The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Just a turd
Do you even listen to your crazy?

Why not look at the simple, logical conclusion?

Trump has been and is compromised and will side with Putin no matter what.

The only explanation for how he acts towards Russia and Putin


Well-Known Member
Imagine this:

Trump has his one-on-one with Putin, and in the public press conference he says all the same stuff about nuclear proliferation, Syria, China, N. Korea, etc.

But then, Trump says this:

“Well, ah, a lot of bad things happened when Obama was President, Russian meddling, or hacking, or whatever, which, to be honest Obama did nothing about.

President Putin denies doing it, and that’s fine, it wasn’t on my watch, (sniff), but I have great faith in my intelligence community, and Russia and the US should get along, that’s not a bad thing.

But I’m President now, so I told Putin, no more, no more, not on my watch. It’s a good thing, not a bad thing for Russia and the US to get along, but, you know, it’s up to Russia. It’s not going to work if Russia is playing video games or whatever.

So, next question...”

That’s a Trump speech I could get behind.


Well-Known Member
Do you even listen to your crazy?

Why not look at the simple, logical conclusion?

Trump has been and is compromised and will side with Putin no matter what.

I do enjoy watching you libs stick your chests out and act like war Hawks. What a nice role reversal politics gives us.


Well-Known Member
Ah. So if the Donald doesn’t suck Putin off it means nuclear war?

Great question, and it’s a false dichotomy, as if the only two choices are ‘get along with Putin’ or ‘total thermonuclear war’.


We can ‘get along’ with Russia at the same time we call them out on their attacks on our homeland.

The ‘Trump Apology Syndrome’ is thick in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Do you even listen to your crazy?

Why not look at the simple, logical conclusion?

Trump has been and is compromised and will side with Putin no matter what.
Not trying to be funny here but given how the feds are closing in on Trump one indictment at a time and given his money and connections if he were to abandon the office and flea would Putin offer him asylum in Russia? As crazy as that sounds we are however entering uncharted waters and nothing is outside the realm of possibility.


Well-Known Member
Correction:.... flee. But hey you simply do not know what Trump and his loyal subjects are capable of. Once he's airborne short of shooting down his plane before he enters Russian airspace ???? More importantly who will give the order? Mike Pence? Even more frightening what if Russian fighters intercepted US aircraft trying to divert Trumps plane over international airspace? Dime store spy novel stuff? You could say that but in the midst of an obviously deteriorating political situation here in the US who really knows?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
So you watch the president spew all kinds of Putin love and you think there’s just nothing to it?

That is outside the realm of rational thought.
I think your Squidwardlike TDS is way outside the realm of rational thought.

You know y’all are to look back on this in 30 years and you’re going to be so ashamed.