The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Inordinately Right
i am trying to own it but you have not been able to answer the fundamental question of this issue.

there are various investigative bodies presently reviewing the handling of the hillary investigation that could still achieve that outcome.

you dont seem to recognize those

therefore since you have made claims of respecting the constitution in the past how exactly did you expect the good president would act within his constitutional authority and lock her up

answering this question would allow me to own it as you have asked .
Keep dancing Trumpflake.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Trump bangs hookers. Dude has to pay for it, sad that you think that’s something be proud of.

and suddenly your side took a porn star and sleazy lawyer and tried to turn them into Mary and Joseph.
and yet your side wants to lecture us on morals. That my friend is some funny crap.


Well-Known Member
You think Trump is a manly man, he has to pay to get laid. Sad.

thats the best you have to hang your hat on is an unproven rumor ?

your the party of Clinton the rapist, the party of porn stars and sleazy lawyers
the party of many hollywood sexual abusers

and this is the best you have to try to claim the moral high ground?


Well-Known Member
thats the best you have to hang your hat on is an unproven rumor ?

your the party of Clinton the rapist, the party of porn stars and sleazy lawyers
the party of many hollywood sexual abusers

and this is the best you have to try to claim the moral high ground?
*jim jordon*

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
thats the best you have to hang your hat on is an unproven rumor ?

your the party of Clinton the rapist, the party of porn stars and sleazy lawyers
the party of many hollywood sexual abusers

and this is the best you have to try to claim the moral high ground?
He’s admitted paying for hookers and he’s your hero, sad.