The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Staff member
As I knew, you have absolutely nothing. Do you ever tire of being a piss boy (pee-pee) boy? Don't even try the boy :censored2: with me, see, I expect you to go there because you have no substance.
Indictments. Guilty pleas. I'd say I have more than you.


Well-Known Member
Is there a conspiracy theory you even question let alone not believe? There is no deep state conspiracy to take down Trump. If there was he wouldn't have been elected to begin with. The career professionals in the FBI are following the mission given to them. They are pursuing corrupt government officials. They already have 2 guilty pleas and 2 more campaign officials indicted. Trump is crying foul because his lackeys are going down all around him and he's scared of what they will find next.
Really? Why are people being dismissed from Mueller's team? How did the FusionGPS dossier come about? Why were Trump admin members unmasked in wiretaps during the campaign? And why is it you believe that Trump is the most corrupt president in history but bury your head in the sand about literally everything else? What evidence proves he's the most corrupt? You obviously believe the old saying about repeat a lie enough it'll eventually become the truth.


Well-Known Member
Every intelligence agency agreed with the conclusion that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election. Comey was investigating that and was fired because of that investigation. Mueller was appointed to finish that investigation and all the crimes associated with it. The crime commited was an assault on our democracy by a foreign power.
Comey was exonerating Hillary before the investigation was even finished. He deserved to be fired.


Staff member
The same that he has when he started. Nothing that he hoped to find, and some scalps to prove that he did something. Run a box delivery service, you're over your head now.
That's not how investigations work. They aren't "hoping" to find anything. But Trump sure gave them reason to believe something was there.

And Mueller isn't finished yet.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Really? Why are people being dismissed from Mueller's team? How did the FusionGPS dossier come about? Why were Trump admin members unmasked in wiretaps during the campaign? And why is it you believe that Trump is the most corrupt president in history but bury your head in the sand about literally everything else? What evidence proves he's the most corrupt? You obviously believe the old saying about repeat a lie enough it'll eventually become the truth.
He's the most corrupt because he owns a global corporation and uses tax dollars to pay himself for the use of his properties. He accepts money from foreign governments that stay in his properties. He's done nothing to distance himself from his company. He has a long history of being dishonest in business, not paying workers/contractors etc. He brags about not paying taxes. He brags about sexual assault. He brags about laundering money for Russian oligarchs. That's why I think he's the most corrupt.