The religion of peace strikes again...


golden ticket member
(What a nice bunch of guys !)

(PTI) — Egypt’s Constitution should be based on the Koran and Sharia law, presidential candidate from the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist movement Mohamed Morsi said.

“The Koran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal,” Morsi said in his election speech before Cairo University students on Saturday night.

Today Egypt is close as never before to the triumph of Islam at all the state levels, he said.

“Today we can establish Sharia law because our nation will acquire well-being only with Islam and Sharia. The Muslim Brothers and the Freedom and Justice Party will be the conductors of these goals,” he said.

The Muslim Brotherhood Islamist group has been banned in Egypt for decades before being legalized following the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak in last year’s popular uprising, and has since emerged as a powerful political force.


Well-Known Member
Obama: Slaughter of Christians a misunderstanding

The violence in northern Nigeria is mistakenly viewed as a religious conflict rather than simply a
tribal dispute over land, according to the Obama administration.

Despite the ongoing Muslim destruction of churches and the slaughter of Christians – including many
murdered during worship services – the U.S. Agency for International Development claims that the
misunderstandings make it difficult to administer aid programs.

Obama: Slaughter of Christians a misunderstanding


golden ticket member
A Reuters story (found on WZ)

The real war on women.
(Reuters) — More than 120 schoolgirls and three teachers have been poisoned in the second attack in as many months blamed on conservative radicals in the country’s north, Afghan police and education officials said on Wednesday.

The attack occurred in Takhar province where police said that radicals opposed to education of women and girls had used an unidentified toxic powder to contaminate the air in classrooms. Scores of students were left unconscious.

Afghanistan’s intelligence agency, the National Directorate of Security (NDS), says the Taliban appear intent on closing schools ahead of a 2014 withdrawal by foreign combat troops.

“A part of their Al Farooq spring offensive operation is . . . to close schools. By poisoning girls they want to create fear. They try to make families not send their children to school,” NDS spokesman Lutfullah Mashal said.

Last month, 150 schoolgirls were poisoned in Takhar province after they drank contaminated water.


golden ticket member
Wednesday, May 23, 2012 @ 9:13 pm |
U.S. Muslim Soldier Who Plotted Second Ft. Hood Massacre Says He Was Motivated By His Islamic Faith…

Not much wiggle room for CAIR on this one.
WACO, Texas (AP) — A Muslim U.S. soldier accused of planning to bomb Fort Hood troops says he wasn’t seeking vengeance but justice for people in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a recording played at his federal trial Wednesday.

Army Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo is heard telling his mother during a recorded jail visit that “their suffering is my suffering.”

Abdo, 22, is accused of planning to detonate a bomb inside a Killeen restaurant frequented by troops from the nearby Texas Army post and then shoot any survivors.

He faces up to life in federal prison if convicted of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and five other charges. He was AWOL from Fort Campbell, Ky., when he was arrested last July at a motel in Killeen, a city about 150 miles southwest of Dallas.

Abdo is heard telling his mother that “it’s all true” and “the reason is religion. There is no other reason.” He says what he did was selfless because he was trying to avenge the United States’ wrongful treatment of people he considers his family, and that he used every resource he had “to make things as right as possible.”
“I’ll be all right,” he is heard saying. “I made this decision.”


Well-Known Member
Ridiculous!! If people want their kids to learn that language, they can pay for it in private lessons.

Upper Manhattan public elementary school becomes the first to mandate Arabic as a foreign language -

Seems to me this was decided by the school administration along with the parent association and the reasons were not bending to some phantom pressure I'm certain you'd love to inject.

One reason Principal Nicky Kram Rosen selected Arabic — as opposed to more common offerings, such as Spanish or French — is because it will help the school obtain a prestigious International Baccalaureate standing.

She proposed this to the parent association. They were very supportive,” said Angela Jackson, CEO of the Global Language Project, which is backing the initiative.

“Arabic has been identified as a critical-need language,” she said, citing students’ future “career trajectories.’’ “It means they can spin the globe and decide where they want to work and live.”



golden ticket member they are banning soccer. You can beat the women, but don't take away the soccer!!!

MALI — Islamic forces controlling north of Mali announced on Wednesday the beginning of Sharia in the region and asked all citizens to strictly and publicly observe the law, which entails the prohibition of football.
Malians living in the city of Tombouctou will wake up on Friday and say goodbye to their lovely sport. Football pitches are now out of bounds and offenders will be severely dealt with, the warlords said.

Worse, football fans can no longer watch the game on television because it is also forbidden by the Islamic law.
Besides football, chatting with somebody of the opposite sex is also considered a crime. Women have been asked to only step outside their homes with faces and legs completely covered while the men must keep their beards.

Mali was plunged into an unprecedented political and military crisis after the separatist National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) split the country into north and south in April.

The group controls the arid north but it has been infiltrated by Islamic forces from the al-Qaeda in the Maghreb, who now govern part of the vast region.