The religion of peace strikes again...


golden ticket member
Look out,Starbucks, Coffe Bean and Peet's are coming to invade your country!!

Coffee is “un-Islamic,” who knew?
(Reuters) – Iranian police shut down dozens of restaurants and coffee shops over the weekend, Iranian media reported, in a renewed crackdown on what the state sees as immoral and un-Islamic behaviour.

Regular officers and members of the “morality police” raided 87 cafes and restaurants in a single district of the capital Tehran on Saturday and arrested women for flouting the Islamic dress code, according to the Iranian Students’ News Agency (ISNA).

“These places were shut for not following Islamic values, providing hookah to women, and lacking proper licenses,” said Tehran police official Alireza Mehrabi, according to ISNA. Women are not allowed to smoke hookah, water pipes, in public.

Mehrabi said the raid came as part of a plan to provide “neighbourhood-oriented” security, and would continue in other parts of Tehran.

Coffee shop culture has flourished in Iran in recent years, offering wireless Internet, snacks, hot drinks, and a place to hang out for Iranian youth in a country where there are no bars or Western chain restaurants or cafes.

But that trend has been criticised by conservative Iranians who consider it a cultural imposition from the West and incompatible with Islamic values. The government periodically cracks down on behaviour it considers un-Islamic, including mingling between the sexes outside of marriage.


golden ticket member
Nothing to do with Islam ??? That's how I kill spiders and then flush them just to make sure.
(AFP) — A Jordanian man was charged on Wednesday with killing his divorced sister after stabbing her and driving his truck over her body several times because of her alleged “suspicious behavior,” police said.

“The suspect, in his forties, was charged with premeditated murder after confessing to the crime, claiming his divorced sister had indulged in suspicious behavior,” a police spokesman told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The crime took place early on Wednesday in the northern Greco-Roman city of Jerash.
“The man stabbed the woman and then took her to a deserted area where he repeatedly ran over her body to make sure she was dead,” the spokesman said.

Murder is punishable by death in Jordan, but in so-called “honor killings,” courts can commute or reduce sentences, particularly if the victim’s family asks for leniency.


golden ticket member
Keep dreaming, bud.

Via Raymond Ibrahim:
During a televised interview earlier this week, Dr. Safwat Hegazy, a popular preacher in Egypt, known for his desire to unify the Arab world into a “United Arab States“—with Jerusalem for a capital—dropped the Western language and made clear what it is the Muslim Brotherhood ultimately seeks: a caliphate and world domination, which even the Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood maintains is the group’s mission.

. . . Hegazy simply declares: “If you read the literature of the Muslim Brotherhood, you will find in the literature of the Brotherhood, that which they can never abandon: The Islamic Caliphate and mastership of the world. Yes, we will be masters of the world, one of these days”



golden ticket member
[h=3]Former Muslim Brotherhood Spokesman Calls For U.S. “To Be Brought To Its Knees”...[/h]

Via MB Report:

Kemal Helbawi (aka Helbawy), former spokesman of Muslim Brotherhood in the West, recently gave an address calling for the U.S. to be “brought to its knees” and calling for the release of Omar Abd Al-Rahman (the Blind Sheik), convicted in the U.S. for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. According to a MEMRI translation:

Following are excerpts from an address by Kamal Helbawy, former spokesman of Muslim Brotherhood in the West. The address was delivered at a rally, organized by the right-wing secular Al-Wafd Party, calling for the release of Omar Abd Al-Rahman (the Blind Sheik), who is imprisoned in the US for his involvement in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The address by Helbawy was posted on the Internet on July 26, 2012.

Kamal Helbawy: These criminals, with the administration, their system, and their institutions – the Pentagon, the White House, the CIA, Homeland Security, the FBI, and others…

They are all criminals, planning the killing of people, young and old, planning to kill the revolutions in their cradle. They deceive all parties. They have defended that criminal and plundering state of Israel.

We should not fear America or whoever is behind America. We fear none but Allah.

If we use the capabilities at our disposal properly, America will be brought to its knees, and will be defeated like the Soviets in Afghanistan.

This is no difficult task for Allah.“​


golden ticket member
[h=3]Pakistan: Christian Nurses Poisioned For Eating During Ramadan...[/h]​

Karachi (AsiaNews) - At least 11 nurses, including three Christians, were poisoned at Civil Hospital Karachi for eating during Ramadan. During their afternoon break yesterday, the 11 nurses went to the hostel cafeteria for some tea and food. Rita, a Catholic nurse, collapsed first after drinking her tea. Now all the nurses are in the hospital's intensive care unit, some in very serious conditions.

