The religion of peace strikes again...


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
It applies to all of the middle east....stop it all ! Today they call it Iran, tomorrow it'll be something else. Remember Persia?

No. I was born after 1935. Do you remember Persia? How about the Shah of Iran?

At any rate Iran is not Egypt. Which would you like to discuss?


golden ticket member
No. I was born after 1935. Do you remember Persia? How about the Shah of Iran?

At any rate Iran is not Egypt. Which would you like to discuss?
I don't want to discuss it at all......Those people aren't worth the effort. The shah wasn't overthrown 'til 1979, so yes,, I was alive and had my 3 kids already.

When I meet people, (the lady that cuts my air, the lady in the deli that cuts the lunchmeat.)......they'll have an accent I can't pin down and I'll ask them what country they come from and 99% of the time they say Persia. What are they ashamed of?
Iran means "Land of the Aryans".


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
It was Iran in 1979. It hasn't been Persia since 1935.

American Iranians refer to themselves as Persians because of the shame they feel for their former home. Telling an American you are Iranian carries a lot of baggage.

If you don't want to discuss it, you should not post in a thread. That invites discussion.


golden ticket member
It was Iran in 1979. It hasn't been Persia since 1935.

American Iranians refer to themselves as Persians because of the shame they feel for their former home. Telling an American you are Iranian carries a lot of baggage.

If you don't want to discuss it, you should not post in a thread. That invites discussion.

I look at it as they say peaceful and it's a sham.

I have to go to sleep (up since 1:30 AM) more with you now.


Well-Known Member
Hey look, Muslims carrying out violence. I suppose its kinda like pointing out that water is wet!



Well-Known Member
There they go again, burning down schools this time!
Couple of points...First, you had to go back over 2 months to find this. Next, I'd rather see a possessed building burned down than people killed, hardly the same thing. Not to say that there aren't crazy Christians out there. Lol


Well-Known Member
Couple of points...First, you had to go back over 2 months to find this. Next, I'd rather see a possessed building burned down than people killed, hardly the same thing. Not to say that there aren't crazy Christians out there. Lol

Maybe the more important point is I didn't have to go back 200 years.


Well-Known Member
just-another-day-at work--

Good point.

You think we have problems now.....just wait until our muslim president gets re-elected and opens our borders for more islamists to come in.

The picture depicted will be a daily event.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure anyone has said the bottom four men represent ALL muslims....just the 3 or 4 countrys in the middle east that want to kill us and that seem to somehow get their people in to the US.

To the best of my memory, none of the top four men pictured have ever orchestrated flying planes into buildings, suicide bombings, mercy killings and shooting sprees at Fort Hood or attempts at blowing planes out of the sky but I could be wrong.

Go ahead and support and vote for obama. If he gets re-elected he'll open our borders to all his muslim brotherhood that he seems to support. You think we've got problems now? Just wait.............