The religion of peace strikes again...


Staff member
Nonsense like that illustrates the problem with getting all your news from a site called "weasel zippers"

The problem is that there was never any such proposal, at any stage of consideration, in the Egyptian parliament. Ms. Tallawy issued a statement today that says she's concerned about legislation that may harm the position of women in Egypt, but that there was never any "sex after death law" under consideration, let alone one she complained about. Arabiya followed up as well, quoting Parliament Secretary Sami Mahran as saying no such piece of legislation ever existed.
This is hardly surprising. Anyone who knew Egypt didn't believe it in the first place, since sex with the dead is a laughably extreme position that no Egyptian Islamist group has ever espoused but is exactly the kind of overheated scare-mongering that can be potentially useful for opponents of Islamist politicians as Egypt's presidential campaign heats up.

full story


Well-Known Member

Daily Mail (4/27) is calling the report of Farewell Sex as Nonsense. Had Andrew Fell of Weasel Zippers looked at the Daily Mail, he would have seen the 4/26 story he used was updated on 4/27 to the link I posted and you can see such in the story dateline. In fact the WZ link now links to the 4/27 story and does not contain any of the words quoted. Not that Fell is going to be honest and either retract the story or make a correction.

International Business Times and Christian Post (again 4/27) reporting the same and other reports suggest a linkage of the report being a rumor started by Mubarak supporters purely for political reasons. Could Egypt be more Americanized than we give them credit for.

As to 14 year olds of age to marry, you'd do well to investigate US law state to state on the subject. Many states allow for marriage of 15 year olds and in the case of Kansas, 14 year olds can marry but legislation now requires the permission of a judge. Again, I guess it's to much for Fell and his "readers" to really understand cultural law, as in the actual marriage laws, even in their own country before they go casting stones at others.

There are many legit issues in regards to women that demands condemnation of islam so why not stick to the facts. But then the case above proves looking for facts is not in the game plan for xenophobes and never has been or will be.


golden ticket member
People just don't realize that WZ also has NPR stories, CNN, CBS, ABC, CNS and many , many sources......they are just assembled/collected on W.Z.

All that crap about the Sharia stuff, I also heard on Main Stream Stations.


Well-Known Member
People do realize that WZ loves to post misleading headlines to lure readers such as yourself to their website. Once there, all it takes is one click of the mouse to realize that the headlines do not match the body of the article and that WZ is not to be considered a legitimate news source.

The stories are not assembled there. WZ takes one or two lines which fit their agenda, creates a headline based on those lines and posts the "story". They don't care that the two lines when taken out of context convey an entirely different meaning than the one intended by the author. They embody "yelllow journalism" and are to be taken as seriously as 407 Steward.
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Well-Known Member
People just don't realize that WZ also has NPR stories, CNN, CBS, ABC, CNS and many , many sources......they are just assembled/collected on W.Z.

But what does that have to do with the fact that had you opened WZ's link and read it, you might have discovered a discrepancy between the text quoted and the text reported and then you could have done something different?

All that crap about the Sharia stuff, I also heard on Main Stream Stations.

So you're gonna blame the MSM for your own lack of doing due diligence? Had you done so, you'd have known that marrying 14 year olds is not that far of a stretch in mirroring our own marriage laws in quite a few states.


golden ticket member
But what does that have to do with the fact that had you opened WZ's link and read it, you might have discovered a discrepancy between the text quoted and the text reported and then you could have done something different?

So you're gonna blame the MSM for your own lack of doing due diligence? Had you done so, you'd have known that marrying 14 year olds is not that far of a stretch in mirroring our own marriage laws in quite a few states.
Just change your name to Dave. I post a story, if you don't like it, scroll past it and move on.

Yeah, and show me where it's OK to behead said 14yr. old wife in America. Not quite the same!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just change your name to Dave. I post a story, if you don't like it, scroll past it and move on.

Yeah, and show me where it's OK to behead said 14yr. old wife in America. Not quite the same!!!!!

Now don't go changing the subject onto something that was never raised or had anything to do with the subject at hand. Here is your original post on the 14 year old marriage and not a word about any beheadings. And what's my name being Dave got to do with the fact that you posted a link you clearly did not read nor take the time to properly vet? Stay on point and the facts at hand.


golden ticket member
(Pakistan Tribune) — A former lawmaker and cleric from Kohistan district, Maulana Abdul Haleem, termed formal education for women un-Islamic and asked parents to pluck their daughters from school, or else they would be ‘doomed’.

The nonagenarian, who was elected to the National Assembly from Kohistan on the now-defunct Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal’s ticket in 2002, also railed against non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in the region in his Friday sermon, calling them ‘hubs of immodesty’.

Maulana Haleem, who was an office-bearer of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl until recently, was delivering a Friday sermon, at Jamia Masjid Komila, on who is dayoos, or those liable to be condemned to hell.

