The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member
Data suggests that if a society truly wants peace, the first step is to completely abandon theism and all it's belief systems.


And if being peaceful is a measure of morality, this shows that atheists are far more moral than theists.


Strength through joy
If all these muslims want to live according to their 5th century rules than it would only be fitting to remove all their 20th century luxuries.
No cars , trucks, phones , iron ships , railroads, computers, mass printing presses, airplanes, medicines, explosives, etc.
Let them all go back to living in small villages with their mud shacks .


Well-Known Member
If all these muslims want to live according to their 5th century rules than it would only be fitting to remove all their 20th century luxuries.
No cars , trucks, phones , iron ships , railroads, computers, mass printing presses, airplanes, medicines, explosives, etc.
Let them all go back to living in small villages with their mud shacks .

Their rules didn't exist in the 5th century, at least not under the name of islam because islam at that time did not exist. Maybe you should give up counting numbers, doing algebra or speaking the names of stars in the night sky. Oddly enough, if it weren't for mathematics out of that Arabic/Muslim/Persian culture, those computers, airplanes and telephones may never have existed in the first place.


golden ticket member
Absolutely ridiculous !!!

Following are excerpts from a lecture delivered by Egyptian cleric Abd Al-Rahman Mansour, which aired on Al-Nas TV on August 17-18, 2012:

Abd Al-Rahman Mansour: Islam instructs a man to beat his wife as a last resort before divorce, so that she will mend her ways, treat him with kindness and respect, and know that her husband has a higher status than her.
I say to every husband: Do not rush to beat her whenever a problem arises. Oh servant of Allah, Allah said: “Admonish those of them on whose part you fear disobedience, refuse to share their beds, and beat them.” One should not beat out of anger.

This you must know: If the wife utters the name of God, the beating must stop.
When ‘Aisha thought ill of the Prophet Muhammad, believing that he did not treat her the same as his other wives, and that when he left her room, he would go to another wife, she followed him and spied on him. ‘Aisha said that when the Prophet found out about this, “He gave me a shove that was painful.”

This was done in order to discipline her, not because the Prophet enjoyed beating or inflicting bodily harm. The Prophet did this in order to discipline this woman.

A good woman, even if beaten by her husband, puts her hand in his and says: “I will not rest until you are pleased with me.” This is how the Prophet Muhammad taught his women to be.


Well-Known Member
Come on! (???)

I could easily come up with ridiculous antiquated passages from some Buddhist texts, or the New/Old Testament/King James, or the Jehovah's Witnesses, or the Sikhs, or the Hindus, or the Pastafarians, or whatever the friend.

(this guy in your post is an idiot, because he's a fundamentalist.)

We have a fundamentalist running on the ticket for VP.

Hit me back! lulz


Well-Known Member
Data suggests that if a society truly wants peace, the first step is to completely abandon theism and all it's belief systems...

...And if being peaceful is a measure of morality, this shows that atheists are far more moral than theists.
Until we have a single religion existing on this planet we cannot have peace(IMO) and it doesn't matter what the "books" say or teaches to enslave the mind.


Well-Known Member
Come on! (???)

I could easily come up with ridiculous antiquated passages from some Buddhist texts, or the New/Old Testament/King James, or the Jehovah's Witnesses, or the Sikhs, or the Hindus, or the Pastafarians, or whatever the friend.

(this guy in your post is an idiot, because he's a fundamentalist.)

We have a fundamentalist running on the ticket for VP.

Hit me back! lulz

That's one thing about Moreluck, she doesn't waste time looking into the details. I mean, certainly there are no muslim women who might offer another point of view that counters her's. And not that for one moment would she or several others here take the time to hear what the Muslim Women's League had to say about such subjects as Honor Killings when instead they just throw out the xenophobia.

And I'm sure More and some of her friends have never once took the time to google such things as "Wives Obey Your Husbands" for example and read some of the batschitt crazy crap out there direct from the bible under the name of christianity. One of my favorites is "A Christian Wife is to obey her husband in everything" and they make sure to put the word EVERYTHING in all caps and bold. Read enough of that junk and it doesn't take long to see claims that the bible allows husbands to beat the *itch if she doesn't do as you tell her. And were one to google and search muslim domestic violence and christian domestic violence, there's not a big difference to begin with.

And if you ask why muslims don't object, well the same boney finger can be pointed back at you and the same question asked. I'm betting the vast majority of muslims are like the christians in that so few have even read their own holy book to begin with. Most ramble around in a mindless state letting others do their thinking and rambling amen when the words just sound right. Or happen to go with what they want to believe.

As I read the piece on honor killings I came across the following comment about the teachings of the Quran.

Individual accountability before God is stressed throughout the Qur’an, beginning with the story of Adam and Eve: as a result of their transgression (committed together and simultaneously) they were banished from Paradise and made to toil on Earth. God chose to forgive them both and so their sin is not inherited by subsequent generations.

How refreshing, a god that forgives and doesn't advocate that Pauline crap of imputed sin which is nothing more than a mind job to control thinking. I can say I actually admire that in the muslim god. Good for them in not laying that guilt trip on people. And while More and friends mouthoff in support of people who speak against gay marriage, the same people who most often defend that position with OT doctrine, would also overlook in those same chapters, verses that call for the exact same punishment as islamic law does for the same alleged offenses. Funny how so many people claim to be a follower of and yet never, ever, ever read the owners manual that goes with it.


golden ticket member
See, this is where real life experience trumps the books and hour long videos.......You keep referencing the bible. 12 years of Catholic school and we were encouraged NOT to read the bible ourselves......unlike the Protestant kids. The kids in other churches carried their bibles to church services.

