The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
I never said it was because of your extremist conservative viewpoint. I've pointed to your hypocrisy given your constant bashing of the people and political movement responsible of the creation of the program while at the same time holding your hand out for every dime's worth benefits you can get your hand on. That is indisputable fact. Now you're always waaaing about the high cost of living in the US but the very existence of SS will contribute mightily toward your ability to live in the US in the future. Now if the Utopian existence you brag about wherever that little piece of heaven happens to be really does exist then I and I'm sure others politely suggest that you stay there because truthfully you may very well be better off .
Always with the twisted view. Social Security is a program that every working American contributes into as well as those businesses you like to bash. It's not a handout. And I've never bashed it and have repeatedly said it's the best thing the Democrats have ever come up with. At what point do you stop lying about what other people say? And my criticism of the Democrat party is they collect votes by giving away freebies but do very little to improve people's lives. And they support some things I'm adamantly against like abortion.


Inordinately Right
Trumpflakes will never accept the intelligence community's assessment that Russia meddled in our election because it casts doubt on Trump's legitimacy as president.


Well-Known Member