The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The real way a criminal probe works is after a crime has been committed then authorities study the facts, used to identify, locate and prove the guilt of an accused criminal.
Not let's appoint Mueller and see what he can find .
To date all that is known is that a fable was created , shopped around for a while until some one believed it , secret FISA warrants were issued based on the false fable and no real evidence has surfaced .
Hate to tell you that within our justice system a ham sandwich can be indicted and often is . Thus it means little without actual proof and evidence to support it . Many who are indicted are never charged .
And the 2 guilty pleas are for other issues , not Mueller's original goal .
Every intelligence agency agreed with the conclusion that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election. Comey was investigating that and was fired because of that investigation. Mueller was appointed to finish that investigation and all the crimes associated with it. The crime commited was an assault on our democracy by a foreign power.


Strength through joy
Every intelligence agency agreed with the conclusion that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election. Comey was investigating that and was fired because of that investigation. Mueller was appointed to finish that investigation and all the crimes associated with it. The crime commited was an assault on our democracy by a foreign power.
Which time ?
When Sen Kennedy (D) Mass. attempted to use the Russians to defeat President Reagan ?
When SOS Clinton received kickbacks from the Russians . And who knows what kind of other deals were planned .

Comey was going to be fired no matter who won the election .

Show me the proof you have that EVERY intelligence agency agreed . You're sure it just wasn't another falsehood that the Russians had planned , to get back at BHO for kicking their chefs out of the country .


Staff member
Please explain this Trump- Russian collusion thing to me.
That's simple. Collusion is a non-issue. May have been a "battle-cry" of some but I really don't find many who believe that's why Trump won and Hillary lost.

But Trump couldn't leave well enough alone. When Comey wouldn't pledge his loyalty to Trump, he fired him. Imagine that. Trump wanted the FBI loyal to him. That's messed up.

The one thing I wholeheartedly agree with Bannon is that firing Comey was the stupidest thing Trump could have done. But he's a CEO. It's what he does. But the government is not a business and the president is not its CEO.

Now the door opens for a special counsel. And his team is uncovering a lot of there that was supposedly not there. People around Trump have been lying their asses off and getting caught. According to Trump supporters, the fact that they are being caught means that the FBI is out to "bring down the president". How crazy is that?

The president put himself in this position. He continues to put himself against the intelligence community that doesn't bend to his wishes. That's not "deep state". That's democracy and "checks and balances" at work.


Well-Known Member
That's simple. Collusion is a non-issue. May have been a "battle-cry" of some but I really don't find many who believe that's why Trump won and Hillary lost.

But Trump couldn't leave well enough alone. When Comey wouldn't pledge his loyalty to Trump, he fired him. Imagine that. Trump wanted the FBI loyal to him. That's messed up.

The one thing I wholeheartedly agree with Bannon is that firing Comey was the stupidest thing Trump could have done. But he's a CEO. It's what he does. But the government is not a business and the president is not its CEO.

Now the door opens for a special counsel. And his team is uncovering a lot of there that was supposedly not there. People around Trump have been lying their asses off and getting caught. According to Trump supporters, the fact that they are being caught means that the FBI is out to "bring down the president". How crazy is that?

The president put himself in this position. He continues to put himself against the intelligence community that doesn't bend to his wishes. That's not "deep state". That's democracy and "checks and balances" at work.
If that's what you think run with it, I told you in October what was going to happen, it has. We'll see who has egg on their face. You are aware why the independent counsel was formed, I am as well. Stick to what you do well, painting white lines and what you claim to do well, running BBsam Inc. You're a lost ball in high weeds.

THIS is a challenge, bring the best you've got, no conjecture or what if's, or "don't you think", the simply facts. I'm up for anything you can bring. I'll take on whatever you or anyone else here has to say if it's based in fact and intellectual honesty.
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Staff member
If that's what you think run with it, I told you in October what was going to happen, it has. We'll see who has egg on their face. You are aware why the independent counsel was formed, I am as well. Stick to what you do well, painting white lines and what you claim to do well, running BBsam Inc. You're a lost ball in high weeds.
Maybe you're too steeped in Trump love. They lie. They get caught. You cry foul because they got caught.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you're too steeped in Trump love. They lie. They get caught. You cry foul because they got caught.
Bring your best big fella, don't worry what I'm steeped in, what you're steeped in is obvious. I thoroughly expect you to go dark, and the associated driveindriveout red x"s.


Well-Known Member
Every intelligence agency agreed with the conclusion that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election. Comey was investigating that and was fired because of that investigation. Mueller was appointed to finish that investigation and all the crimes associated with it. The crime commited was an assault on our democracy by a foreign power.
Support your argument. That's right, it's not possible. By the way, we are a Republic, not a democracy.


Staff member
Support your argument. That's right, it's not possible. By the way, we are a Republic, not a democracy.
You seem not to want an answer or you only want the answer you are looking for.

The support for the argument is the indictments and guilty pleas. Pretty strong proof if you ask me.


Staff member
If that's what you think run with it, I told you in October what was going to happen, it has. We'll see who has egg on their face. You are aware why the independent counsel was formed, I am as well. Stick to what you do well, painting white lines and what you claim to do well, running BBsam Inc. You're a lost ball in high weeds.

THIS is a challenge, bring the best you've got, no conjecture or what if's, or "don't you think", the simply facts. I'm up for anything you can bring. I'll take on whatever you or anyone else here has to say if it's based in fact and intellectual honesty.
Your challenges are worthless because you buy the BS line that it's all fake news and the establishment is just "out to get Trump".

Sooner or later maybe you'll wake up the fact that being "anti-Trump" is nothing more than folks doing their jobs.


Well-Known Member
You seem not to want an answer or you only want the answer you are looking for.

The support for the argument is the indictments and guilty pleas. Pretty strong proof if you ask me.
Deal with what I asked you, if it will be fine wants to confront me, so be it. And as the answer I'm looking for, you are correct, THE TRUTH.


Well-Known Member
Your challenges are worthless because you buy the BS line that it's all fake news and the establishment is just "out to get Trump".

Sooner or later maybe you'll wake up the fact that being "anti-Trump" is nothing more than folks doing their jobs.
As I knew, you have absolutely nothing. Do you ever tire of being a piss boy (pee-pee) boy? Don't even try the boy :censored2: with me, see, I expect you to go there because you have no substance.