The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Staff member
So we should just continue funding Iran which hasn’t been doing any good? What do we profit from this deal, I’m just curious.
We get a seat at the table. The world has basically shrugged their shoulders as we've begun to disengage. China, Russia, and Europe may be just fine with moving into the various power vacuums. That does nothing to deter Iran. It does nothing to help secure Israel.

So pulling out does what? It doesn't isolate Iran but very well may isolate ourselves.

El Correcto

god is dead
How do you think we're funding Iran?
I concede I confused the one time payment for monthly payment.
It doesn’t change the fact they have an ICBM program and a history of hiding uranium enrichment facilities and have exceeded heavy water limits, then come out with bull:censored2: excuse they thought they were estimated round about numbers. We should of never paid this country and should of never lifted sanctions to begin with.


Staff member
I concede I confused the one time payment for monthly payment.
It doesn’t change the fact they have an ICBM program and a history of hiding uranium enrichment facilities and have exceeded heavy water limits, then come out with bull:censored2: excuse they thought they were estimated round about numbers. We should of never paid this country and should of never lifted sanctions to begin with.
You can say it's a bad deal but with six nations involved, us walking away doesn't get us anything.

El Correcto

god is dead
You can say it's a bad deal but with six nations involved, us walking away doesn't get us anything.
I think you are wrong on that. Progressives always talk about America leading the way on bad deals, we should lead the way in getting out of them. The Iran deal is set up loosely and in effective not even sent through our treaty process in Congress.