“It’s beghairti (immodesty) to equip girls with secular education,” the cleric said, adding that those Kohistani parents who were sending their girls to schools were acting against ‘Islamic shariah’ and the local customs.

When approached for comments, the cleric stood by the contents of his sermon, and insisted that several Hadith books prohibit girls from receiving degrees and certificates in ‘secular education’.


Well-Known Member
So you think a 14 yr. old wife in a Muslim hole would be treated the same as a 14 yr. old wife in America ?? Get real!!

I guess I might as well use your logic and therefore assert from your argument that you believe marrying 14 year olds in America is quite alright based on the "better treatment" argument? You therefore must believe having sex with a 14 year old is OK as well. I never took you for a proponent and advocate of pedophilia. But then again you said you once lived in Utah so why am I not surprised. You Romney support betrays your hidden truth!

Stay on point Moreluck as it just goes absurd and looks stupid. You got caught because you were in such a hurry to piss in every yard in the neighborhood just to mark turf that you'd been there.


Staff member
(Pakistan Tribune) — A former lawmaker and cleric from Kohistan district, Maulana Abdul Haleem, termed formal education for women un-Islamic and asked parents to pluck their daughters from school, or else they would be ‘doomed’.

The nonagenarian, who was elected to the National Assembly from Kohistan on the now-defunct Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal’s ticket in 2002, also railed against non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in the region in his Friday sermon, calling them ‘hubs of immodesty’.

Maulana Haleem, who was an office-bearer of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl until recently, was delivering a Friday sermon, at Jamia Masjid Komila, on who is dayoos, or those liable to be condemned to hell.

“It’s beghairti (immodesty) to equip girls with secular education,” the cleric said, adding that those Kohistani parents who were sending their girls to schools were acting against ‘Islamic shariah’ and the local customs.

When approached for comments, the cleric stood by the contents of his sermon, and insisted that several Hadith books prohibit girls from receiving degrees and certificates in ‘secular education’.
Hmm, so Pakistan has crackpots saying crazy stuff? Sounds familiar.


golden ticket member
I guess I might as well use your logic and therefore assert from your argument that you believe marrying 14 year olds in America is quite alright based on the "better treatment" argument? You therefore must believe having sex with a 14 year old is OK as well. I never took you for a proponent and advocate of pedophilia. But then again you said you once lived in Utah so why am I not surprised. You Romney support betrays your hidden truth!

Stay on point Moreluck as it just goes absurd and looks stupid. You got caught because you were in such a hurry to piss in every yard in the neighborhood just to mark turf that you'd been there.
You are the one who said I should look around here in America and see 14 yr. olds allowed to brought it up. I don't claim to know the marrying age of each state and I assumed you knew or wouldn't say anything .


Well-Known Member
Afghan child-bride's in-laws sentenced for torture

The in-laws of a child bride who became the bruised and bloodied face of women's rights in Afghanistan
have been sentenced to 10 years in prison for torture, abuse and human rights violations, a judge said Saturday.

The plight of 15-year-old Sahar Gul captivated the nation and set off a storm of international condemnation when
it came to light in late December. Officials said her husband's family kept her in a basement for six months after her
arranged marriage, ripping out her fingernails, breaking her fingers and torturing her with hot irons in an attempt
to force her into prostitution.

Gul's case has prompted calls for more efforts to strengthen women's rights and end underage marriage. T
he marriage age in Afghanistan is 16, but the United Nations agency UN Women estimates that half of all g
irls are forced to marry under age 15.

Read more: Afghan child-bride's in-laws sentenced for torture



golden ticket member
They want people to be tolerant of their ways, but they tolerate NO ONE!!!

Force any mosque, anywhere in the World to close and see what happens.

Jakarta (AsiaNews) — The ongoing protests by a Muslim extremist fringe has led to the closure of three Christian places of worship in the province of Aceh, the only province in Indonesia where Shariah (Islamic law) is enacted. According to the radical movement the churches were illegal and they have demanded — under threat — the intervention of the authorities. The local administration used the pretext of an alleged lack of building permits, to seal up the buildings.

One of the three is a small — historical — Catholic chapel, open for almost 40 years and full of faithful during celebrations. Although an overwhelmingly Muslim area, the province of Aceh has always been characterized by a “spirit of tolerance” and this is the “first case” of an intervention by authorities against places of worship of the Christian minority.

The authorities closed the three Christian buildings in Aceh last May: the Catholic Church in Napagaluh, Singkil, a sub-district of Paris Danau, the Protestant Gereja Kristen Pakpak Dairi, and also the Napagaluh Catholic Church of St. Paul, in the village of Lae Balno. A Singkil district official explains that, according to law, they are all without a building permit (IMB, Izin Mendirikan Bangunan).

The Napagaluh Catholic church, in fact, is a “small, historic” prayer chapel — undung-undung in the local language — which opened in 1974 and is attended by dozens of faithful each week for the liturgies. In 38 years there were never any incidents, protests or tensions with local residents, who are overwhelmingly Muslim.