In Pakistan, eating in public during the Muslim month of fasting is illegal. For Muslims, fasting is compulsory. However, hospital workers and travellers are exempt.

Civil Hospital Karachi staff is made up mostly of Muslims who do not tolerate that their non-Muslim colleagues eat during Ramadan.

In the wake of the incident, hospital officials have opened an inquiry to find the culprits.

The Masihi Foundation, a Christian rights organisation, and Life for All have condemned the incident, calling it a "vile act" against religious freedom and tolerance.​

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hillary downplaying and even chuckling through her explanation muslims. That's how it starts. Next she'll be in a burka telling the world what nice guys the muslim brothehood are.

Hillary Clinton: Islam Isn't The Only Religion To Have Extremists...

But they're the only one that kills with reckless abandon.

Seriously? Did you forget about the Christian Crusades??

The First Crusade was the most successful from a military point of view.
Accounts of this action are shocking. For example, historian Raymond of Agiles
described the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders in 1099:

Some of our men cut off the heads of their enemies; others shot
them with arrows, so that they fell from the towers; others tortured them longer
by casting them into the flames. Piles of heads, hands and feet were to be seen
in the streets of the city. It was necessary to pick one's way over the bodies
of men and horses. But these were small matters compared to what happened at the
temple of Solomon, a place where religious services ware ordinarily chanted.
What happened there? If I tell the truth, it will exceed your powers of belief.
So let it suffice to say this much at least, that in the temple and portico of
Solomon, men rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins.
The Christian Crusades: 1095-1291

Please, stay out of the religious arena, youll only sound foolish.




Well-Known Member
I guess it is me.....
No one seemed terribly shocked when chained children were discovered earlier this month at a Quran education center in Somalia.

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time


Well-Known Member
Go USA!!! We don't go friend#$# around, not one by one, they are amateurs... Guess these are christian values, ohh I forgot we are not a christian nation as Obama said :D
But damn we have to spread that "freedom".


golden ticket member
"Seriously? Did you forget about the Christian Crusades??"
" (TOS)

Today.....we are referring to religions TODAY !!!!! Show me where the Christians are cutting off people's heads and shooting arrows at them today.

You can do it with the muslims today!!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"Seriously? Did you forget about the Christian Crusades??"
" (TOS)

Today.....we are referring to religions TODAY !!!!! Show me where the Christians are cutting off people's heads and shooting arrows at them today.

You can do it with the muslims today!!!!

Its called the US MILITARY in todays terms , my dear. Maybe you forgot. A few simple terms say so... before battle "god bless our troops", "gods speed", then after battle, "god saved his life", "thank god your alive", "god was on our side"....

If christians are what this country wants everyone to be, then we have an imperialist christian military going to other countries and killing people.

Pretty easy to understand.




golden ticket member
Such loving parents.......NOT!!

LONDON (AP) — The girl was murdered by her Pakistani parents for her Western ways. And it was her little sister who bravely told jurors how her mother and father suffocated the 17-year-old with a plastic bag — gripping testimony that led to her parents’ murder conviction on Friday.

Justice Roderick Evans sentenced Iftikhar, 52, and Farzana Ahmed, 49, to life in prison for killing their daughter, Shafilea, in 2003. The couple — first cousins from the Pakistani village of Uttam — were ordered to serve a minimum of 25 years in prison.
In Britain, more than 25 women have been killed in so-called “honor killings” in the past decade. Families have sometimes lashed out at their children on the belief that they have brought their household shame by becoming too westernized or by refusing a marriage.

Shafilea was only 10 when she began to rebel against her parents’ strict rules, according to prosecutor Andrew Edis.

The young girl would hide make-up, false nails and western clothes at school, changing into conservative clothes before her parents picked her up.

But it was the last year of her life that proved to be the most traumatic.
During the trial that began in May, jurors heard from Shafilea’s younger sister, Alesha, who said she witnessed the murder when she was 12.

After an argument about Shafilea’s dress, her parents pushed her down on a couch, stuffed a thin white plastic bag into her mouth and held their hands over her mouth and nose until she died, Alesha testified.


Well-Known Member
.............then we have an imperialist christian military going to other countries and killing people.

I guess that's better than an imperialistic islamic military going to other countries and killing people.

I suppose you are opposed to the Americans that were sent to Europe to stop Hitler? Forgive me if I'm mistaken but it seems the Muslims that want to take over the world have the same mindset and agenda that Hitler had.