The religion of peace strikes again...


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The World’s Worst Religious Persecutors (Countries)

Today, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (Uscirf) released its14th annual report, which it is mandated
to do under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998. The report identifies the world’s worst persecutors and makes
foreign-policy recommendations, which are non-binding, to the administration and Congress.

This year, Uscirf named 16 countries as the most egregious and systematic religious freedom violators in the world and
recommended them for official “Country of Concern” (CPC) designation by the U.S. State Department.

They are: Burma, China, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, (north) Sudan, Tajikistan,
Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.

The World's Worst Religious Persecutors - OpEd


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[h=1]Massacre of French Jewish Children Was Muslim Terrorist Attack

The Washington Post and France24 have reported that French police have raided a Toulouse home to
arrest the suspect in the shooting deaths of three children and an adult at a Jewish school in Toulouse, France.
The suspect, an Algerian-born French citizen, reportedly told the police that he committed the killings
“to avenge Palestinian children” – ironic at a moment when Palestinians have been shooting rockets into Israel.
According to the Washington Post report.

Massacre of French Jewish Children Was Muslim Terrorist Attack - Forbes


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Facebook removes page paying homage to Toulouse killer

Facebook on Thursday removed a page paying tribute to Toulouse gunman Mohamed Merah following a request
from France's interior ministry. Merah, who confessed to killing seven people in southern France, died
in a shootout with police.
The page, which bore a picture of the self-proclaimed Al-Qaeda militant and was titled "Homage to Mohamed Merah", was
consulted by more than 500 people before it was removed just hours after it appeared, they said.

Many visitors left comments that were hostile to the police or favourable to Islamic extremism.

Facebook removes page paying homage to Toulouse killer - FRANCE - INTERNET - FRANCE 24



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Suicide attack kills five at mosque in Khyber agency.

PESHAWAR: A suicide bomber blew himself up outside a mosque on Friday, killing five people in the tribal belt
on the Pak-Afghan border, officials said.

Three loyalists of local militant group Lashkar-i-Islam and two civilians were killed in Akakhel town in the
Tirah valley of Khyber district, local administration official Bakhtiar Khan told AFP.
“A suicide bomber blew himself up outside a Lashkar-i-Islam mosque. Three members of Lashkar-i-Islam and
two passers by have been killed in the attack. Nine people have been wounded in the incident,” Khan told AFP.

Suicide attack kills five at mosque in Khyber agency | Provinces | DAWN.COM


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Muslim Persecution of Christians: February 2012

Half of Iraq's indigenous Christians are gone, due to the unleashed forces of jihad [holy war]. Many Christians fled
to nearby Syria; yet, as the Assad regime comes under attack from al-Qaeda and others, the jihad now seeps into
Syria, where Christians are experiencing a level of persecution unprecedented in the nation's modern history.
Similarly, some 100,000 Christian Copts have fled their native Egypt since the overthrow of the Mubarak regime; and
in northern regions of Nigeria, where the jihadi group, Boko Haram, has been slaughtering Christians,
up to 95% of the Christian population has fled.

Meanwhile, the "big news" concerning the Muslim world in the month of February—the news that flooded the mainstream
media and had U.S. politicians, beginning with President Obama, flustered, angry, and full of regret—was that some
written-in [in Islam it is forbidden to write anything in a Korans] in Afghanistan were burned by U.S. soldiers because
imprisoned Muslim inmates had been using them "to facilitate extremist communications."

Muslim Persecution of Christians: February 2012 :: Gatestone Institute



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London 2012 Olympics: terrorists 'plotting cyanide poison hand cream attack'

Terrorists linked with al-Qaeda are plotting a cyanide poison attack on London Olympics by mixing chemicals
with hand cream, it has been reported.

Extremists have posted “detailed instructions” on a website with links to the terror group on how launch an attack this summer’s games in the capital. One member, called Abu Hija Ansari claimed the cyanide should be mixed with an unidentified hand cream so it could
be absorbed through human skin, according to The Sun.

Writing in Arabic, he said anyone planning such an attack should wear "medical gloves" as they produce their lethal mixture.

"Through skin: 1 – cyanide, 2 – skin cream,” he reportedly said.

“Mix the ingredients. The skin cream will open the pores in the skin and speed up the absorption and
effectiveness of the poison."

London 2012 Olympics: terrorists 'plotting cyanide poison hand cream attack' - Telegraph



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Nottingham Imam jailed for sex attack on two boys

AN IMAM who sexually assaulted two boys has been jailed for three years.
Yazeid Osama Aqqad, 24, of Alfreton Road, Radford, touched one boy when he was sitting on his lap on two occasions
and abused another boy after inviting him to sit on his lap.

The mother of the two boys has been "vilified" by the Muslim community for reporting the assaults, Nottingham
Crown Court heard.

She has been subjected to "a number of unpleasant incidents" including an episode at her home and damage to
her car, Sarah Knight, prosecuting, said.

The mother told the court she felt the acts were aimed at encouraging her to withdraw the allegations because
in the eyes of the Muslim community, she had committed a sin.

Nottingham Imam jailed for sex attack on two boys | This is Nottingham


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Woman thrown into Egypt’s Nile over divorce, highlights honor violence

According to news reports on Wednesday, an Egyptian man and his family tied up their daughter and threw her into
the Nile river as a result of a divorce to her aging husband, who mistreat her and abused the young woman.

According to their report, the girl had initially refused to marry the elderly man, but then acquiesced to her family
pressure and wed, the report, which cited local Egyptian newspapers said.

After she and the man divorced over abuse, she returned to her family, who when the girl refused to remarry the
man, was tossed into the river in an “honor crime.”

Woman thrown into Egypt’s Nile over divorce, highlights honor violence - Bikya Masr
