The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member
Kansas Governor Signs Bill Effectively Banning Shariah

Next Kansas elects a Klansman and he/she outlaws Judaism and Catholicism and then finally Kansas elects a muslim, a he of course, who outlaws the rest of christianity and then atheists can claim victory having sat back and allowing the religionists to destroy themselves. BTW: No offense to the 100's of other religions who often get ignored in America's religious discourse.


Just sit back and let nature take it's course!

I guess like so many other freedoms and liberties we use to enjoy, so too is "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" also becoming a thing of the past. Why do religionist never think things all the way out? Must be the "thinking" part that becomes the problem!


golden ticket member
Next Kansas elects a Klansman and he/she outlaws Judaism and Catholicism and then finally Kansas elects a muslim, a he of course, who outlaws the rest of christianity and then atheists can claim victory having sat back and allowing the religionists to destroy themselves. BTW: No offense to the 100's of other religions who often get ignored in America's religious discourse.


Just sit back and let nature take it's course!

I guess like so many other freedoms and liberties we use to enjoy, so too is "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" also becoming a thing of the past. Why do religionist never think things all the way out? Must be the "thinking" part that becomes the problem!
Yeah, but those atheists won't be on a soccer team!! :rofl:


golden ticket member
Saturday, May 26, 2012 @ 3:59 pm | Malaysia’s “Moderate” Muslim Government Demands Buddhists Build Temple So It Looks Like a Mosque…
(Jakarta Post) — A controversy is brewing over the proposal for the construction of a Buddhist building here after the PAS-led state government ruled that new buildings should include Islamic designs to reflect the state capital’s status as an Islamic city.

State Local Government, Culture, Arts and Tourism committee chairman Takiyuddin Hassan said developers must incorporate some Islamic elements in their plans or the proposals would be rejected.

“We will ensure development will be based on Islamic principles and features,” he told a press conference here.
He claimed the ruling was well-accepted by the majority of developers, including non-Muslim developers.


golden ticket member
I'd tell him to stick his hijab where the sun don't shine.......

Egypt: Leading Cleric Brags About Forcing U.S. Officials To Wear The Hijab…
Via Raymond Ibrahim:
According to El Badil, Sheikh Ahmed al-Mahlawi recently gave a sermon in his popular Alexandrian mosque, warning the ulema (Islam’s scholars and theologians) from “appearing on TV programs with women who do not wear the hijab.” He pointed out that some Islamic leaders make the excuse that, because they see non-veiled women all the time in the streets of Egypt, sitting with one at a TV studio should be fine as well.
For Sheikh Mahlawi, however, the ulema have no choice about seeing non-veiled women in the streets, “since that is imposed on them,” but, where they have a say — such as whether to appear on TV with an unveiled woman — they must say no.

He then proceeded to brag about how a female official from the U.S. Consulate wanted to meet with him, but he made her wear the hijab first. Finally, he culminated his sermon by saying “those who do not wish to apply Allah’s Sharia” are also those who “love the West, and wish to implement homosexual marriage.”


Strength through joy
ISLAMABAD (AFP) — Four women and two men have been sentenced to death in northern Pakistan for singing and dancing at a wedding, police said yesterday. Clerics issued a decree after a mobile phone video emerged of the six enjoying themselves in a remote village in the mountainous district of Kohistan, 176 kilometres (109 miles) north of the capital Islamabad.
Pakistani authorities in the area said local clerics had ordered the punishment over allegations that the men and women danced and sang together in Gada village, in defiance of strict tribal customs that separate men and women at weddings.
“The local clerics issued a decree to kill all four women and two men shown in the video,” district police officer Abdul Majeed Afridi told AFP. “It was decided that the men will be killed first, but they ran away so the women are safe for the moment. I have sent a team to rescue them and am waiting to hear some news,” he said, adding that the women had been confined to their homes.


golden ticket member
ISLAMABAD (AFP) — Four women and two men have been sentenced to death in northern Pakistan for singing and dancing at a wedding, police said yesterday. Clerics issued a decree after a mobile phone video emerged of the six enjoying themselves in a remote village in the mountainous district of Kohistan, 176 kilometres (109 miles) north of the capital Islamabad.
Pakistani authorities in the area said local clerics had ordered the punishment over allegations that the men and women danced and sang together in Gada village, in defiance of strict tribal customs that separate men and women at weddings.
“The local clerics issued a decree to kill all four women and two men shown in the video,” district police officer Abdul Majeed Afridi told AFP. “It was decided that the men will be killed first, but they ran away so the women are safe for the moment. I have sent a team to rescue them and am waiting to hear some news,” he said, adding that the women had been confined to their homes.

Maybe they were doing The Chicken.....

How to do the Chicken Dance.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
France: Muslims stone Christians in church during Mass

No one will take much note of this. It is just one story among the thousands that together tell the tale of France's decline
and Islamization. Eurabia Update: Here is my translation of "Carcassonne Des fidèles caillassés pendant la messe à
Saint-Joseph," by Yannick Bonnefoy in Midi Libre, May 27 (thanks to David):

Carcassonne: The faithful stoned during Mass at St. Joseph
Yesterday at 6:20PM, as Fr. Roger Barthes began to celebrate mass, four youths, aged 14 to 18, broke into the Church
of St. Joseph, before launching handfuls of pebbles at 150 faithful present at the service. Immediately, men began pursuing
the young troublemakers, but in vain. They managed to vanish into thin air, heading towards the city La Conte.
Interrupted by regrettable unexpected event, Mass was finally able to proceed as planned. Although no one was injured and
nothing was broken in the church, located along the Avenue Jean Moulin, the parishioners, many of whom are elderly, were
greatly shocked by the disrespectful act of the youths of North African origin....

