The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Inordinately Right


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
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Trump said he was going to lock her up.

But he's a total P*.

So he flip flopped.Typical.

Backed down on his promise to lock her up.

Your dom is a liar and a P*.

Said he would lock her up.

He flip flops left and right.

Trump is a total P*.

Trump said he would lock her up.

He flip flopped cause he's a total P*.

Own it trumpflake.

Stop dodging trumpflake.

Trump said he would lock her up.

He didn't do it cause he's a total P*.

Trump said he would lock her up.

But he's a huge P*.

Own it trumpflake.


Trump is a P*

He chanted "lock her up".

He said "she has to go to jail".

He said if he were president she "would be in jail".

Well, he's president. And he's done absolutely nothing to lock her up. Because he's a total P*.

Own it trumpflake.

Blah blah blah.

He said he would lock her up.

Trump is a P*.

The jury is out.

Trump is guilty of being a P*.

Trump said he would lock her up.

Are you suggesting your dear leader lied?

No, that couldn't be possible.....

Either that or he's a total P*.

Own it trumpflake.