The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I think you are wrong on that. Progressives always talk about America leading the way on bad deals, we should lead the way in getting out of them. The Iran deal is set up loosely and in effective not even sent through our treaty process in Congress.
You seem really upset about a deal that's working. Iran doesn't have a nuke right now. Absent the deal they would.


Staff member
I think you are wrong on that. Progressives always talk about America leading the way on bad deals, we should lead the way in getting out of them. The Iran deal is set up loosely and in effective not even sent through our treaty process in Congress.
I think you're wrong because the other countries involved don't want to get out. Their fine with it.

So we leave and China, Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain all remain. They're internal politics are not the same as ours. What makes you think they would leave. I can almost guarantee Russia and China never would.

El Correcto

god is dead
I think you're wrong because the other countries involved don't want to get out. Their fine with it.

So we leave and China, Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain all remain. They're internal politics are not the same as ours. What makes you think they would leave. I can almost guarantee Russia and China never would.
Who cares, we shouldn’t keep promoting Iran as peaceful when they want icbms and are most likely going to pursue nuclear weapons.


Well-Known Member
Russian SU-25 downed in Syria. Russia casts blame on America:
В Госдуме после сбитого Су-25 напомнили о присутствии инструкторов из США в Идлибе

"В Идлибе больше тысячи представителей американских инструкторов, и исключать, что это могли в провокационных целях сделать, нельзя", - сказал Шаманов .

"There are more than a thousand representatives of American instructors in Idlib, and it is impossible to exclude that they could do this for provocative purposes," Shamanov said.


Inordinately Right
Russian SU-25 downed in Syria. Russia casts blame on America:
В Госдуме после сбитого Су-25 напомнили о присутствии инструкторов из США в Идлибе

"В Идлибе больше тысячи представителей американских инструкторов, и исключать, что это могли в провокационных целях сделать, нельзя", - сказал Шаманов .

"There are more than a thousand representatives of American instructors in Idlib, and it is impossible to exclude that they could do this for provocative purposes," Shamanov said.
Fake news.
Trump single-handedly won the war on terrorism in less than a year, something obummer couldn't do in 8!


Well-Known Member


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
I do hope drumpf is forced someday to be questioned by a Congressional panel/counsel on live TV. He will implode within seconds, his rantings, inanity, insanity and obvious lies will be enough to damn him for all the world to see, it will be his self inflicted coup de gras.


Well-Known Member
I do hope drumpf is forced someday to be questioned by a Congressional panel/counsel on live TV. He will implode within seconds, his rantings, inanity, insanity and obvious lies will be enough to damn him for all the world to see, it will be his self inflicted coup de gras.

kind of like he did in the many debates with the liberal media. Oh that's right he aced them and became president.