France: Muslims stone Christians in church during Mass - Jihad Watch


Well-Known Member
An 18-year old Egyptian girl was raped by a 31-year old Egyptian farmer with the help of his wife
and his mother.
The rape was an act of revenge as the victim’s brother, raped the accused’s sister a year ago, reported
the Masrawy web site.
The police have arrested all three.
The police investigation revealed that the brother of the victim raped the sister of the accused a year ago.
The family suffered terribly with the husband constantly being taunted about the act and not being able to protect his sister.
The man and his family then decided to take revenge lured the young girl to their home and raped her.
The police confirmed that the rape happened in front of the mother and the wife of the accused.
Bizarre: Brothers rape sisters in revenge attack - Emirates 24/7


Well-Known Member

Nice try.

One click on your link will show that the word CAIR is not mentioned anywhere in the article. In fact, I had to Google (excuse me, Yahoo) CAIR to find out that it means Council on American/Islamic Relations.

The judge halted construction as he felt the public was not given enough notice on the plans. The project is by no means dead.

That's it--nice try making it more than it really is/was.


golden ticket member
Nice try.

One click on your link will show that the word CAIR is not mentioned anywhere in the article. In fact, I had to Google (excuse me, Yahoo) CAIR to find out that it means Council on American/Islamic Relations.

The judge halted construction as he felt the public was not given enough notice on the plans. The project is by no means dead.

That's it--nice try making it more than it really is/was.
The CAIR comment was a play on words.......I never said it was in the article. I already knew what it meant from many, many posts. Who cairs? is funny. Too bad you can't enjoy life and only grump right through it.


Well-Known Member
The pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Seneca, Kansas says President Barack Obama has gone too far in supporting same sex marriage and it’s time for the U.S. government to begin killing gay men and lesbians.

Knapp went on to read from Leviticus 20: “If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death.” “They should be put to death,” Knapp declared. “‘Oh, so you’re saying we should go out and start killing them, no?’ — I’m saying the government should.

Kansas pastor calls on US Gov't to Kill LGBT People

Dear Pastor Knapp,

I see you take Leviticus 20:13 as literal and thus call on the gov't to execute people who violate this command. To be consistent, you would also have to take the rest of Leviticus 20 as literal and call for those commands to be followed as well. For example, consider the following verses in the same chapter as verse 13 of which you decree,

[SUP]6 [/SUP]“‘I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people.

[SUP]9 [/SUP]“‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death. Because they have cursed their father or mother, their blood will be on their own head.

Note to Pastor Knapp: The hebrew word for curses is קָלַל and pronounced kaw-wal which means to dishonor, treat lightly, hold or show contempt towards, disobey. This command goes well beyond some kid slinging some 4 letter words at his/her parents.

[SUP]10 [/SUP]“‘If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife —with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.

Pastor Knapp, I look forward to your calling out some of your own brethren, even fellow brethren of the pulpit for this one.

[SUP]18 [/SUP]“‘If a man has sexual relations with a woman during her monthly period, he has exposed the source of her flow, and she has also uncovered it. Both of them are to be cut off from their people.

[SUP]22 [/SUP]“‘Keep all my decrees and laws and follow them, so that the land where I am bringing you to live may not vomit you out. [SUP]23 [/SUP]You must not live according to the customs of the nations I am going to drive out before you. Because they did all these things, I abhorred them. [SUP]24 [/SUP]But I said to you, “You will possess their land; I will give it to you as an inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey.” I am the Lord your God, who has set you apart from the nations.

[SUP]25 [/SUP]“‘You must therefore make a distinction between clean and unclean animals and between unclean and clean birds. Do not defile yourselves by any animal or bird or anything that moves along the ground—those that I have set apart as unclean for you. [SUP]26 [/SUP]You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own.

[SUP]27 [/SUP]“‘A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.’”

So Pastor Knapp, I hope you aren't cherry picking the commands you like but instead are keeping them all to the letter as your god has thus commanded you. It would be foolish not to do so as in the context given by your god, verse 13 appears to have equal standing in importance as the other verses I quoted from the same source. Verse 22 instructs you and all believers to keep "All of Yahweh's decrees and follow them." Thus if verse 13 doth apply...... I look forward to hearing of your fine examples in following "All the Counsel of God!"

And let's not forget brother Ted Haggard or a many catholic priest when you apply verse 13 is the court of god's justice.

You servant in disbelief,

The best part of christianity and the bible, like Islam and Judiasm, if those who practiced such faiths were ever actually forced to do so to the letter of it, well I'll just quote John Lennon,

"Imagine No Religion"

Read those bibles people, all you have to do is to actually read those bibles.


golden ticket member
Not only are the Taliban animals, they are cowards as well.
(RAWA) — At least 97 students of the Bashirabad girls’ high school in the northern province of Takhar were poisoned on Saturday, officials said.

Seven schoolgirls are in critical condition while the rest were discharged from hospital after treatment, Public Health Director Habibullah Rostaqi told Pajhwok Afghan News.

Education Director Abdul Wahab Zafari said most of the 8th grade and 10th grade students were victims to Saturday’s poisoning.

With the latest case, the number of poisoned school girls over the past one month had reached 400, he said.