The religion of peace strikes again...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Can you even picture that happening here at a concert??? Headlines reading. "Taylor Swift Gunned Down" or Lady Gaga Killed On Stage"

That's why that leaking-in of radical Islam has to be stoped before it starts.

as if we dont already have the highest percentage of gun deaths in this country ? People are killed in this country by guns every 30 seconds and your worried about Afghanistan?




golden ticket member
maybe they could just ease in with a few pork rinds and then a pulled pork sandwich and then go boozing and raping.......

OUAGADOUGOU (AFP) — Wine, women and song are putting Malian Islamists to the test as they talk about the future of their divided country with regional mediators in Burkina Faso.

“The problem is that in our hotel we can’t help looking at the beautiful women and listening to the music,” sighed Algabass Ag Intalla, a member of the hardline Ansar Dine, one of the groups controlling northern Mali since March.

“It’s a real test for us Muslims to have to look at all that as well,” he added, pointing to rows of alcoholic drinks in full view from the lobby.

An Ansar Dine delegation arrived in Ouagadougou on June 15 at the invitation of Burkina Faso’s President Blaise Compaore, named chief mediator in the Malian crisis by the Economic Community of West African States.

The Islamists met Compaore on June 18 and have since been continuing talks with his aides. The Burkina government has put them up in a luxury hotel in the well-heeled Ouaga 2000 district.

“President Compaore asked us to stay, so we are still here,” delegation leader Algabass, dressed in a white robe and turban like his five colleagues, told AFP.

Soft music drifted through from the bar as they sat on couches in the hotel lobby.

Delegation spokesman Cheick Ag Wissa, speaking broken French, asked for the sound to be turned off, but only succeeded in having it lowered.

“The manager has told us not to switch it off until the bar is closed,” a member of staff explained.

It is a sharp contrast from the situation in northern Mali, where Ansar Dine and other Islamist groups, including Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), are trying to impose Muslim Sharia law by force.


Well-Known Member
True, but if you look at it another way.....

There were 28 terrorist attacks around the world this year, and 95% of them were committed by Muslims.

Yet you stand silent and often support the millions of terrorist attacks you ignored that go on every year and most often in your name or on your behalf and benefit. So why do you criticize the vast majority of muslims like yourself who are only sitting by and remaining silent?


If government in order to achieve success must use force (violence) to drive fear for it's political, social, economic ends and a terrorist to achieve success is one who uses violence (force) to drive fear for it's political, social, economic ends, would this mean in any given election, any vote at all is for a terrorist?​


Pees in the brown Koolaid
True, but if you look at it another way.....

There were 28 terrorist attacks around the world this year, and 95% of them were committed by Muslims.

One could argue that the totally unwarranted US invasion of Iraq....which has led to the deaths of something like 110,000 Iraqi civilians (a number which is 50 times greater than the number of Americans who died on 9-11) is itself a terrorist attack, particularly when you consider that Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 and posed no threat to us.

We are making enemies faster than we can kill them.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
It is also important to make a distinction between political versus religious terrorism.

The fact that many of the "terrorists" happen to be Muslim does not mean that the religion of Islam condones such behavior. Correlation is not the same as causation. What it that many of the nations and political groups that we happen to be in conflict with right now are Islamic.

Turkey is an Islamic nation. Turkey is also a democracy and a political and military ally of the United States (and to a lesser degree Israel). Turkeys people do not condone or practice terrorism, even though they are Islamic. Is it fair to the Turks to assume that "their" religion promotes terrrorism?

Sweden, like the United States, is a Western democracy the majority of whose people are primarily Christian in faith and Caucasian in ethnicity. Yet Sweden has experienced no issues with terrorism against its people from the Islamic world. Is it possible that the reason for this is that Sweden has not invaded an Islamic nation or spent the last 60 years meddling in the affairs of the Islamic world?


Well-Known Member
It is also important to make a distinction between political versus religious terrorism.

The fact that many of the "terrorists" happen to be Muslim does not mean that the religion of Islam condones such behavior. Correlation is not the same as causation. What it that many of the nations and political groups that we happen to be in conflict with right now are Islamic.

