The religion of peace strikes again...


golden ticket member
Easter wishes, Islamist-style.

(BBC) — Two car bombs have exploded in the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna, killing several people and injuring many others, officials say.

The Nigerian Red Cross said six people had died. The emergency services had earlier put the number of dead at 18.

The blasts, which caused extensive damage, happened close to restaurants, a hotel and at least one church.
The area has been the scene of a religious conflict in recent years that has claimed hundreds of lives.
There had been warnings of attacks in the region over Easter.

Witnesses say debris was thrown dozens of metres from the centre of the blast.
No one has yet admitted carrying out the bombing, but the BBC’s correspondent in Nigeria, Mark Lobel, says the radical Islamist group Boko Haram recently said it would carry out attacks in the area over the Easter holiday.

Local Christian groups have speculated that the bombers were targeting a nearby church, but that heavy security meant they detonated their explosives in a nearby area instead.


golden ticket member
Indian Express) — Islamic seminary Darul Ulum Deoband has issued a fatwa against beauty parlours saying running such a place is against the Shariat law.
The fatwa was issued in response to a question posed before the Darul Uloom asking whether the profession of running beauty parlours by Muslim women is justified by the law according to the Shariat.

The fatwa said Muslim women are not permitted to practice this profession under Shariat.

“Women are not allowed to run beauty parlours as it is against the norms of parda,” Mufti Arif of Darul Ulum Deoband said.


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In Pakistan: your moustache or your life

There is no finer mark of a Pakistani man than a fully oiled, waxed and twirled moustache. For 18 years,
Amir Muhammad Afridi’s vast handlebar moustache, curling as high as his forehead, made him a celebrity
throughout the rugged, tribal lands that border Afghanistan.

But that was until his luxuriant facial hair came to the attention of Lashkar-i-Islam, extremists who
are fighting to impose hardline Sharia in the Khyber agency where Mr Afridi lived.

For the past two years he has braved death threats, intimidation and been forced to flee his home
all in the name of a moustache that demands 30 minutes of grooming every morning.
(It's a highly specialised regimen involving almond oil, hairdryers and a secret wax that
no amount of pleading will make him reveal.)

“They arrested me in broad daylight, put me in their car,” he told me.
“They took me to a religious scholar who declared the moustache un-Islamic and ordered it removed.
“There was nothing I could do. I was surrounded by guns. If I had resisted I would be dead."

They set about his moustache, which at that time stretched 12 inches away from his face, reducing it
to what Mr Afridi described in a sorrowful voice as “ordinary”.

Since then Mr Afridi, 42, has given up his home in the town of Banna and moved his wife and 10 children to
the north-western city of Peshawar where he lives anonymously running a small business importing watches.

He has regrown his moustache and only now, with violence declining in Peshawar in the past year, is he
prepared to speak publicly about the threat to his life.

In Pakistan: your moustache or your life – Telegraph Blogs


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Christian clerics alarmed at growing threats, persecution in Turkey.

In the wake of an attack against an Istanbul Protestant Pastor, Christian Clerics in Turkey say they feel
alarmed at the accelerating number of such incidents and even hesitate to open their doors to people.

Three unidentified individuals attacked and beat Serkek on the night of April 7, immediately after an
Easter service. “They were three people around the age of 18. They wore [prayer caps] on their heads.
They forced the door open and said they were going to kill me
unless I recited the ‘Kelime-i Şahadet’ [Islamic confession of faith]

RIGHTS - Christian clerics alarmed at growing threats, persecution in Turkey


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[h=2]France: 13 Salafis before judge for indictment[/h][h=2]Planned kidnapping of Jewish judge among charges.[/h]
ANSAmed) - PARIS, APRIL 3 - Thirteen of the seventeen Salafis taken into custody by French police on Friday have gone before the investigating magistrate today who will be charging them with belonging to an illegal association linked to terrorism.

Among the charges against those detained, including the head of the Salafi group Forsane Alizza, is t
he ''planned kidnapping'' of a Lyon magistrate of Jewish origins, Albert Levy, said Paris prosecutor Francois Molins.

The dissolution of Forsane Alizza (''the Knights of Pride'') was ordered by Interior Minister Claude Gueant, who accused
the organisation of training its supporters for armed struggle, of being against Republican principles and of wanting
to bring ''the kingdom of Islam'' to France. (ANSAmed).

France: 13 Salafis before judge for indictment - General news -



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Tunisia: Muslims Threaten Church, Cover Its Cross with Garbage Bags

According to Al Quds, last Tuesday it was revealed that the Christian Orthodox Church in Tunis, one of
very few churches in the country of Tunisia, is being “abused” and receiving “threatening messages” from
“Salafis.” Church members are described as “living in a state of terror,” so much so that the
Russian ambassador in Tunis specifically requested the nation’s Ministry of Interior to “protect the church.”

Tunisia: Muslims Threaten Church, Cover Its Cross with Garbage Bags | FrontPage Magazine


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Islamic terrorists issue threat against Jedward ahead of Eurovision

Friday April 13 2012

TERRORISTS have threatened to target Jedward and other Eurovision participants at the annual music competition in May.
The Azeri terrorists, an Islamic group, have said they will target the participants of the Eurovision song contest in A
zerbaijan as they are “European scum”. It has threatened the use of “knives and chemical weapons” at the

The terror group said in a statement yesterday “Blood of the European scum must be shed by the will of Allah.”
The annual musical contest has attracted entries from 42 countries from eastern and western Europe this year, but
the group said the Eurovision is “a nightmare for all Muslims.”

Islamic terrorists issue threat against Jedward ahead of Eurovision - Music, Entertainment -


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Swiss woman abducted by gunmen in northern Mali

A Swiss woman has been abducted in the rebel-held northern Malian city of Timbuktu, officials and residents say.
The woman, a Christian missionary in her 40s called Beatrice, was taken from her house by armed men, residents said.
Most foreigners fled Timbuktu after Tuareg and Islamist rebels seized the town early this month in the aftermath of
a military coup.

The kidnap comes amid concern the area could offer a safe haven to an al-Qaeda branch operating in the country.

Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (Aqim), the network's North African wing, has links to the Islamist rebels. The group is
already holding 13 Westerners.

"Beatrice, a Swiss national, was abducted this Sunday at Timbuktu by armed men," local official Mohamed Ould
Hassen told AFP.

One resident of the town told the news agency that they saw six armed men take the woman.

"They shouted 'Allah Akbar' [God is great]," the resident added.

BBC News - Swiss woman abducted by gunmen in northern Mali


golden ticket member
Animals, savages and beasts.................!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012 @ 10:32 am | Afghanistan: 150 Schoolgirls Poisoned By Islamist Militants Opposed To Female Education…


golden ticket member
Witchy Woman ?

(RT) — A Sri Lankan woman is currently facing decapitation by sword on a witchcraft charge in Saudi Arabia, in accordance with Wahhabism, a strict form of Sunni Islam. The UN reports executions tripled in the kingdom in 2011.

A Saudi man complained that in a shopping mall his 13-year-old daughter “suddenly started acting in an abnormal way, which happened after she came close to the Sri Lankan woman,” reports the daily Okaz.
After the local man denounced the Sri Lankan for casting a spell on his daughter, police in the port city of Jeddah found it sufficient cause to arrest the woman.

Witchcraft and sorcery imply only one measure in Saudi Arabia – beheading. And it works this way in practice: last year in the kingdom at least two people – a woman in her 60s and a Sudanese man – were beheaded on witchcraft charges.

In the absolute monarchy that Saudi Arabia is, a criminal code does not exist per se. Court sentences are based on Islamic Sharia law on the interpretation of judges.