I'm not saying it was right. It's just the way it was and it was my experience..

"Obey" was taken out of the marriage ceremony a long tie wasn't in mine 45 years ago!! (Sept. 9)


bella amicizia
See, this is where real life experience trumps the books and hour long videos.......You keep referencing the bible. 12 years of Catholic school and we were encouraged NOT to read the bible ourselves......unlike the Protestant kids. The kids in other churches carried their bibles to church services.

I'm not saying it was right. It's just the way it was and it was my experience..

"Obey" was taken out of the marriage ceremony a long tie wasn't in mine 45 years ago!! (Sept. 9)
You are looking forward, and I am dreading.(Sept. 2-2 different anniversaries:whiteflag:)


Well-Known Member
See, this is where real life experience trumps the books and hour long videos.......You keep referencing the bible. 12 years of Catholic school and we were encouraged NOT to read the bible ourselves......unlike the Protestant kids. The kids in other churches carried their bibles to church services.

I'm not saying it was right. It's just the way it was and it was my experience..

"Obey" was taken out of the marriage ceremony a long tie wasn't in mine 45 years ago!! (Sept. 9)

That's why I noted the lack of reading the owner's manual. And if you actually looked all across the news, you'd find as many batschitt crazy things people do in the name of judeo-christianity's god(s) as you find in islam. But for political reasons, we now have a certain narrative to follow so muslim loonies get the media coverage while the other loonies are all but ignored except in the occasional local story you have to dig for so that The Noble Lie is protected.

But I do appreciate your honesty and frankness in admitting you don't and likely never will read the bible. This christmas when you rant once again about another waste of time in challenging a public nativity scene, I'll at least know that you have no idea of what you speak having never read the gospel narratives in the first place. That the nativity scene you defend is all but a work of pure fiction, not unlike the other fellow that wears a red suit and flies with 8 reindeer.


Well-Known Member
Damn animals!!

Afghanistan: Taliban Behead 12-Year-Old Boy, 6-Year-Old Girl…

True enough but then what is she? Not unlike the crazy Taliban, is she not operating off of a belief system too?

Madeleine Albright Defends Mass-Murder of iraqi Children (500,000 Children dead) - YouTube

And if paying taxes enables her and you being the good taxpayer that you are, what does that make you? How is your unthinking loyality to defend a way of life by all means and any means all that different from the Taliban who is essentially doing the very same thing? He looks looney to you but then you look looney to him. And I think you both would be absolutely correct in that assessment.

If in the name of national security and the defense of our way of life, we kill children with drone strikes, how is that any different than the Taliban who would claim he is defending his way of life in doing the same?

If the senseless act of killing children in the name of protecting a way of life is being an animal, then............

bbsam was absolutely correct when he pointed out that the GOP's "protection of life" when it comes to children comes to a screeching halt the moment that kid is born. But then the democrats are no better so there you go.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
See, this is where real life experience trumps the books and hour long videos.......You keep referencing the bible. 12 years of Catholic school and we were encouraged NOT to read the bible ourselves......unlike the Protestant kids. The kids in other churches carried their bibles to church services.

I'm not saying it was right. It's just the way it was and it was my experience..

"Obey" was taken out of the marriage ceremony a long tie wasn't in mine 45 years ago!! (Sept. 9)

Yes .But we knew the Baltimore Cathechism that the good Sisters drilled into us.Remember this:
The Purpose of Man's Existence

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
That's why I noted the lack of reading the owner's manual. And if you actually looked all across the news, you'd find as many batschitt crazy things people do in the name of judeo-christianity's god(s) as you find in islam. But for political reasons, we now have a certain narrative to follow so muslim loonies get the media coverage while the other loonies are all but ignored except in the occasional local story you have to dig for so that The Noble Lie is protected.

But I do appreciate your honesty and frankness in admitting you don't and likely never will read the bible. This christmas when you rant once again about another waste of time in challenging a public nativity scene, I'll at least know that you have no idea of what you speak having never read the gospel narratives in the first place. That the nativity scene you defend is all but a work of pure fiction, not unlike the other fellow that wears a red suit and flies with 8 reindeer.

Fiction or not I choose to believe that a man born 2000 years ago said "Love me and love one another" In those words is everything we need to live by,which is a struggle every day. If we all lived by those words we would not treat other human beings with any form of disrespect,let alone beat wives,behead children,discriminate because of race or religion,take the lives of the unborn,bomb abortion clinics,and so on. A lot easier said than done.
I have read the Bilbe old and new and quoted biblical passages in the past but when you get down to it those words say it all.


Well-Known Member
As an organization dedicated to demonstrating the necessity of liberty to the Islamic faith, Muslims 4 Liberty is calling upon the Pakistani government to release Rimsha Masih, the Christian girl who was arrested on blasphemy charges after being accused of burning pages which contained Quranic verses, and demands restitution to the Christian families terrorized when an irate mob stormed their neighborhood and threatened to burn down their homes.

Muslims 4 Liberty Calls for the Release of Rimsha Masih and a Referendum on Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws


golden ticket member
Yeah, keep sending the bucks!!!

Iranians Chant “Death To America!” During Protest Against Mohammed Film Outside Swiss Embassy… They really need to come up with some new chants.

Iranian women hold slogans during a protest against a film mocking Islam, on September 13, 2012, near the Swiss embassy in Tehran. Up to 500 people protested in Tehran over the anti-Islam film made in the United States, chanting “Death to America!” and death to the movie’s director.

The rally, near the Swiss embassy that handles US interests in the absence of US-Iran diplomatic ties, ended peacefully two hours later. (AFP PHOTO/ATTA KENARE)