The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
You mean defending America? Russians were just indicted and you cry about the Clintons to defend Russia. Reagan is rolling in his grave.
Mueller's investigation is so tainted that anything he does looks suspicious. And you're soooooo concerned about Russians now but I bet you had Russian pinups in your room when they were communists. Eh, comrade?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Mueller's investigation is so tainted that anything he does looks suspicious. And you're soooooo concerned about Russians now but I bet you had Russian pinups in your room when they were communists. Eh, comrade?
Only Trump’s ignorant base thinks Mueller is tainted, polling shows more people trust him than the president.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Obama administration was hacked by the Chinese, Trump & Obama hacked by the Russians... We knew the Russians were involved.

Another nothing burger served up. I see the investigation running out of steam. Yawn.

Now let's move on to making America Great again. :devil3::lol::teethy:

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
In case you missed it because the news will not highlight it ,from Rosenstien's statement "There’s no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There’s no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result."

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Obama administration was hacked by the Chinese, Trump & Obama hacked by the Russians... We knew the Russians were involved.

Another nothing burger served up. I see the investigation running out of steam. Yawn.

Now let's move on to making America Great again. :devil3::lol::teethy:

Not necessarily. All 12 defendants are members of the GRU, a Russian federation intelligence agency within the main intelligence directorate of the Russian military, who were acting in "their official capacities."

Trump and Republicans in general widely criticized the idea that the hacking might have been ordered and run directly by the Russian government, rather than rogue Russian hackers.

Putin will probably tell Trump they’ll be back at it to try and tilt things toward the Republicans this November when they meet in Helsinki on Monday.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
In case you missed it because the news will not highlight it ,from Rosenstien's statement "There’s no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There’s no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result."

Right. They always say “in this indictment”, which doesn’t preclude allegations in future indictments. Just a statement that you won’t see “X” in the current indictment.

Would be no reason for Americans to be involved in this aspect of the Trump election efforts anyway.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Right. They always say “in this indictment”, which doesn’t preclude allegations in future indictments. Just a statement that you won’t see “X” in the current indictment.

Would be no reason for Americans to be involved in this aspect of the Trump election efforts anyway.
Maybe they received some funding from Perkins Cole ?


Well-Known Member
Right. They always say “in this indictment”, which doesn’t preclude allegations in future indictments. Just a statement that you won’t see “X” in the current indictment.

Would be no reason for Americans to be involved in this aspect of the Trump election efforts anyway.
Robert Mueller is still an old ground pounding street cop. Today's indictment is a clear message to the American people that says...." brace yourselves the worst is yet to come". , which clearly explains why Trey Gowdy and the rest of Trump's loyal subjects wants the investigation closed.
Trump's, Gowdy's Clinton's Pelosi's both parties have them by the pallet rack full. The real worry lies in the possibility that Mueller may uncover an international bank fraud, money laundering, embezzlement and obstruction of justice scheme so egregious and so pervasive that it brings about the collapse of the international banking system with the resulting global recession ratcheting up already boiling global tensions.


Just a turd
Obama administration was hacked by the Chinese, Trump & Obama hacked by the Russians... We knew the Russians were involved.

Another nothing burger served up. I see the investigation running out of steam. Yawn.

Now let's move on to making America Great again. :devil3::lol::teethy:
Your lack of concern that our democracy was attacked by a foreign government certainly explains why no action has been taken by the Mods on this site for all the fake account, vote yes, trolls that have inundated this site the last couple of weeks. Comrade

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Robert Mueller is still an old ground pounding street cop. Today's indictment is a clear message to the American people that says...." brace yourselves the worst is yet to come". , which clearly explains why Trey Gowdy and the rest of Trump's loyal subjects wants the investigation closed.
Trump's, Gowdy's Clinton's Pelosi's both parties have them by the pallet rack full. The real worry lies in the possibility that Mueller may uncover an international bank fraud, money laundering, embezzlement and obstruction of justice scheme so egregious and so pervasive that it brings about the collapse of the international banking system with the resulting global recession ratcheting up already boiling global tensions.
If he is that I hope he uncovers all because if what you say is true they all need to go down Democrat and Republican. But call me apostle Thomas.


Well-Known Member
Your lack of concern that our democracy was attacked by a foreign government certainly explains why no action has been taken by the Mods on this site for all the fake account, vote yes, trolls that have inundated this site the last couple of weeks. Comrade
Delicious, sup fella?


Well-Known Member
When ignorant people are polled, what result should be expected? Not that I agree with your statement however, offer your poll results. If the polls exist it is further proof of uneducated ignorance. Stay in line, your voice is heard.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
When ignorant people are polled, what result should be expected? Not that I agree with your statement however, offer your poll results. If the polls exist it is further proof of uneducated ignorance. Stay in line, your voice is heard.

I’d respond to you the way I’d like to but recently read the BC Terms and Rules and found I can’t according to Point 6 of the “7 Ways to Get Your Posts Edited or Deleted” section at the bottom.



Well-Known Member
Your lack of concern that our democracy was attacked by a foreign government certainly explains why no action has been taken by the Mods on this site for all the fake account, vote yes, trolls that have inundated this site the last couple of weeks. Comrade
Interesting how these ‘Libertarians ‘ align so closely to oligarchy and Putinism. Peas in a pods, so to speak.