Turkey is an Islamic nation. Turkey is also a democracy and a political and military ally of the United States (and to a lesser degree Israel). Turkeys people do not condone or practice terrorism, even though they are Islamic. Is it fair to the Turks to assume that "their" religion promotes terrrorism?

Sweden, like the United States, is a Western democracy the majority of whose people are primarily Christian in faith and Caucasian in ethnicity. Yet Sweden has experienced no issues with terrorism against its people from the Islamic world. Is it possible that the reason for this is that Sweden has not invaded an Islamic nation or spent the last 60 years meddling in the affairs of the Islamic world?

Nicely said Sober, very nicely said!


Well-Known Member
Statements like what Sarah made just proves once again how so few of these people have ever read the bible to begin with. Had Sarah read the book of Exodus in it's entirety paying close attention to detail and the sequence of events in Chapter 20, 32 and then 34, she'd not suggest the 10 commandments have any influence on our laws at all. I've never read anywhere in our laws that it's wrong to cook a baby goat in it's mother's milk so how can the 10 Commandments Ver. 2.0 be the basis of our laws?


golden ticket member
Online Welten (Google translation from German):
The zombie action game Resident Evil 5 has at one point in the game world apparently lost a copy of the Koran, the holy book of Islam, on the ground. Or so suggests a currently circulating in Santander on various social networking channels screenshot that Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield, the two protagonists of the game, before lying on the floor of the issue also shows God’s revelation of the Qur’an mentioned to the Prophet Muhammad.

What now for many more may not cause as a shrug, currently set to panic, some Muslims are outraged about this disgraceful treatment of what they consider their Holy Scriptures — and partly to a rather extreme way. To the responsible developer insults directed the variety ‘bastards’ and ‘dog’ there are the harmless variety.

Some will even demand that one should perform the makers of Resident Evil 5 but kindly to justice. Others are openly calling for death.


golden ticket member
JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA (Reuters) — A Saudi man was killed and his wife and two children were injured when their car crashed off a bridge while being pursued by religious police in the conservative Islamic kingdom, a spokesman for the religious police said on Monday.

In Saudi Arabia, a monarchy that follows a strict version of Sunni Islam, the religious police patrol the streets to enforce gender segregation and ensure the public behave in accordance with their strict Islamic teachings.
Formally known as the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPV), religious police officers arrest those who do not comply with their rules. In March the commission’s head banned car pursuits, which had led to several fatal accidents.

Family members told Saudi Arabia’s al-Watan newspaper that the chase began when a CPVPV officer confronted Abdulrahman Ahmed al-Ghamdi, 35, and his family while he was returning home from an amusement park in the southern province of al-Baha. They said the loud volume of Ghamdi’s car radio prompted the confrontation.

The car sped off, police in pursuit, and crashed over a bridge, killing Ghamdi. His 9-year-old son is in a coma and his wife had her arm amputated as a result of the accident, al-Watan reported. His younger daughter, 4, was in stable condition in hospital.


golden ticket member
Via Telegraph:
Nato troops were prepared to join a manhunt for the Taliban fighters who publicly executed a young woman for adultery in an incident that has drawn worldwide condemnation.

Footage of the execution of 22-year-old Najiba showed men cheering as she was shot several times in the back and head.
The incident in the Shinwari area of Parwan province recalled similar public executions which were commonplace during the Taliban’s government of the 1990s.

General John Allen, commander of American and Nato forces, said: “Let’s be clear, this wasn’t justice, this was murder, and an atrocity of unspeakable cruelty.

“The Taliban’s continued brutality toward innocent civilians, particularly women, must be condemned in the strongest terms.” He added that his troops were “ready to assist the Afghan security forces in tracking down and holding accountable the perpetrators of this heinous act”.

In the mobile phone footage, a man is seen reading verses from the Koran condemning adultery, before saying: “We cannot forgive her, God tells us to finish her. Juma Khan, her husband, has the right to kill her.”
As the young woman squats, huddled in a burka facing away from the camera, a man walks up behind her to within a few feet and opens fire with his assault rifle.

The first two shots miss her, but on the third she collapses and he continues to fire into her motionless body.
A crowd of around 100, looking on from a hill, cheer her death, shouting “Long live Islam”, “Long live Mujahideen (holy warriors)”.