The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You should look back one year and be ashamed that you defend this jack wagon of a president.
I don’t defend him ... I have zero authority (outside of my 1 vote) to do anything about Trump.

Answer me honestly, do you really believe all this silly stuff you get excited about?

I would respect you more if you are not going through TDS and it is an acting game where you are giving the performance of a lifetime?


Inordinately Right
I don’t defend him ..


Well-Known Member
I don’t defend him ... I have zero authority (outside of my 1 vote) to do anything about Trump.

Answer me honestly, do you really believe all this silly stuff you get excited about?

I would respect you more if you are not going through TDS and it is an acting game where you are giving the performance of a lifetime?

To be fair, you’re not excoriating him, so, by definition, you’re defending him.

It’s all about ‘sides’, man.

Which ‘side’ are you on?



Well-Known Member
chris hedges truth dig:

Did Russia attempt to influence the election? Undoubtedly. This is what governments do. The United States interfered in 81 elections from 1945 to 2000, according to professor Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University. His statistics do not include the numerous coups we orchestrated in countries such as Greece, Iran, Guatemala and Chile or the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba. We indirectly bankrolled the re-election campaign of Russia’s buffoonish Boris Yeltsin to the tune of $2.5 billion.

But did Russia, as the Democratic Party establishment claims, swing the election to Trump? No. Trump is not Vladimir Putin’s puppet. He is part of the wave of right-wing populists, from Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson in Britain to Viktor Orbán in Hungary, who have harnessed the rage and frustration born of an economic and political system dominated by global capitalism and under which the rights and aspirations of working men and women do not matter.


Well-Known Member
The irony is that there was serious meddling in the presidential election, but it did not come from Russia. The Democratic Party, outdoing any of the dirty tricks employed by Richard Nixon, purged hundreds of thousands of primary voters from the rolls, denied those registered as independents the right to vote in primaries, used superdelegates to swing the vote to Hillary Clinton, hijacked the Democratic National Committee to serve the Clinton campaign, controlled the message of media outlets such as MSNBC and The New York Times, stole the Nevada caucus, spent hundreds of millions of dollars of “dark” corporate money on the Clinton campaign and fixed the primary debates. This meddling, which stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders, who probably could have defeated Trump, is unmentioned. The party hierarchy will do nothing to reform its corrupt nominating process.

WikiLeaks exposed much of this corruption when it published tens of thousands of messages hacked from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s email account. The messages brought to light the efforts by the Democratic Party leadership to thwart the nomination of Sanders, and they disclosed Clinton’s close ties with Wall Street, including her lucrative Wall Street speeches. They also raised serious questions about conflicts of interest with the Clinton Foundation and whether Clinton received advance information on primary-debate questions.