The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
It was a joke comparing illegals voting to straw purchasers. The simple fact is while it might be a right there are laws in place for ID present or even having third party monitoring in some states. Why can’t we have voter ID laws state by state like gun ID laws?
We do, that is how it is laid out in the Constitution. Federal Courts have overturned many state laws as "Unconstitutional," requiring photo id for instance.


Well-Known Member
It’s all dumb arguments. REEE don’t be racist let irresponsible people and illegals vote!
Oppose Voter ID Legislation - Fact Sheet
Federal Courts constantly overturn states attempts to identify legal voters and turn away fraudulent voters, trust me you do not want total Federal control of state voting law. Federal ID would be the first step in that direction. Only my opinion. I believe a more suitable solution may be found in states defying a Federal Judges order, and compel citizens to produce a government issued picture id to vote. Make the judge enforce his own order. Not so sure the current administration would force compliance. It would be the rights version of sanctuary cities and states. Let the leftist progressives howl. There needs to be a showdown, what time better than now, especially with the immigration garbage they are attempting to force feed legal citizens.

El Correcto

god is dead
Oppose Voter ID Legislation - Fact Sheet
Federal Courts constantly overturn states attempts to identify legal voters and turn away fraudulent voters, trust me you do not want total Federal control of state voting law. Federal ID would be the first step in that direction. Only my opinion. I believe a more suitable solution may be found in states defying a Federal Judges order, and compel citizens to produce a government issued picture id to vote. Make the judge enforce his own order. Not so sure the current administration would force compliance. It would be the rights version of sanctuary cities and states. Let the leftist progressives howl. There needs to be a showdown, what time better than now, especially with the immigration garbage they are attempting to force feed legal citizens.

We have enough watchdog organizations. I see states passing legislation to enable illegals. I’d like measures against that.


Well-Known Member
Oppose Voter ID Legislation - Fact Sheet
We have enough watchdog organizations. I see states passing legislation to enable illegals. I’d like measures against that.
You still don't understand, the Federal government is not your friend when trying to disqualify illegal voters. An illustration California has 55 electoral votes. In their state they may allow (for argument s sake)3 million illegal Mexicans to vote, the state however still has 55 electoral votes to cast. Texas on the other hand has 38 electoral votes, and has tried to pass laws that made it harder for an illegal voter to cast a ballot. The Federal court has struck down many of these attempts by Texas to ascertain legal voters. Put the federal government in charge of legal voter Id, and how it is ascertained and Texas stands to go to the same column as California, democrat. If you can't understand my angle I'm sorry I've failed to be clear, or maybe you haven't truly thought this out. I don't give a rats behind how many illegal voters vote in California, let them cripple the state. I do care about states that want only citizens to vote, being able to pass laws that allow the opportunity to succeed in making a legal citizens vote count. If you don't understand this I'm through with illustrations. The federal government as it stands now is an enemy of the legal voting citizen.


Well-Known Member
i thought the timing of this 13 russians thing was suspicious considering the FBI just dropped the ball on that florida shooter.

but i dont blame the FBI for what happened in florida, i blame policy makers and ultimately citizens.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
How ironic we live in the information age where every kid has a cell phone and is on it constantly but nobody thought of warning their fellow students of the potential Danger.
Sometimes the fix is right in front of your eyes.
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Well-Known Member
How ironic we will in the information age where every kid has a cell phone and is on it constantly but nobody thought of warning their fellow students of the potential Danger.
Sometimes the fix is right in front of your eyes.
How ironic, people like you continue to blame the victims......

El Correcto

god is dead
How ironic, people like you continue to blame the victims......
It’s not the victims fault, the fbi fault, the parents fault, the killers fault, the schools fault, the gun free zone policy’s fault, mental illness fault, the anti school to prison policies or the fault of local police who went to his house 30 something times in the span of 8 years. It’s the fault of guns! If we only took away guns(somehow) and made them illegal violence against children in school wouldn’t happen! :furious: Let’s not even consider any other arguments, they clearly don’t care about children....