The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Staff member
Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Bob Corker, Tim Scott, Trey Gowdy, Liz Cheney, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake, Will Hurd, Adam Kinzinger, Orrin Hatch, Frank LoBiondo.

Probably missed a few.

Additional Rs from this article:

-Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich,
-Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla
-Ohio Gov. John Kasich

-Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C.:
Those guys are all rino's and never trumpers in 3...2....1


Well-Known Member
Where a good reset button when you need one



Staff member
I would prefer to talk about how they're different, because those differences are so obvious and extreme. They come from very different worlds. Putin is an ex-Soviet intelligence officer with all that that implies. Trump is a colorful American businessman and showman.

In their habits, they're radically different. Trump is a posturing performer, full of idiotic narcissism. He appears to be a disorganized fool, to be honest. Putin, on the other hand, is calculating, organized, and he plans everything. He also hides much of his personal life in a way that Trump does not.

Then there's also the fact that Putin is so much more experienced than Trump. He has more than 15 years of global political experience. He knows how to do things, how to work the system. He makes plenty of mistakes, but he knows how to think and act. Trump is a total neophyte. He has no experience and doesn't understand how global politics operates. He displays his ignorance every single day.

A Russian newspaper editor explains how Putin made Trump his puppet


Well-Known Member
The only American guilty of collusion with the russians

And yet you can’t defend Trump’s performance today without bringing up Clinton.


Trump got rolled like a drunk John at a whorehouse, but he thinks he’s the big-shot. It was clear who the Alpha was, and it wasn’t Trump.

The disconnect between Trump’s ego and reality is galaxy-wide.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Protecting Clinton and trying to frame Trump suggests their loyalty lies elsewhere. Name all these Republicans of conscience denouncing Trump.
And yet you can’t defend Trump’s performance today without bringing up Clinton.


Trump got rolled like a drunk John at a whorehouse, but he thinks he’s the big-shot. It was clear who the Alpha was, and it wasn’t Trump.

The disconnect between Trump’s ego and reality is galaxy-wide.
One thing I know from the last year and half and that is Trump has delivered when all the TDSers were claiming economic collapse to millions will die.

I don’t get today’s viewables either but I know Trump is a winner and the TDSers are the losers.


Staff member
One thing I know from the last year and half and that is Trump has delivered when all the TDSers were claiming economic collapse to millions will die.

I don’t get today’s viewables either but I know Trump is a winner and the TDSers are the losers.
How can conservatives who wrung their hands at deficits over the Obama years call this a winning economy?