The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Inordinately Right
The only thing you care about, and what he is denying, is Russian collusion.
I couldn't care less about these political games. I'm just enjoying watching you cuckservatives bitch and cry about how the world is out to get your dear leader.

You guys have the worst delusional persecution complex I've ever seen in my life. It shows itself everytime someone criticizes little donnie, not just in relation to Russia.


Well-Known Member
You're beyond hope of reason if you think Comey was fired because of his handling of Hillary's emails.
No, it's been recently turned up that he wrote a letter of exoneration about a month before the investigation concluded. And that FBI agent who was just kicked off Mueller's team was the one who edited that letter of exoneration to lessen the severity of the letter. He has demonstrated pro-Hillary bias and strong dislike of Trump in emails to his girlfriend, another FBI agent. By the way Hillary wasn't questioned under oath in the investigation like Flynn was. Compare what she was being investigated for with Flynn's issues. If you think there aren't people in the government clearly working to promote one party over another and protecting their party you are either naive or disingenuous.


Well-Known Member
He's the most corrupt because he owns a global corporation and uses tax dollars to pay himself for the use of his properties. He accepts money from foreign governments that stay in his properties. He's done nothing to distance himself from his company. He has a long history of being dishonest in business, not paying workers/contractors etc. He brags about not paying taxes. He brags about sexual assault. He brags about laundering money for Russian oligarchs. That's why I think he's the most corrupt.
He "brags about laundering money for Russian oligarchs?" Source? Pretty sure his workers get paid. And please compare the money his properties take in from foreign governments with the Clinton Foundation. If Trump has done anything illegal I want him prosecuted, impeached, thrown out. But I want Hillary properly investigated, including being charged for deleting those 33,000 emails and the very serious crimes of mishandling intelligence, and made to pay too. If you go after him and protect her you're a partisan hack.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't care less about these political games. I'm just enjoying watching you cuckservatives bitch and cry about how the world is out to get your dear leader.

You guys have the worst delusional persecution complex I've ever seen in my life. It shows itself everytime someone criticizes little donnie, not just in relation to Russia.
Nah, we just hate liars trying to smear Republicans in a bid to protect all the graft they want to keep flowing out of D.C..

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
He "brags about laundering money for Russian oligarchs?" Source? Pretty sure his workers get paid. And please compare the money his properties take in from foreign governments with the Clinton Foundation. If Trump has done anything illegal I want him prosecuted, impeached, thrown out. But I want Hillary properly investigated, including being charged for deleting those 33,000 emails and the very serious crimes of mishandling intelligence, and made to pay too. If you go after him and protect her you're a partisan hack.
You got to buh buh buh Hillary!! in record time! Nice job.