The religion of peace strikes again...


Strength through joy
bhos has admitted on national tv that his religion was muslim , until the "reporter" corrected him.
and how long did it take him to " find" a local church to attend on Sundays ?
So yes I think for once his slip up was not intentional.
It has been known for years that the FBI consults with CAIR on all things muslim, but we the people aren't supposed to know about that.


Well-Known Member
Jihad's Willing Executioners

Quietly, behind the scenes, the Muslim Brotherhood is enforcing censorship of all U.S. government training about Islam
and the forces of Islamic jihad. Under the co-opted direction of National Security Council official, Quintan Wiktorowicz,
key Cabinet Departments, including Defense, Homeland Security, Justice and State are purging their curriculum materials
of any references about Islam that their Muslim Brotherhood advisors find objectionable. In effect, the
national security policy of the U.S. government is being brought into compliance with Islamic law on slander

Read more: Family Security Matters Family Security Matters
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Well-Known Member
France Once Again a Hell for Jews

Earlier this week, as reported in Algemeiner, three yarmulke-wearing young Jews in Villeurbanne, France were attacked
with hammers and iron bars by a mob of over a dozen Muslim youths. The victims had to be hospitalized and then
were released.
The Times of Israel reports that police are still looking for the perpetrators, and that they’re believed to be of
North African extraction. It was only in March, of course, that the French Muslim Mohammed Merah killed a
teacher-rabbi and three young children in a French Jewish school in Toulouse. But from that incident to this
latest, somewhat publicized incident, things have hardly been quiet for French Jews.

France Once Again a Hell for Jews | FrontPage Magazine


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Nigeria Church Attacks In Jos And Biu Kill At Least 3, Injure Dozens

JOS, Nigeria — A suicide car bomber detonated his explosives Sunday outside a church in central Nigeria
as gunmen attacked another church in the nation's northeast, killing at least six people and wounding
dozens of others in the latest attacks targeting Christian worshippers in a nation increasingly divided
by faith, officials and witnesses said. A radical Islamist sect known as Boko Haram claimed the attacks.

Nigeria Church Attacks In Jos And Biu Kill At Least 3, Injure Dozens


golden ticket member
Fine, all of you get polio and the world won't have to put up with any of you.......

Islamabad: A cleric in Pakistan’s Punjab province has warned that a jihad would be launched against polio vaccination teams at a time when the World Health Organisation has expressed concern at the emergence of new cases of the disease across the country.

Maulvi Ibrahim Chisti of Muzaffargarh district declared the anti-polio campaign as “un-Islamic” and announced at the local mosque that jihad (holy war) should be carried out against the polio vaccination team.

Chisti made the remarks after finding out that a vaccination team had entered Khan Pur Bagga Sher area of Muzaffargarh and asked families to cooperate with the campaign.

The cleric went to the largest mosque in the area and declared that polio drops were “poison” and against Islam, The Express Tribune reported.

He warned that if the vaccination team forced anyone to participate in the campaign, then jihad would be “the only option”.


golden ticket member
Wonder what they'd do if it was spelled out in pig's feet ???

Art exhibition with 'Allah' spelled in ants prompts riots -


golden ticket member
(Daily Mail) — An Indonesian man was jailed for 30 months after writing “God doesn’t exist” on his Facebook page.

Alexander Aan, 30, was imprisoned on Thursday for sharing explicit material about the Prophet Mohammed online.

He started an atheist group on Facebook on which he shared comic strips of the prophet having sex with his servant, a court in western Sumatra heard today.

He was found guilty of ‘deliberately spreading information inciting religious hatred and animosity’, presiding judge Eka Prasetya Budi Dharma told the Muaro Sijunjung district court in western Sumatra.

Aan also uploaded three articles on his Facebook account, including one describing the prophet being attracted to his daughter-in-law.

‘Under the Electronic Information and Transactions law, we sentence him to prison for a length of two years and six months,’ Dharma said.

‘What he did has caused anxiety to the community and tarnished Islam.’


golden ticket member
So, I guess pasta sauce made from pork is out!!

[h=2]Egyptian Salafist Group Warns Muslims Not To Eat Tomatoes “Because They Are Christian”…[/h]


golden ticket member
If Democrats are looking for a real ”war on women” to condemn they can start with honor killings in the Islamic world.

JAIPUR, India (AP) — A father in northwestern India remained unrepentant Tuesday after beheading his daughter with a ceremonial sword in a rage over her relationships with men, police said.

The father surrendered at a police station, carrying the head in one hand and the bloodied sword in the other, police said.

Residents of Dungarji village expressed shock as they performed the last rites for the 20-year-old woman.
Police said the father, marble miner Oghad Singh, accused his daughter of bringing dishonor to the family and making it hard to find husbands for her two unmarried sisters.

Women wailing in grief lined the dusty road of the village in Rajasthan state as a procession carried Manju Kanwar’s remains to her funeral pyre. As in many north and west Indian villages, the women, including her mother and four sisters, were not allowed to attend the funeral.

A coroner stitched Kanwar’s head onto her body for the funeral. About 100 men, many of them relatives wearing ceremonial Rajput warrior clan turbans, surrounded her muslin-wrapped body, and her brother lit the funeral pyre
Villagers condemned the father’s actions as extreme. They said the father, his shirt soaked in blood, had carried his daughter’s head through the village, describing what he’d done to neighbors.

“He told me that he took the sword out, and when the daughter was all alone in the house he beheaded her with a single stroke and the head fell on the ground,” said Narayan Singh, a distant relative.

“It was a ghastly sight,” officer Ranjit Singh said, describing the father sitting in the station’s waiting room holding the head in one hand and the sword in the other. “Oghad admitted immediately that he killed his daughter because she had earned a bad name for the family


Well-Known Member
Islamic Taliban Guns Down Popular Female Singer in Pakistan

A popular female singing icon has been gunned down in Pakistan and the Taliban may be to blame, but
don't worry, the country isn't harboring terrorists.

Well-known Pashto singer Ghazala Javed and her father were shot and killed by unidentified men in Peshawar
city of northwest Pakistan, police said.

The men fired indiscriminately at Javed and her father Mohammad Javed while she was leaving a beauty
parlour at the busy Mohallah Nau in Dabgari Bazar last night, the singer's relatives told police.

In recent years, several singers and musicians in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province have been gunned down
by the local Taliban, who have declared music "un-Islamic".

Islamic Taliban Guns Down Popular Female Singer in Pakistan - Katie Pavlich


golden ticket member
Can you even picture that happening here at a concert??? Headlines reading. "Taylor Swift Gunned Down" or Lady Gaga Killed On Stage"

That's why that leaking-in of radical Islam has to be stoped before it starts.