb plotter - Jihad Watch


Well-Known Member
Imam dies trying to save worshipper after axe-wielding attacker stormed into
Belgian mosque and set it alight
A Belgian mosque leader was killed last night as he tried to save a worshipper set alight in a
brutal petrol bomb attack.

Father-of-four Abdullah Dadou, 46, died from smoke inhalation after a man burst into a *****e
mosque in the Brussels suburb of Anderlecht at 7pm.

Witnesses said the man, who had no ID papers, turned up at the building, pulled out a knife
and axe, poured petrol over the floor and then set it alight.

He then shouted Sunni slogans - sparking speculation that the attack was linked to
tensions between them and the *****es.

Read more: Belgium mosque arson attack: Imam dies trying to save worshipper in Brussels suburb | Mail Online


Well-Known Member
The auto censor does not like ****tttte (a group of Islam) I added many ttts to try and fool it.

Did not work . Transliteration she ite


Well-Known Member
Saudi Grand Mufti Calls for "Destruction of All Churches in Region"

According to several Arabic news sources, last Monday, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the Grand Mufti of
Saudi Arabia, declared that it is "necessary to destroy all the churches of the region."

Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah is not just some random Muslim hating on churches. He is the Grand Mufti of the nation
that brought Islam to the world. Moreover, he is the President of the Supreme Council of Ulema [Islamic scholars] and
Chairman of the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Issuing of Fatwas. Accordingly, when it comes to what
Islam teaches, his words are immensely authoritative.

Saudi Grand Mufti Calls for "Destruction of All Churches in Region" :: Middle East Forum


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Man suspected of planning Milan synagogue attack arrested.

ANSA) - Milan, March 15 - Police arrested a suspected terrorist in the northern city of Brescia early on Thursday
who they believe may have been planning an attack on Milan's synagogue.

Jarmoune Mohamed, a 20-year-old Moroccan national who has lived in Italy since he was six, is also suspected
of setting up secret Facebook pages providing training on making bombs and using weapons for budding terrorists.

Man suspected of planning Milan synagogue attack arrested - ANSA English -


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MP of Egypt proposes Sharia punishments for murder, theft crimes.

The People’s Assembly Proposals and Complaints Committee discussed in a meeting Tuesday a bill proposed by
MP Adel Azzazy from the Salafi-oriented Nour Party that would apply Islamic law for certain crimes.

The penalties according to Azzazy’s bill are execution in the case of murder, or cutting one arm and one leg
from opposite sides of the culprit’s body in the cases of robbery and forcible taking of property. If the taking
of possessions is accompanied by murder, the penalty would be death or crucifixion, to be determined by the judge.

MP proposes Sharia punishments for murder, theft crimes | Egypt Independent


Well-Known Member

I agree with you. Not all are to be put into a sterotype. As a matter of fact, it is a smaller percentage.

But that smaller percentage that blow up innocent children and people, and blow up and destroys people of other faiths, need to be

There are countrys that one can not go to and pratice ones faith freely without violence. Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Malaysia, Iraq, Iran, and others.

Even parts of Israel.. Is that a shock that I admit that a Jewish person, or a Christain person who embraces Yeshua / Jesus
and walks into a strongly populated Orthodox area and shares their faith, will not fare well.

But currently in this world, the most extreme violence is from the professors of peace.



Well-Known Member
I agree with you. Not all are to be put into a sterotype. As a matter of fact, it is a smaller percentage.

But that smaller percentage that blow up innocent children and people, and blow up and destroys people of other faiths, need to be

There are countrys that one can not go to and pratice ones faith freely without violence. Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Malaysia, Iraq, Iran, and others.

Even parts of Israel.. Is that a shock that I admit that a Jewish person, or a Christain person who embraces Yeshua / Jesus
and walks into a strongly populated Orthodox area and shares their faith, will not fare well.

But currently in this world, the most extreme violence is from the professors of peace.


Majority of this violence stems from one root problem, that is, the western hegemony. Fortunately that will be ending soon in my lifetime, maybe just maybe we will not see world war 3 because of its downfall, I pray every day we see the opposite.

Hell, even violence in Israel stems from Israel's Jewish Zionist terrorism birth. Before Israel, Jews and Christians were living peacefully with the Mozlems.

The solution is NOT to give the bad apples the spotlight, that's the media's evil job, the solution is to share each others' values among the majority good people on all sides. That is humanity. That is how the bad is shunned.

IMO nobody bothers to even click this thread, all they see is hatred from one extreme directed at another extreme. I rather turn to Fox/Cnn for my laugh of the day. :) Shalom.


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Re "IMO nobody bothers to even click this thread"

Click on Forum
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It will sort by the most viewed threads. This thread is the # 2 most viewed thread in Current Events.


Well-Known Member
Re "IMO nobody bothers to even click this thread"

Click on Forum
Go to Current Events
Go to Replies/ Views Click on Views only

It will sort by the most viewed threads. This thread is the # 2 most viewed thread in Current Events.

With the amount of keywords all the copy&pasting creates in this thread, no surprise it has many "views". Majority didn't stay 3 seconds. (used to do online marketing)

Anyway, carry on...


Well-Known Member
Thanks I will. The cuts and paste are what is occuring worldwide.

Response to 'proselytizing'? Al Qaeda group claims killing of US teacher in Yemen.

"This operation comes as a response to the campaign of Christian proselytizing that the West has launched
against Muslims," an unidentified person said in a text message to journalists, claiming responsibility on behalf
of the Al Qaeda-linked Ansar al-Sharia (Partisans of Islamic Law).

Islamic militants often accuse Western aid groups of proselytising.

Response to 'proselytizing'? Al Qaeda group claims killing of US teacher in Yemen. -